MovieChat Forums > Superman (2025) Discussion > It's official. David Corenswet is playin...

It's official. David Corenswet is playing Superman in reboot

And Rachel Brosnahan is playing Lois Lane.


I've not to my knowledge seen Corenswet in anything, but there's an important likeabilty to his face (which Cavill never had, IMO), and at 6'3" he's actually got the height!


Have you seen Pearl (2022)?

He's 'the projectionist' who works at the theatre in it.


No, I haven't seen that.


He's 6'4" and she's 5'3"... Eh, I think Superman's face as Cavill was more aligned based on jaw structure and angles. But that's just me.

“Big galoot.” If anyone needs a refenece for Gunn’s version of a galoot, look no further then Gomer Pyle. Gunn is going for the smarmy, wheedling, clumsy, socially awkward Clark Kent—awestruck, by the simplest things. He wants to juxtapose this, against the Superman persona as an expert problem solver, able to diagnose earth’s perilous problems. Predictably, this is Gunn’s modus operandi, tugging on the heartstrings, of the audience. If anyone recalls, one of Gomer’s favorite one liners was, “Shazam!” (Not kidding) So basically we’re getting another throwback boring retread Superman. We already know what happened to Shazam 2. Another Marvel movie in the making.


He look like a younger henry cavill , her slightly like a young margot kidder ?


Knew they would get it.


He doesn't look the part the way Reeves, Routh, and Cavill did, but he doesn't seem out of place. If we learned anything from the debacle that was the "Snyder-verse" it's that you can have the best possible actors in place, but your film will still suck if its poorly conceived and/or implemented. James Gunn has a solid track record, so there's reason to hope the Super-Man franchise will at last be back on track.


Yeah, what WB was doing before just wasn't working and I say this as a MoS fan. James Gunn wasn't my first choice as a director but yeah, he's done very well in the superhero genre and I hope his strategy for the DCU succeeds.


I wanted Nickolas Hoult to get it but... oh well. He looks fine visually so good luck.

But they keep hiring those bland forgettable actors for Superman and then Superman look bland and lifeless and has no personality. And so his movies dont get that much money in return.

Anyone remember Brandon Routh who played Superman next to Kevin Spacey’s Lex? Gut was mini-me of Christopher Reeve but his Superman had no personality. And movie basically flopped and his career went nowhere.

This guy is 29 and is a D-lister. Been acting since 20 years old and all he could get for 10 years was some few episodes there and there in forgettable shows no one watched.


If this guy is 29, then this movie is starting on quite shaky ground. James Gunn might be thinking 29 is young for an actor to play Superman. Apart from that, if the actor has not shown his talent for acting, then at best we might get a very good movie with a forgettable Superman. That might be the best to hope for. Gone are the days, where the type of performance like Christopher Reeve in Superman 3 (the famous Clark vs bad Superman fight) was possible. We have to settle for a good Superman movie rather than the best possible adaptation - one that could outshine the DC animation Justice League episodes.


He will actually be 30 in a week. So he is 30 now and who knows when they will start filming. And since they keep doing endless sequels and shared universes we then have 45-50 years old actors who run around in spandex like they are 25. Because this job takes at least 10 years time. They really should hire 25 years old tops.


Agreed. Perhaps Gunn thought that if Cena was good enough (age-wise) for the Peacemaker show, then this will be fine too.


Exactly. He'll be 32 by the time the film comes out & 35 by the next possible sequel.

They should do the same with the next James Bond imo. Get someone who as you said, can do it for the next decade.


They never get far before rebooting so will it really matter anyway?

I think the main problem with big screen Superman is literally that he is Superman. Once you go beyond origin & maybe a romp with Luthor, where can you go with this indestructible character?

Fallibility is what makes these characters interesting but Superman doesn't really have any (once you've played out Kryptonite in one film say).


I just googled David Corenswet name. He looks like a step down from Cavill. At first glance he seems to possess the charisma of a potato. I don't feel confident in this casting. We'll have to wait for a long time now. But I'm relatively patient.



Superman has never been about being the most well known or best actor. Reeve wasn't well known before he got the part. Now his performance was outstanding in the Donner flicks. No one would have known though if they hadn't given him the chance. I personally like going with an unknown. What matters is the script and direction. Cavill wasn't that great but it had tons to do with script and direction. Let's hope they focus on making a good film this time rather than chasing trends for money.


You could be right about Brosnahan. You probably are. Thanks for the reply.


Step down from Cavill? You must be joking.
