MovieChat Forums > I, Tonya (2018) Discussion > People should watch this

People should watch this

Anyone who was old enough to be sucked in by the media circus that this scandal turned into should make it a point to take a look at this film, in my opinion.

The media seemed much more about the sensationalism of it all than it was about maintaining the kind of objective balance that'd presume Tonya's innocence until evidence proved otherwise.
But being honest, even if evidence came along that absolved Harding of any wrongdoing in the Kerrigan attack, how happy would the media have been to report it? Or would we have been to hear it? Because we've got to admit that, although it might not seem very nice, there was quite a bit of fun to be had during the couple months we spent focusing on this Hillbilly girl and her bumbling husband, right? Well considering that, what would the possibility of her innocence have brought, other than damage to the narrative we were having such fun with?

Anyway, regardless of where you stand in regards to her it, its only fair to acknowledge that her role had been laid out for her pretty much from the get-go. Kerrigan was its hero the moment she became the victim, could we have honestly entertained the notion that maybe Harding wasn't as much the villain as seemed to befit the story? How fun would that have been??

In the last couple months, the articles about this upcoming movie had comment sections riddled with people mostly bemoaning the current state of Hollywood. Not the scandals, but that it'd even stoop so low as to peddle this kind of white trash story. "White trash" came up repeatedly of course, and while you may not find the best sampling of voices within comment sections, I personally never saw a single comment that was anything other than damningly derivative of Hollywood and/or Tonya...certainly not one suggesting the possibility that maybe there was more to this story than what we already knew. But that was always a possibility, wasn't it? The telling of a side that we hadn't heard?

After seeing the flick last night, I passed along my recommendation of it to a friend, commenting that Tonya Harding's guilt might have to be re-thought. In response, I got a chuckling, "Oh I have a hard time believing that!" Which, sure that has to be the prevailing opinion, I'd imagine.
But why? Do we really and truly think that we have the kind of information on the subject that'd allow for the most objective, fact-based decision on it? Have many of us ever stopped long enough to have wondered whether or not we did? The line of questioning isn't likely to be met with much more than scoffs by those who've yet to view the movie, but they're questions that end up being well begged and something that the same people may find themselves unwittingly exploring afterward. I sure have been.

In the meantime, this isn't just a great movie, but a great sports movie, detailing an ice skating prodigy who was driven by a love for it...and whose life ultimately served as a testament to just how influential a class system can be that many of us are barely cognizant of even existing.

Based off interviews and testimony from the key players in the Kerrigan scandal, watching it brings a much needed sense of balance to the story and will likely leave you amazed at how easily the truth can be blurred when viewed through the lens of sensationalized media coverage.

5/5, great movie and a must-see. Do it for Tonya, damnit.


No way, Jehosaphet!

First if all, Tonya wasn't innocent.

Secondly, she destroyed her own promising figure-skating career through her own arrogance, hubris and stupidity

Thirdly, she doesn't seem to know how to take responsibility for her own actions and behaviors. According to her, things are always somebody else's fault.

Fourth: The fact that she had a messed-up childhood and a tough life doesn't excuse the fact that she was involved in an incident that resulted in a potentially crippling physical injury to a rival competitor, co-conspired to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of her ex-husband and his henchmen, and made an unprovoked physical assault on a now ex-boyfriend with a hubcap and seriously injured him, and subsequently brought a police warrant down on her own head.

Fifth. The fact that Tonya Harding has the nerve to deny her involvement with the masterminding and planning of the attack on Nancy Kerrigan even to this day is rather disgusting.

Sixth: The loss of her skating career is her own damned fault, nobody else's.

Seventh: Having had a difficult past myself, I would've liked to root for her, but, given all of the above, I cannot/will not do so in good conscience.

All of the above having been said, the film "I, Tonya" is already on my "don't-go-to-see" list of movies.


Which is exactly why you should see it. Really, go see it.
I'm not saying Tonya is innocent, but I am saying that it looks like there's indication enough that she's been wronged by the press to merit us reconsidering what it is exactly that she's guilty of.

When it comes down to it, she was charged and convicted of hindering the prosecution of Jeff Gillooly...and that's it. The rest, as compelling as we may have thought it to be, has been based on speculation. Can you think of any kind of substantive evidence pointing to her probable participation in the plot to physically harm Kerrigan? Besides her being married to the perpetrator, I mean? Because I'm no expert in the case, but it seemed to pretty much come down to that as far as the court of public opinion was concerned. She's always held to have not known about the attack beforehand, and I can't say why I believe her without spoiling part of the movie, might as well just go watch it for yourself. Are you going to? Come on.

Also...citing her reluctance to accept responsibility as a reason to not view a movie that seemingly absolves her from having to do just that...its a little...not just unfair but kind of illogical, don't you think? Besides, whats a more natural reaction than defensiveness when you're not guilty of the crime you're being accused of? I know Tonya didn't necessarily suffer from an overabundance of maturity, she'd probably be the first to admit that now, but hinging the question of her guilt or innocence on her demeanor seems to perpetuate the kind of classism that had the deck stacked against her in the first place. Whether we do it knowingly or not...which I think is arguably the crux of this movie's message.

Plus, it' not really fair to say "No she's not innocent", when in fact, yuh huh, she is so too. And plotting to assault your rival prior to a pivotal moment in a sport you've dedicated your life to is a heavy, calculated decision, a far different scenario than assaulting someone with a hubcap some 20+ years later.

So you going to go see this now??


Sorry, Jehosaphet, but I'm not convinced enough to go see the film "I, Tonya". In my opinion, Tonya is not innocent, and she did commit at least two crimes: co-conspiring to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of Jeff Gillooly and his henchmen, and an unprovoked physical assault on and serious injury to Darren Silver (her now ex-boyfriend) with a hub cap, and wound up with a police warrant. Those two above-mentioned actions and behaviors on Tonya's part, were, indeed, enough to get her banned for life from the Figure Skating Association and affiliated competitions, or whatever.

The Olympics committee, at around the time that she may have been allowed to skate again, back in the late 1990's, is when Tonya, with no provocation whatsoever, physically assaulted and seriously injured Darren Silver with a hubcap, bringing a police warrant down on her own head. At that point, the Olympics Committee decided that Tonya Harding was too risky to have around, and too much of a danger to other people's safety, and she was then closed out of skating for good. She deserved to lose her career because of those crimes.

The owner of an Oregon restaurant found a trash bag in the trash receptacle out in back of the restaurant that she didn't recognize as one of theirs. In this particular trash bag, she found a note with the address of the ice-skating rink, in Dennis, MA (which is on the Cape), with the name of the skating Rink that Kerrigan practiced on, as well as the address and phone
number of the rink. A top writing expert here in the United States traced the note and the info to Tonya Harding herself. That, to me, is some rather damaging evidence that Tony Harding did at least play a role in the masterminding and planning of the attack on Nancy Kerrigan.

Also, Tonya Harding had already made a name for herself in the figure-skating world at a very young age, Nancy Kerrigan was edging in on her, and Tonya herself felt threatened by Nancy Kerrigan.


No, I am NOT going to go see the film "I, Tonya", especially just because YOU think I should. I have not backed down from my opinion of Tonya and the crap that she's been involved in and pulled. Therefore, I have a suggestion, Jehosaphat: Get out of my face and stay out of it! Thanks.\

See my other response to you just above, and you'll know why.


*gets all up in your grill*
"That, to me, is some rather damaging evidence that Tony Harding did at least play a role in the masterminding and planning of the attack on Nancy Kerrigan."
That makes complete sense since you've apparently zero clue as to what Tonya's version of the story is and what it says about her role. You're demonstrably ignorant here and are pretty adamant about remaining so, which is fine, but at the same time, I have no choice but to call you out for operating so steadfastly from an uninformed opinion.

Its probably safe to infer from your tone that you're not...your interests are pretty far from being objective in this here matter, am I right? I mean, I read up on the hubcap incident and can't find it having anything to do with her ban from skating some six years prior, nor anything about that ban having been under any kind of reconsideration. So my guess is that you've resorted to making stuff up in an attempt to be...what, right? Is that pretty much it?

Well then by all means, avoid considering even the consideration of new information, but man, you don't have to always be right. Its okay to be wrong about stuff. People refusing information on account of thinking they know what they know...can you think of anything that's been much more harmful to humanity than that? That kind of hubris?
Why do you hate humanity?



Hey, listen, HarvardBarbie:

In the first place, I'm a woman.

In the second place, I did write the posts, but I had the right to.

In the third place, your comment "Maybe he's the guy that got beaned with the hubcap" wasn't was quite retarded. Go fuck yourself.



You're the one who needs a hug, and not the loving, gentle sort of hug, either.


It sure does! Come on mplo, we're hugging it out.
*smothers mplo with hugs*



Haha good point!
Yeah, wait just one danged second can't go telling me to fuck myself and Barbie here that she needs to be bear-hugged to death or whatever WHILE condemning the lovely princess Harding (as she shall now forever be referred to, god willing, amen) for being vulgar and violent.
HEEEEEEYY, nono..that's....BOOM game over mplo, HarvardBarbie ftw!
She got you, she got you good you sonofabich!
C'mon back into the fold, we'll hug it out, don't cry, its okay =D


To HarvardBarbie and Jehosaphet: Suck and bite your goddamn fucking cunts. Unlike Tonya Harding, I've never beat people up for no reason, nor would I ever get involved in the masterminding and planning of an event that's an attempt to cripple a rival competitor by breaking his/her leg.

Bite your ass, Jehosaphet. Get off my case. Bite it! Suck your buns!


tonya Harding never was a lovely princess, and never, ever will be. She's a piece of shit, like both you and HarvardBarbie. No sympathy for her, or for YOU, either.


I take it you're in the Boston area, HarvardBarbie! If so, why don't you and Jehosaphet both get your punk asses down to Southie (South Boston, MA), and flaunt your bitcheries there so that the rest of the world can see what clownish assholes you both are. I'd PAY to see the upshot of THAT one....and to have afew good, hearty, long laughs in the bargain!!


Ha ha ha ha yourself, HarvardBarbiebitch! I see a commonality in you; resorting to thuggery and violence. Eat shit, HarvardBarbiebitch and Johosephat!


Blow it out your ass, HarvardBarbie! You too, Jehosaphet!


Tonya Harding, in real life, got involved in the master-minding and planning of an incident that resulted in a potentially crippling physical injury to a rival figure-skating competitor, knowingly co-conspired to hinder the investigation and prosecution of Jeff Gillooly and his henchmen, and admitted that in order to avoid getting a jail sentence. She committed a crime, was not smart enough to get away with it, ended up getting caught, and then cried foul.


You're a consummate liar, HarvardBarbie. I've only seen you "roger that. over and out" me, ONCE. Don't hand me your bullshit.


I stand by everything I've said, Jehosaphet. Tonya Harding is a consummate liar, and she's always quick to blame other people for the stupidities that she's performed. She thinks she's innocent, and she's not. I don't have sympathy for her, and neither do most people, because she doesn't deserve it.

To be truthful, Jehosaphet, you're not being very objective, either, because your opinion isn't that informed. She definitely did play a role in the masterminding and planning of the nasty attack on Nancy Kerrigan..that's true.

"People refusing information on account of thinking they know what they know...can you think of anything that's been much more harmful to humanity than that? That kind of hubris?"

"Why do you hate humanity?"

Here's a suggestion, Jehosaphet: Go and fuck yourself.


Hey, listen. I'm not making any stuff up, jack-ass. Get that through your thick head. Thanks.


"take responsibility for her own actions and behaviors. According to her, things are always somebody else's fault."

A clear behavioral symptom of victims of multiple modes of abuse and those who held tightly under control by extremely insecure people. Blaming the victim is so easy, and so commonplace, in our world but shows a lack of logical thinking, imagination, reflection, and empathy or compassion.

The condition called Learned Helpless can develop when one is conditioned, usually from a very young, to both believe they must perfect and also they will never be good enough. Plus, they will never succeed without their abuser, who usually sabotages their success in order to maintain control. Sick form of desperate aggression. It's a vicious cycle played out in the lives of those with the resulting low self-esteem. Now, whose fault would that be? The victim?

And, being taught from when they're infants that violence is the natural way to express yourself? The infant's fault?

"Fourth: The fact that she... was involved in an incident that resulted in a potentially crippling physical injury to a rival competitor, co-conspired to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of her ex-husband and his henchmen, and made an unprovoked physical assault"

And, yet, a rich, very popular man named OJ Simpson walked away scott-free from charges of murdering two human beings.


I see that you're a sympathetic supporter of Tonya Harding, kumarihpx, which I'm not. Tonya doesn't know how to take responsibility for her own actions, and she's always loudly claiming her innocence, when it's clear that she did play a role in the masterminding and planning of the attack on Nancy Kerrigan. Co-conspiring to obstruct the investigation and prosecution, imho, is a crime, which Tonya Harding committed, and it screwed up her skating career, for good.


Yes, it's very good. It is a necessary illustration of how the politics of representation shape cultural narratives, often fallaciously. Tonya Harding was obviously a complicated and flawed person but certainly did not deserve the vilification and derision of a ravenous news media and by extension the public. The film really shines a light on the cycles of poverty and abuse that keep people from having a fair shot.


Well, my lack of sympathy for Tonya Harding still stands. If you don't like it, too bad. I'm still of the opinion that she fucked up her own skating career for life because she committed two crimes. Just because she wasn't convicted by cops, etc., doesn't mean that Tonya was innocent. The fact that the Figure Skating Committee banned her for life has nothing to do with her class background. When somebody takes a career in the sports world, s/he can expect to be scrutinized more closely and more often by the media and the general public, and a certain amount of decorum is expected, which Tonya displayed none of. It has nothing to do with her class background, either. Nancy Kerrigan didn't come from wealth. She, too, on the other hand, came from a working-class background. Nancy Kerrigan's father, a welder, had to work 2 or 3 jobs to support Nancy's skating lessons, not to mention himself and the rest of the family. Nancy Kerrigan was the one who was injured here. ';;

Tonya Harding is a self-centered, lying, egotistical, hedonistic, arrogant mess.


Hey, its okay to be jealous of other people who are accomplished, I'm a little jealous of Brad Pitt for being more relatable in his handsomeness than I am. You know how lonely it is being hot? I'm sure you don't and that's OKAY. There's a LOT you don't know, and a lot that you don't need to know. Like you don't need to know the truth about Tonya and we get that, we really do. But don't hate her out of jealousy just because you're stuck in that vicious cycle of being born and being you.

So what if you look like the rodent version of a leper-riddled Sasquatch, there are plenty of people out there who would gladly feign attraction for you, there are! Your Mom was one of them...hookers are people too and should absolutely not be tortured to death for any reason. Just...throwing that out there. Not even if they're named Tonya!

Get over here you humpbacked little leper, give me some love! And think about finally learning to forgive whoever it was that may have repeatedly molested you as a kid, I'm guessing it was a "Tonya", and let go of it, you're only hurting yourself.


Jehosaphet--You've got me wrong here, babe. You think I'm the least bit jealous of Tonya Harding? You are crazy as a loon, if you think I am. I don't need your love, I'm not a humpbacked leper, nor was I molested by anybody, especially by a Tonya.

YOu, Jehosaphet, are talking straight out that stupid ass of yours. You don't know a fucking thing about me, and you never will, you stupid-assed retard. You got a lot of balls calling me a hooker or whatever, when I'm not. If you think I'm going to change my mind about and attitudes towards Tonya Harding, just to please you, you've got other work cut the fuck out for you. You know nothing about my mom, either, you stupid cunt.

You've never seen pictures of me, so you know nothing about what I look like, ya cunt. Even those people down in South Boston and Charlestown, MA, who rioted against forced busing back in the 1970's and beyond, had far more common decency than you seem to have. So did the late Boston School Committeewoman/City Councilwoman, Louise Day Hicks. If you don't know about Louise Day Hicks and Boston's busing riots, do a google search. A goldmine of info awaits you there.

If you think that you're going to get me to sympathize, support and like Tonya Harding, just because you do. I've got news for you: Forfuckinggetit, because it ain't gonna happen! Blow, Blow Blow Blow!!!


I know how I remember it and what I thought when this all went down when I was 25 years old, and when seeing it today it puts it all in perspective. We were making fun of Harding too a bit, with her unrefined, tough, redneck persona. Whatever anyone's final opinion is I can't respect it if they refuse to see the movie and then, assuming it went down this way, discuss their opinion. I'm not saying they need to change their opinion, just reevaluate it after seeing the movie and see if they feel at all differently and then discuss why or why not. I know I do feel differently a bit.


To each their own, SWLinPHX, but my opinion of Tonya Harding has not changed, and I have no interest in seeing either the film "I, Tonya", or the "Truths and Lies" program about Tony Harding, tonight, either.



MPLO, after reading that you're challenging a physical fight over some words on the internet (only one of many comments like "Suck and bite your goddamn fucking cunts"), then the answer is:

No. No we don't care what you think.

I'm reporting your posts now and hope others will, too.


You're lying, kumarihpx. I never challenged anybody to a physical over words here on the internet. Sure, I may have said some things that were nasty, but I never challenged anybody to a physical fight. HarvardBarbie and Jehosaphet are consummate liars, and you, are, too.

Jehosaphet threatened to find me if I didn't shut up, and I pointed out to her that making threats over the internet to people is the same as making threats over the telephone to people....that they're both illegal and against the law.


No they shouldn't, this just rehabilitates a criminal.



ALL great points. Clear class-ism and sexism pervades this entire sad story.


Tonya attacked a competing figure skater with a weapon and seriously injured her (not directly, but that doesnt matter) only cause to get her place, beside that she was worse then her victim! Are you completely out of our mind, antisocial. Its idiots like you which are the reason that this society is in a freefall!


You know what's funny? Society is actually doing better than it has been in all of history...really, its true! Read up on crime rates, the amount of people going hungry as compared to just 10-20 years ago...almost every measurable metric shows us as doing pretty damn good.

But if you want to find out why society is in a freefall, just visit the comment section of any given news story, or virtually any forum on any given topic. Got a problem with the amount of high fructose corn syrup in Honey-nut Cheerios? There's better things to worry about, the pretentiousness of people like you will be what dooms us all.
Didn't much care for this Harry Potter movie? Why do you hate civilization?
Think Tonya might have gotten an unfair shake? You're a destroyer of worlds.

I'm just saying that its people like you, Quint, who will obliterate nations and send us all reeling into oblivion.


"Society is doing better than it has been in all of history?" Really? Are you a Donald Trump supporter, or something?


Absolutely I am. If by "Donald Trump" you mean "Tonya Harding". I don't care what side of the fence you're on, if you don't see Trump as a lying narcissistic bumbling buffoon, then you're just as delusional as he is.

But civilization itself, we're at a point where world conflict is at an all time low (due in part to world trade), apartheid is no longer a thing, crime has come down, the Berlin wall fell...
There was a well-sourced article I read a year or so ago that made the point far better than I can...the world is in the best shape its ever been...and its only looking better.
Sure, Trump's an idiot with a self-serving agenda...but when looking at the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure he's going to be able to do much long-term damage, really...despite what looks to be his best efforts.


Do you really think I'm so stupid that I fail to see Donald Trump as the lying, arrogant, bombastic, narcissistic, bumbling buffoon that he is, Jehosephat? If so, you've got other work cut out for you: You're dead wrong here!

Since you briefly bring up Tonya Harding, I have not changed my mind about her, nor do I support her, but I'll say this: Tonya did have a hellish upbringing, but that doesn't let her off the hook for the stuff that she pulled, with her involvement in the masterminding/planning of the attack on Nancy Kerrigan, and the fact that she co-conspired to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of Gillooly and his henchmen, which, in itself was a crime, it cost Tonya her skating career, and well it should have.

Our society isn't doing as well as a lot of people think. Much more extreme poverty, more homelessness and racial, religious and ethnic bigotry, which have always been alive and kicking in our society, are just as nasty as ever, if not more so. Also, we're involved in several mid-east wars, though more covert, which Obama helped get us into. Our public schools, as a society, with few exceptions, aren't that great. Crime has only gone down because many kids are indoors, at the computers, using facebook, Social Media, and other such sites. Is that indicative of a healthy society? Nope. I don't believe so.

Also, climate change is really taking off, and not for the good, either.


"Tonya attacked a competing figure skater with a weapon and seriously injured her (not directly, but that doesnt matter)"

Kerrigan wasn't seriously injured. She only got a bruise. There were no fractures or lacerations. As a longtime, high-level figure skater, she's no doubt had tons of bruises (or worse) simply from mishaps that are bound to occur if you're doing difficult, high-speed stunts on ice all the time and not even wearing protective gear such as a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads.


Kerrigan may not have been seriously injured, but she had a contusion, not just a bruise. Knee injuries are exquisitely painful, even when minor damage is done. Doctors at the time were actually surprised that she was able to make it back to competition in the short amount of time she had to recover.

Parting shot: Tonya is a trailer park trash piece of shit.


"Kerrigan may not have been seriously injured, but she had a contusion, not just a bruise."

Is that a joke?

"Contusion is the medical term for a bruise. It is the result of a direct blow or an impact, such as a fall. Contusions are common sports injuries."

noun: contusion; plural noun: contusions
a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise."

"Contusions are a type of hematoma, which refers to any collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. While the term contusion might sound serious, it's just a medical term for the common bruise."

"Knee injuries are exquisitely painful, even when do serious damage is done."

It wasn't her knee, it was just above her knee. In other words, her thigh was bruised.

"Doctors at the time were actually surprised that she was able to make it back to competition in the short amount of time she had to recover."

Doctors with a flair for the dramatic maybe. She recovered quickly because it was only an outer flesh bruise, which is about the most minor thing that can even be considered an "injury".


Don't be a twit.

To describe the injury as only got a bruise suggests just a boo boo. She had more than a boo boo. Wiki says lower thigh, but other published reports said she was struck on the back side of the knee, not the thigh, and that there was significant swelling.

Still, the whole argument of how insignificant her injury was is ridiculous. We don't know the pain she experienced but do know that she was specifically attacked to take her out of the Olympics so Harding could cheat her way on the team.

In any case, the whole lot of them are inbred rednecks who right now are drinking their Nati Light and smoking their Kools in their trailers.


"Don't be a twit."

So says the moron who said:

"but she had a contusion, not just a bruise"

"Contusion" and "bruise" are two different words which denote the exact same thing.

"To describe the injury as only got a bruise suggests just a boo boo."

No, simpleton. I posted multiple citations which establish that "contusion" and "bruise" mean the same thing. Now go ahead and provide a citation which establishes that "bruise" and "boo-boo" mean the same thing. You can't, because, while the informal term "boo-boo" (used mostly by children, or adults talking to children) could refer to a bruise, it could also include a minor cut, scratch, burn, etc.

The term "bruise" is found in any medical dictionary (and of course, it means the same thing as "contuse" / "contusion"). For example:

Now show me an entry for "boo-boo" in any medical dictionary.

"She had more than a boo boo."

She had a bruise, dumbass. No one here said anything about a "boo-boo" aside from you.

"Wiki says lower thigh, but other published reports said she was struck on the back side of the knee, not the thigh, and that there was significant swelling."

Kerrigan, in an interview years later, said it was just above her knee. Also:

"Kerrigan, who was walking unassisted with just the slightest hint of a limp, was hit once just above her right knee by a man wielding what she called "a long, black stick" after a Thursday practice at Cobo Arena."

(Continued below)


"Jan. 6, 1994: A man with a black metal baton clubs Kerrigan just above the right knee as she leaves a practice session at Cobo Arena during the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. The attacker breaks through a glass door and escapes."

"It all began on January 6, 1994, when Olympic hopeful Nancy Kerrigan was struck three inches above the knee with a police baton by a then-unknown assailant after she wrapped up practice at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Detroit."

More specific information trumps less specific information, i.e., "just above the knee" trumps "the knee", and "three inches above the knee" trumps them both.

"Still, the whole argument of how insignificant her injury was is ridiculous."

Then why are you attempting to argue about it? Also, the most ridiculous thing in this thread, by far, is the following assertion...

"but she had a contusion, not just a bruise"

... which is like saying, "It's not noon, it's 12:00 PM."


For what it's worth, a contusion limited to the skin is just a "bruise", something that is not particularly painful but more unsightly than anything. Since she had joint pain, stiffness, and swelling and required PT and rest, it's likely she had a bone contusion, which takes many weeks to heal depending on severity. But to argue minutia like medical terms is to deflect from the main point.

Then why are you attempting to argue about it?

I didn't start the discussion on the subjective level of Kerrigan's injury or attempt to minimize it by saying she "just got a bruise". I made the mistake of pointing out that her injury was at the very least severe enough to affect her practicing time and threaten her Olympic appearance and that we don't know how much pain and swellings she experienced. I also didn't launch into a two page's worth rant on the subject to further argue the point.

But you're right in that it's a stupid thing to argue about and I've said my piece so I'm out of this discussion, but your impassioned rant left me wondering if perhaps you aren't Tonya, Jeff Gillooly, or Shawn Eckardt...


"For what it's worth, a contusion limited to the skin is just a "bruise", something that is not particularly painful but more unsightly than anything. Since she had joint pain, stiffness, and swelling and required PT and rest, it's likely she had a bone contusion, which takes many weeks to heal depending on severity."

How many times do you need to be told that a contusion and a bruise are exactly the same thing?

"A bone contusion, or bone bruise, happens when you have a small injury on the surface of a bone."

Keep in mind that I'm not accepting your armchair medical diagnosis as fact. Feel free to post an authoritative citation which says she specifically had a bone bruise however.

"But to argue minutia like medical terms is to deflect from the main point."

You're the one who made the hilarious assertion, "but she had a contusion, not just a bruise" (when I asked if that was a joke you should have said, "yes"). So by your own reasoning, you were "deflect[ing] from the main point".

"I didn't start the discussion on the subjective level of Kerrigan's injury [snip]"

That's not an answer to the question. Consider your non sequitur dismissed.

"I also didn't launch into a two page's worth rant on the subject to further argue the point."

Given that no one else did either, this non sequitur of yours is dismissed as well.

"But you're right in that it's a stupid thing to argue about and I've said my piece so I'm out of this discussion, but your impassioned rant left me wondering if perhaps you aren't Tonya, Jeff Gillooly, or Shawn Eckardt..."

Your laughable attempt to redefine the term "impassioned", and your second laughable attempt to redefine the word "rant", is dismissed out of hand. Your asinine conspiracy theory is dismissed as well, and your resignation is accepted.


Way to go, strntz! The fact that people on this thread are pretty much dismissing the injury that Nancy Kerrigan suffered as very small potatoes (just a way of speaking.), is rather disgusting, since it was a potentially crippling injury. Had the thugs that Tonya and her ex-husband were involved with hit Nancy Kerrigan just a tad or so harder, and/or just a wee bit higher or lower, Nancy Kerrigan could've/would've been permanently crippled.


Well, some people like to build straw men to deflect the debate away from the primary point. It's like arguing with a 5 year old and is a complete waste of time.

There's an old expression:

Never play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won.

Sound like anyone we know? LOL


Good point, strntz! Thanks.


For strntz, because this POS sure so often dumps my replies wherever its feeble engine feels like: I’ve always liked you, my friend. I enjoy your use of the present tense.


Had Nancy Kerrigan's attacker hit her just a tad or so harder, or had Nancy been hit just a tad or two lower, her injury would've been more serious. The fact that Nancy's injury was a potentially crippling injury, plus the fact that Tonya Harding co-conspired to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of Gillooly and his henchmen were both sufficient enough to cost Tonya Harding her promising figure skating career, and they should have.


"Had Nancy Kerrigan's attacker hit her just a tad or so harder, or had Nancy been hit just a tad or two lower, her injury would've been more serious."

What of it? Regardless of what could have happened, what actually happened is that she ended up with a bruise on her thigh.

"The fact that Nancy's injury was a potentially crippling injury"

All injuries are "potentially crippling" or even potentially deadly, had the circumstances been different, so your assertion is meaningless.

"plus the fact that Tonya Harding co-conspired to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of Gillooly and his henchmen were both sufficient enough to cost Tonya Harding her promising figure skating career, and they should have. "

That has nothing to do with anything in this branch of the thread, and as such, consider your non sequitur dismissed out of hand.


Thanks! Come and eat me.


Your non sequitur is dismissed, and given that you have no further arguments, your tacit concession on the whole matter is noted.



Thanks again. Go fuck yourself.


Your non sequitur is dismissed, ninny, and given that you have no further arguments, your tacit concession on the whole matter is noted.


I don't concede to your love of and sympathy for Tonya Harding. I stand by my opinions, whether you consider them non sequiturs or not.


Your non sequitur is dismissed, ninny, and given that you have no further arguments, your tacit concession on the whole matter is noted.


Over and out, asshole. YOUR tacit sympathy for Tonya Hardingis recognized, but disagreed with, by me.

Done with you.


Your non sequitur is dismissed, twit, and given that you have no further arguments, your tacit concession on the whole matter remains noted.


Just checked up on this old thread, saw this and couldn't help but chuckle. Discussions with Mplo need someone who can pin her down...she's all over the place. You did a good job of it IMO and damnit, its worth noting.
You have a way with words as well...great points. Always refreshing to read that kind of concisely presented logic =]


S/he was adamant. No matter if the movie might actually be well done and nuanced and interesting, by god, no one should watch it ! Citizen Kane was not a great guy, but it was still a good movie.


Good point.
And you've read over the thread, I take it? Is she a trip or what? Not just that she'd rather die than even consider watching the movie, but that she'd twist facts, manipulate...use transparently dirty debate tactics, solely for the sake of convincing others that Tonya Harding is the ultimate piece of shit and doesn't deserve any kind of consideration whatsoever, may she forever burn in hell.

Not just in this thread, but all over this topic. The woman is a force...she's driven, and no amount of accurate information or logic is going to get in her way, Tonya is an irredeemably violent whore and everyone needs to believe that, no matter what she has to pull out of her ass in order to persuade them.

But yeah, it was a good movie! Shoot, the story itself held the media's attention for the better part of a year and when we weren't collectively bashing her, we were making fun of her trailer trash origin story.

Whatever her part in the knee-bashing, I think its hard to argue that she hasn't paid for it. Unless you're Mplo anyway lol


Hahaha. Thanks for the quick reply. I did follow the I, Tonya stuff when the movie was new, and I remember all this. Pretty funny, really. Maybe we shouldn't watch any Margot Robbie movies because, hey it's Tonya Harding !


May she rot in hell as well!!

Yeah, I'm not sure about most people, but I'll find myself gravitating towards these forums when there's nothing else going on...waiting for something to finish downloading or something. Then generally go a bit overboard on the verbiage, trying to kill time lol


I remember you arguing me tooth and nail about this two damn years ago...and as of a few months ago, you're STILL at it? Good God, you have to spill the beans and explain how you're involved in the whole Tonya Harding thing. Because with as much passion as you have, with the sheer volume of words you've used in doing your best to make sure there's only animosity towards her, there's no question that its either personal for you, or you're a crazy person.

Its definitely one of those!


I recall being really disinterested in the story at the time. When the film came out I figured I would watch it to see what all the fuss was about. No idea how factual it really is but I did think the film was pretty good. Maybe too much emphasis on the dimwitted friends and family though.


From “Bugsy”:

BUGSY You mean “uninterested.” The word “disinterested” means “impartial.” “Uninterested” means “not interested.”

Oh, yeah, it’s also from every English-language dictionary on the planet.

Don’t try to reply. I’m uninterested.



And why this unnecessarily arrogant comment?


Because he is arrogant and unnecessary?
