MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Should they bring back Miyagi ala Grand ...

Should they bring back Miyagi ala Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars?

Facial manipulation/replacement is way better now with advancements in deepfake technology.


Maybe...MAYBE as a flashback. If done right, and could be real magic to see Mr. Miyagi again. Not a bad idea...and a show this popular could pull it off. If they do it... they should get the blessing of Pat Morita’s family first.


I feel like there's gotta be some cut scenes that never made it into the movies that could be repurposed for a meaningful flashback. I mean three damn movies... there had to be at least one cut story arc for Miyagi.


It's hard to say but many deleted scenes back in the day were destroyed because it was really once DVD came out with bonus features that they started to keep deleted scenes and all.


A flashback would be a good idea, a supernatural coming-back-from-the-dead plot would not.


They could easily do this - that deep fake stuff you see on the YouTube these days probably costs nothing and is way better than that weird Tarkin we got in Rouge One.

Story-wise, easy enough as well - I remember they brought fan favourite Harold Bishop back into Neighbours years ago simply by saying he'd whacked his head off a rock - losing his memory in the process, floated down the coast, and been taken in by kindly villagers whom he'd lived with for several years.

Could easily do the same thing here.


They definitely should not bring Mr. Miyagi back from the dead and say he's been alive this whole time. It's appropriate to the story that he has passed on. However, they could make some beautiful flashback scenes...if done right (and very, very sparingly).


Disagree. How about Miyagi faking his death to get away from Daniel. Miyagi becomes in cahoots with Kreese now. Maybe that is the secret that Chozen is talking about. I know Miyagi would be very old but maybe when he went back to Okinawa, he discovered the secret to immorality or at least able to live on much longer by creating an elixir from some Okinawan tropical plants


LOL secret to immortality

what about some cyborg parts


Yup and this elixir caused him to look younger so a new actor can be cast. finally we see him fight in his prime. Would be a lot fun to see him turn on Daniel


I think it'd be quite appropriate and in line with the Cobra Kai Daniel-san storyline to bring Mr Miyagi back.

When season 2 finished Daniel-san's wife was on the verge of leaving him due to his unhealthy obsession with the teachings of Miyagi do. He thought he was doing the right thing, ignoring his business, his wife, his portly actual son to try and teach it's wisdoms to Robby but he failed, with Robby nearly killing that kid.

Season 3 opening with Daniel-san on the beach, crying in dispair at what he's done, his wife having packed up her belongings, etc thinking all was over... But then! Out from the mist walks Mr Miyagi, explaining his absence (possibly ironically to help Larusso get over his obsession with him?) and vowing to help Daniel-san sort out his failings could be television gold!


They could replace him with Jackie Chan, like Daario in Game of Thrones


I think some of you are missing the point of this reboot. Less is more when it comes to the presence of Mr. Miyagi. It's more of a...."spiritual" presence. Daniel is now a grown man and he's trying to lean on the spiritual teachings of his master from a long time navigate the troubled waters of adulthood.

Part of what's sobering about all of that is....he doesn't have Mr. Miyagi himself to lean on anymore, such is life. None of us will have our mentors forever....we can only hope their guidance at the time....gave us the roots and emotional resources to get through life on the back nine.

If they were to bring back the character of Mr. Miyagi as a living character (like, with a different actor) would go from a Grade A show to a C- show immediately. It would be like replacing Andrew Lincoln as the actor playing Rick Grimes....with some new lookalike, just to bring Rick back. Rick was (and is) the soul of TWD.....but part of that is because he's now gone, if that makes sense.

If they show any "new" footage of Mr. should only be as a flashback, and used only very, VERY sparingly. Anything more would be gimmicky....overkill....and would ruin the whole mystique and soul of the show. It would be an enormous mistake....and would only be done if the producers were 14 year olds. LOL


Well I totally disagree with you. I'd love to see Miyagi back, having faked his death to get away from Daniel. An immortal Miyagi with a secret elixir, made on Okinawa. What can top that? It also adds a touch of science fiction to the series


Please, please tell me you're kidding.


either way its hilarious!


It would be a nice turn for the series to delve into the sci fi universe with an evil, immortal Miyagi. A sci fi karate series. A first of its kind I believe


I'd watch the shit out of that season!!!


Only people who don't understand or appreciate acting would favor this.


No. Absolutely not.




Miyagi comes back from the dead and is now one of those supernatural martial arts dudes who can run up ceilings and fly across the room to kick guys in the head!
