MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Discussion > Pairing a black male with a white female...

Pairing a black male with a white female, this time the propaganda is for children!

The left's hatred of white people spills again into children's mainstream media. White characters are to be replaced with non whites, and white females are especially targeted to be paired with non white males. People who hate whites flood forums to do damage control and pretend like none of this is happening, but there is example after example of white characters being changed to be non white, or a white character paired with non whites. This is an exclusive phenomenon that has been happening in the media targeting whites for the past few decades.


This is the second film in the series.


To be fair Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales/Spider-Man are a couple in the comics. I personally have no problem with it.


Everything is "canon" in the comics.

Superman is gay because it's "canon" in the comics.

Alfred is gay because it's "canon" in the comics.

Harley is gay because it's "canon" in the comics.

Jane/Thor is in an interracial relationship because it's "canon" in the comics.

Spider-Gwen is in an interracial relationship because it's "canon" in the comics.

The comics have been converged since around 2012, pushing every single Left-wing propagandist trope you can think of. And a lot of people -- predictably -- will defend it because they've been programmed to.

None of what you said, though, refutes OPs point -- if anything, your reference to the comic books reinforces OP's point.


I admit I mostly read older stuff from the 60s to the 90s. and I'd never read Gay Alfred or gay Superman. Or Gay Harley Quinn. But I do not get what is wrong with Spider-Gwen and Miles being a couple. Are you implying you are a racist? Not to mention Spider-Gwen is not the Gwen Stacy from the 60s and 70s Spider-Man comics.


I'd never read Gay Alfred or gay Superman. Or Gay Harley Quinn

Well, you've spared yourself some heart-ache and cringe. If you were interested....

But I do not get what is wrong with Spider-Gwen and Miles being a couple. Are you implying you are a racist?

How do you go from Liberal-infused propaganda in media designed to subvert and undermine cultural standards to "The person who explained this to me must be racist!"?

The problem with Zoomers and Millennials is that self-reflection is an art-form lost to time and literature deemed too offensive for today's generation.


Nothing you said makes any sense. I'm through with this discussion. Good Day, Sir!


Cyguration believes interracial relationships are wrong. He openly states that proudly. He is a bigot.








I can't complain if its canon or from original source material. It is what it is. It's only replaced if it were the opposite.




Tiny dick issues.


the👃wants to replace us whites with easier to manipulate minions...


Yeh, too wokey 4 moi


So now adhering to the source material is also too “woke”. You clowns need to make up your tiny minds on what to cry about.


If the source material was made woke, then anything based on it will be woke.


I thought you said to make up your own characters? Is that out the window now that they based a character off this and it is successful? Did you stick your foot in your mouth?


They made up their own characters that are latched onto the popularity of existing characters, and using that popularity to usurp engagement for the purpose of spreading their own agenda.

There's nothing organic about it.


It's successful and making money. It's a hit critically and culturally. You aren't getting your way. Choke on it.


Personally I did wonder why the black kid gets a hot white blonde. "Where da white women at?" popped into my mind.


Yeah it sets up a subversive propaganda tactic that they've been using for a while -- it's to demoralise White men, mostly. Hot white woman? She's either in an interracial or gay relationship.

Capable, strong, bada$$ hot woman? She's either in an interracial or gay relationship.

The only time the straight White guy gets the hot White girl in a blockbuster film is if he's some dopey underachiever that the alpha-female helps to achieve his potential. Or he never gets the girl and she just helps him fulfill his quest.

The days of the likable White male becoming alpha and getting the hot alpha chick seem to be behind us, unfortunately.


So aren't you the guy who told me interracial relationships are wrong?


Nothing in my post indicates otherwise.


So am I a mistake since I'm an interracial person?


Only if you're a statistic.


What statistic is that? I have never been arrested, do not do drugs and work a job while paying my own bills. So am I a mistake because you believe interracial relationships are wrong? I am a product of an interracial relationship obviously. So me being born was wrong?


If you look at most statistics related to those relationships, they contribute to high divorce rates:

...which in turn contributes to the over-bloated welfare state in many nations...

...which in turn causes more economic problems for that nation.


Answer my question. Stats do not tell the entire story. I already went over this with you. You can't analyze a basketball game by only looking at a stat sheet.


No response yeah did not think so.


He's just a bigot. Your conversation can't go anywhere productive. My daughter is interracial and he can kiss my ass.


Good for you! Your daughter I'm sure is a beautiful human being. Keep.on being a good awesome parent.


Thanks, moviefanatic505. She is a good person. Getting ready to start college. I wonder if his kids are going to be educated?


Can you expand on why this film demoralizes you?

James Bond gets the white girls, seemingly with hardly any effort at all. Bond would be the opposite of the dopey under achiever.


James Bond gets the white girls, seemingly with hardly any effort at all.

Bond represents an archetype for men to achieve. He's the pinnacle of masculinity in many ways, and it's something that men SHOULD strive to become (even though they can't). He's an inspiring figure, much like Superman. They represent cultural archetypes for hope.

Bond would be the opposite of the dopey under achiever.

And what did the dopey under-archiever do to win over or earn the love of the hot chick? With Peter, it was a combination of things... his wits, his determination, his loyalty, his dedication, and also his self-awareness. He was self-deprecating while also being snarky and witty. The complexity of his relationship with Mary Jane always hinged on those layers of his personality and how it contrasted with Mary Jane's. At the same time, his vulnerability and quirky sense of confidence is something in lore that always attracted Mary Jane to Peter.

It was a case of: if you work hard, put in the time, even when the world works against you, you can still etch out a win. There was no overwrought contrivance in Peter's victories, which were essential in making him seem relatable. He didn't just bag the hot girl just because. Opposite of James Bond, Peter had to work for it.


Bond does not inspire me.

So if a man or boy who you feel is undeserving attracts the attention of an attractive female, it offends you? Sounds like the same kind of talk I see from incels online.


So if a man or boy who you feel is undeserving attracts the attention of an attractive female, it offends you?

See ---->

"With Peter, it was a combination of things... his wits, his determination, his loyalty, his dedication, and also his self-awareness. He was self-deprecating while also being snarky and witty. The complexity of his relationship with Mary Jane always hinged on those layers of his personality and how it contrasted with Mary Jane's. At the same time, his vulnerability and quirky sense of confidence is something in lore that always attracted Mary Jane to Peter.

It was a case of: if you work hard, put in the time, even when the world works against you, you can still etch out a win. There was no overwrought contrivance in Peter's victories, which were essential in making him seem relatable. He didn't just bag the hot girl just because. Opposite of James Bond, Peter had to work for it."
