I am pretty right wing..

And I am enjoying the show.
Yes, there are some far left ideologies that are mentioned in the first episode, but they are hardly being pushed. Unfortunately, this is just how a lot of young teens speak nowadays.
It has nothing to do with the plotline of the show.
You shouldn't let your political opinions control your opinions of films or TV shows.
Especially, if you are on the right. Most people in Hollywood are lefties so you will miss out on a lot of good films if you think that way.

Anyway, I'm only up to episode 3 but this seems like a pretty good show so far.


You can ignore the fem-nazi BS... but how do you ignore the black cousin to a family that is clearly Nordic white. That to me is more difficult to get past. If you want black characters to meet some diversity quota, fine... but for the love of god stop cramming them into supposed familial relationships that just aren't possible.


I find it annoying when diversity is forced in a film or TV show but not so much that I can't get passed it.
I will think things like "Ah, I see they have chucked a gay relationship into the show for no reason at all..."
It feels like the left are constantly going out of their way to show how tolerant and accepting they are.
We get it....You're not homophobic or racist. That's great..

Anyway, as long as there is something else I like about the show, I can normally get passed things like that.


So is Brietbard News a "Far Left" publication because it promoted Milo Yiannapolous "The Dangerous Faggot" ?

The world is diverse, not monotonously white like in "the old days" when Hollywood portrayed a majority of Americans as being white when there were in fact millions of non-White Americans living at that time.


White people make up ~77% of the U.S. population, meaning for a show to be realistic, 8 out of every 10 characters should be white. When you consider that much of the non-white population exists in cities and suburbs, it should honestly be way less than that, even. Gays make up around 4.5% of the U.S. population, so there shouldn't be more than 1 gay character for every 22 non gay characters.

Anything more is absolutely unrealistic forced diversity.


lawl so a show about witches has to be realistic. ohh wait only if its characters are EXACtLY representative of all demographics then its "unrealistic and forced diversity"

you are an idiot man.


His comment wasn't about Sabrina per se rather it was a comment directed at movies and shows from Hollywood in general.. and he is right. The only question is whether Hollywood is making a conscious effort to produce content that is clearly out of whack with actual demographics, or are the demographics in LA drastically different from the rest of the country such that casting directors in LA are casting based on their own perception of reality and not what it really is... sort of the way Westerns made in the 50's and 60's gave the impression that places like Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas had huge mountains in the background simply because that was how the locations in California looked and they didn't bother with trying to capture reality.


I knew a guy growing up who was white and had a black cousin. His uncle married a black woman. And if people lived for hundreds of years I imagine their family trees would become impressively large. Impossible? I do not think that word means what you think it means.


The trouble is the show has shown us the race and general appearance of Sabrina's parents.. Mom is flat out white, dad has two sisters that are blond and super white, so clearly any cousin would be half white, and even if that cousin had one black parent the reality is the actor they have playing the "cousin" isn't a melato which is what he would have to be if he were really a cousin. That's the problem, it just flies in the face of reality... Makes as much since as it would if Sabrina was played by a Korean actress and the Zelda by a Aboriginal actress and Hilda by a Nigerian actress... In other words it just doesn't work. I wouldn't care if they wanted to make them a family of blacks, of asians or whatever the hell they wanted them to be, but at least be consistent and stop swapping racing that shouldn't be swapped.


I think you need to learn more about how genetics works- mixed race children can come out any color.


I've know a lot of mixed race people, I'm mixed myself. And when one parent is a uber white blond you don't get that color of offspring.


Chris, I haven’t found MC to be awash in a sea of folks who understand genetics (or grammar, or spelling, or reason or proofreading), but you already knew that. Good to have you back. I gave up on the Westworld topics shortly after you left, not because I was disappointed in the show at all, but because they were overrun with troglodytes who couldn’t follow the story and who therefore decided that it was no good, and worse than the first season, and a hack job and not worth their time. Stupid me: I found Season 2 to be head, shoulders and belly-button above Season 1. Aren’t I the goose? So much dimmer than folks like Jeepster! To be serious, we’ve lost a lot of good posters, and too many inmates have been thinking they’re running the asylum. We’ve gained some really good people, too, for example, LauraGrace, twinA, TheLovelyAnomaly, thewaitress, charliekelly, to name a few really good people. I hope that you stay back for awhile.

From The Princess Bride: “Inconceivable!”
“I do not think that word means what you think it does.”


Put another way: “Can you say ‘Adopted’? Sure you can.”

BTW, I hate this diversity and inclusiveness bullshit with a passion, but not as much as I hate intellectual laziness.


Pretty busy these days, but I come back every so often to comment on something I've watched in my sparse off time. Yeah it's annoying when they add situations and characters just for the sake of diversity and are obvious about it. You can almost picture someone at the studio checking off boxes. There's plenty of diversity in real life but it's just there. Part of the scenery so to speak. They need to introduce stuff more naturally, less up front, in your face, and obviously meant to maximize demographics.

The troll types always try to grab control. By the time they get it though, a topic has usually been discussed to its conclusion and beyond. I don't really need to read page 20 of a thread that was done being fully explored on page 2. The last fifteen pages are going to be nothing but an endless back and forth between a handful of posters sniping at each other.

Westworld demands effort from its viewers. It doesn't connect all the dots for you, and quite a few things remain up in the air about WTF is actually happening (and when). For those who need their storyline wrapped up in a neat little package with a bow on top I'm sure it's infuriating! :)


Lets say for a moment that American TV is real life. It is like there is a law that says White people cannot be together without a non white present. Make one related and even better!


Sure that would be possible, but if that were the case you would have a mulatto, which is a half black / half white offspring and when the white side is a fair skinned blond you end up with someone that looks much lighter than the actor they have who will also generally have a lighter hair color. If you want to cast someone that is a mulatto then find someone that at least looks like a mulatto, it is a bit like casting a dog to play the part of a cat, it just doesn't look right when they do this diversity casting.


It is bad casting but I have been noticing that little details like the ones you mention don't count anymore. It is all about ticking those PC boxes. I noticed in the Charmed remake you have 3 sisters which are all of a different ethnicity. Possible in a sense if you consider the mother reproduced with 3 different men but still not highly likely.


Yes... that's a reason I won't even bother to watch the new Charmed. If they wanted an all black version of Charmed, and all Korean, all Hispanic or whatever I probably would have given it a shot... but I just can't ignore such blatant diversity over reality bullshit in casting... Was a fucked up as the version of Fantastic Four that had the characters that were supposed to be brother and sister as a black guy and white girl (and yeah I know they tried to spin some adopted story but they were making a movie based on existing character that were supposed to be blood relations).


It's why i haven't bothered with this,Charmed and why i stopped watching Doctor who.I don't mind diverse casts at all.But not when it feels forced or shoehorned in for the sole sake of being diverse.Like there's some PC officer standing behind the scenes checking off a list making sure quota's are met.Then it feels disingenuous and fake.Shows like that tend to care more about preaching SJW politics than they do about storytelling.


Funny you mention the PC officer standing behind the scenes. As I understand it they used to have pretty much have that in the late 70's early 80's for Saturday morning cartoons and shows in the US. I guess they figured it worked for kiddies shows it must work for adult programming as well.


I saw a review recently of "The Good Doctor" on IMDB it was from a Korean guy who was complaining about how PC American shows are and how PC gets in the way of the story telling. He also mentioned one of the episodes about a Muslim woman who makes perfumes from the ingredients that are used in explosives. He mentioned how insensitive that storyline was given the amount of victims from terror attacks.

So overall it is interesting to see how it all backfires on them and how awards nights ratings have dropped ever since they all started making political speeches rather than just entertain.

Another show that comes to mind is Supergirl, they make Jimmy Olsen, the quiet, naive Scandinavian a black man, that was no co-incidence. They push the refugee storylines, they even made the President a woman no doubt anticipating a Hilarity win. I know agenda's have always been in movies and film but usually they have been creative about it, now it is just in your face.


Supergirl has become a joke at this point.Their not even trying to be creative or subtle about it.From what i've seen the entire main plot of this season is an allegory for racism and equality.It's an SJW show disguised as a sci-fi superhero show.


It is and I know that superheroes have always been a SJW thing even way back. The funniest part is despite all the Feminist and assorted SJW shit the producer still gets taken down by #Metoo! lol Same as Google which has also been "rocked" by sexual harassment claims.


Honestly, I find it more jarring that one of the sisters is British and one is American, and there's no indication thus far that they were raised separately... On the contrary, their close relationship suggests otherwise and there is mention of their school days together and the way Zelda always bullied Hilda as they grew up.

The cousin is far more believable. Ambrose is clearly not 100% African descent, and he is obviously not the child of Zelda or Hilda, so the term "cousin" is likely referring to some cousin other than a first cousin... He could have any number of descendants not directly related to the fully Caucasian branch of the family.


The different accents are jarring to me as well, though neither one is doing an American accent. It's a bit confusing to me why either of the sisters would have a British accent. I thought they were the descendants of the witches who settled in Greendale. Shouldn't they be American?


I'm not finished this series yet, but aren't Sabrina's aunts like 500 years old? I would think that in that amount of time they could have traveled and picked up what ever accent from where they lived the longest. Ambrose is English as well, so I think that it's fair to assume that at least Hilda there for a while.


I don't remember them saying a number; I only recall Zelda said they were the descendants of the settlers of the town in an episode(???) but I don't know. I've been meaning to rewatch some of the episodes over the holidays. Maybe I'll figured it out :P


I honestly don't know if I am thinking that because of this series, the comic, or the other TV series.


Yes, the accents are annoying but that's just another example of the bad casting they have in this show.


Is it not possible an Aunt Married a black man somewhere down the line?


If that happened you would get a mulatto and it is pretty clear the "cousin" on the show is not half black / half white. It is just another extreme case of diversity casting. A bit like the black Gweneviere that they decided to use on the old show Merlin where it just never made sense.


Whatever happened to the Suspension of Disbelief? If the character is appealing, who cares what color?
How about Love Sees No Color? Sounds to me like people are coming up with thinly veiled excuses to not like Black people on White shows.


Yeah and you think you could suspend your disbelief if they were to have Rebel Wilson playing Karen Carpenter... Sorry but there is a reason you are allowed to exclude actors based on race when you are casting movies and shows, the very look of a person is not something you can just suspend disbelief of. Otherwise why even bother casting women for female roles and men for male roles we might as well just use a lottery to pick actors for roles regardless of their appearance. I don't like black people in roles that are white nor do I like the thought of white people in the roles that should be black.. should we get Anthony Hopkins to play Kunta Kinte?


There is nothing that says that this character needs to be white. I'd like to know how you know that this character is not of mixed race. Are you implying that everyone of mixed race are all the same shade with the same features? Even if he isn't mixed race, they haven't addressed his parentage. He could be adopted. What does it matter? I'm sorry but I don't agree that this is the same as having a male play a woman, (although in Shakespeare's time that did happen as women didn't act) or Anthony Hopkins playing Kunta Kinte.

Unless a role is based on a real person or a character's race is integral to the story what does it matter? I don't see how race is integral to this role.


Okay, then your okay with Anthony Hopkins playing Kunta Kinte (because it turns out Alex Haley's book was in fact a work of fiction so there was no Kunta Kinte only a made up figure)... In other words you're full of it, whether a story is fact or fiction you cannot simply plug actors that aren't the correct gender and race into roles simply to meet some diversity quota. Specifics of gender and race need to be respected within a story regardless of whether it is fact or fiction because those things are as defined in reality as is gravity and making willy nilly changes on a whim distorts the narrative.


I'm not full of it. But it would seem that you didn't read what I wrote. 'If race is integral'. That was a key point. You are hung up on a diversity quota, and yet you are ignoring the fact that in reality, people adopt children that aren't of the same ethnicity as they are. People also have children with those that are of a different ethnicity. You are assuming that there is no reason why, and yet they haven't explained Ambrose's parentage at all. He doesn't appear to be the son of Hilda or Zelda. You also seem to be forgetting that Ambrose is also over 100 years old. It seems that you are so hung up on why he can't possibly be her cousin that you seem to be ignoring all the possible reasons he could be.

Why does it matter so much to you anyways?


It matters because I am against propaganda. That is what these diversity driven casting decisions are, no different than what Joseph Goebbels how he pushed the Germans to hate jews... Here you have a prime example of Hollywood trying to push racial mixing. As someone of mixed race I find it completely wrong. The reality is when two people of a mixed race marry they may be happy, good for them.... But when they have kids the kids are fucked, they don't fit in with either race and they know it. There is no reason it should happen and shows like this will only result in more of it and more kids being born into a world where they just don't fit. That's why I have a hatred of this crap, because I've experienced the end result of what happens when it gets put into practice in the real world.


I'm truly sorry that that has been your experience. I don't know where in the world you are, but I can tell you that while there are racist people everywhere, not all places are that narrow. Where I am, there are mixes of all people and no one really seems to care that much. I'm also sad that you felt the need to fit in with either race as I don't think that race should have anything to do with fitting in.

Representation in the arts and culture historically tends to lead to more acceptance. Please explain how showing a family that accepts someone who looks differently from them is comparable to German propaganda?? Love will happen where it happens regardless of a character on a tv show.

But.... we also don't know what Ambrose's history is or who his parents even are.


The devil being the God of all witches bothers me a bit. As does the shady things Zelda does. I hope Sabrina defeats the Devil later.


The far left talk in the show got me to stop watching episode 1 halfway through. I've heard this continues throughout the series so I'm pretty wary about trying to finish it. I'll try to get around to it though.


What do you consider 'far left talk'?
