MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > How can Obi-wan make the same mistake tw...

How can Obi-wan make the same mistake twice?

Obi-wan had the chance to kill Vader on Mustafar but left him assuming he was going to burn to death. Vader survived and wreaked havoc on the galaxy. Then Obi-wan has Vader beaten in this series, and instead of finishing him walks away with guilt. Vader survives again and continues his reign. What's the logic behind this?




Do you pay attention to what you are writing? How could Obi Wan kill Vader when the future films have him alive and well?


EXACTLY!!! Prequels tend to have this problem! Where is the drama of all the potential dangers our heroes face IF THEY'RE ALL GOING TO BE ALIVE AND WELL *** AFTER THEM ***??????


That's why this series should never have been made. Disney is a hack!


Prequels are notoriously troublesome and unsatisfying for events are locked in and outcomes known. There's no room for exploring fresh ideas even when they do come around. For some insane reason, Star Wars has decided to build an entire franchise on the prequel model.


You can say that about anything, not just prequels. When you watch any action film, you know the hero is going to make it to the end and save the day. As in a prequel, anything can happen to the characters around him, so there is plenty of uncertainty to create tension.

Consider films based on books. Do you find, say, the Lord of the Rings films to be troublesome and unsatisfying since you know from the get-go Frodo is going to toss the ring into the fires of Mt. Doom?


No because Frodo wasn't actually able to toss the ring in. It took Gollum biting his finger off and accidentally falling into the lava to destroy the ring. So there.


That in no way refutes my point, but I assume you already knew that and posted merely to be a troll. My point stands.


You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Someone pointing out an inaccuracy in a statement someone made does not a troll make. And if a post is followed up with "So there!", then you probably can guess that it wasn't really a serious post anyways lol


Trolling is doing exactly what you did-- chime in with a response unrelated to the topic at hand in hopes of sparking some sort of pointless back and forth.

How the ring ends up in the fires of Mt. Doom is immaterial. The point is that despite us all knowing it's going to end up there, it's still satisfying to watch it happen.


Stop arguing. The more you argue, the dumber you sound. How can my post be any more related to yours than what it was. You said "You know Frodo is going to throw the ring in." and I followed with "But he isn't able to throw the ring in." That there was one of the main points of the story - even as resistant to the ring as hobbits are, and as good morally as Frodo was, he still couldn't overcome the corruptive power of it.

Now be quiet, you monkey!


Where do people like you come from? What is it about trolling and arguing that delights you so? You clearly won't admit you were wrong, so let's just drop it. Go ahead and get the last word in, as I'm sure you want to lob some more insults at me, though again-- why? What is it about being rude online that is so appealing to you?


Obi-Wan blames himself for Anakin turning into Vader and just can't bring himself to kill him, no matter how much damage Anakin does. Also, Anakin was the child of a prophecy, the one destined to destroy the Sith and bring Balance to the Force.

So you can either read it as weakness on Obi-Wan's part - he will beat the crap out of Vader but draw the line at executing him - or his devotion to believing in the Jedi prophecy - which Vader ultimately fulfills when he turns on Palpantine in 'Return of the Jedi'.

Apparently, Stuart Beattie (the writer whose film screenplay was used as the core of this streaming series) says his proposed film series would have explored Obi-Wan's rationale for sacrificing himself during his final battle with Vader.


Specially when he says “you’re not him” and leaves … WTF???


And if he killed Vader, then how would you explain the movies going forward with Vader alive and well? Obi Wan had to let him live


I don't disagree with that, in THAT context.

The problem is not that he had to let him live, the problem is with the idiot writers that put him in that position ...

Looks like lately star wars NEEDS to bring back Vader so they are more compelling.

I bet we will see some Vader in Andor as well ;)


But what a twist for the show that would have been!

If Obi-Wan had just killed Vader there and then, everyone would have been blown away...


Jedi only kill out of self-defense.


Kinda makes sense if you watch that dated Star Wars movie from 1977. The cringey grandpa B-actor who plays Kenobi just surrenders and lets himself get killed by Vader.


Vader wasn't beaten, he could still had kept fighting. Once Obi-Wan realised Anakin was dead he lost interest in the fight as he was trying to save him.
