MovieChat Forums > SWLinPHX

SWLinPHX (245)


My theory is... One thing I couldn't stop thinking throughout the entire film was... The best part of this film was clearly... Damn... FOR THOSE CRITICIZING... Attention to detail... I'm torn... Which dog is the title referring to? Both possible outcomes were predictable, but the best twist would be... Similar overall theme as the movie "Triangle"... View all posts >


If non-binary "they", "them", "their" (plural) and "it", "its" (singular). There's something creepy about the actor who played Dominic, almost like he's not "all there" or inbred or something, LOL. He co-starred with Farrell earlier in "Killing Of A Sacred Deer" and he weirded me out there too. This is a remote island off the coast of Ireland in the 1920's I believe. There are few inhabitants, let alone suitable blokes his own age, and no smartphones, computers, TV or even radio. You've got a small handful of people to choose from aside from the farm animals and family. And you constantly run into them even if not friends anymore, so the situation is quite different from someone ghosting or unfriend you in today's world, although it still can be hurtful. I think Colm with age over time became worried about his own legacy and that he had done nothing with his life and hence projected that onto Padraic, who represented and reminded him of his own insipid and banal existence. Breaking it off with him was a way of making himself feel better about his own wretched life. Since Padraic did nothing wrong and was somewhat of a simpleton with a good heart I can understand his hurt and confusion at being blindsided like that. Honestly didn't think it was good enough to warrant a theater viewing. I've seen better made-for-TV or made-for-streaming movies. Anyone old enough to remember when there was maybe a handful of mainstream movies out at a time and each had a theatrical run for six or nine months at least? A little over the top, better in the middle, then over the top and convoluted in the end. Overreach. Wow, it has tits and ass?!?!? OMG, must be an AMAZING film. 🙄 Huh, how is he gay? It seems you are looking for that. He takes a bath and has a butler or roommate so he's "gay"? Insecure much? He may or may not be but it wasn't anything made clear nor emphasized nor relevant to the plot. Agreed, the ending was really reductive and disappointing. More style over substance. Lemmon was one of a kind and beloved by his colleagues. I was on a movie set trying to stay out of the way and out of a trailer next to me (which I thought was removed from the center of things) steps Lemmon. He walked right up to me and started a conversation. I never start conversations with actors/stars while on the job, but for him to come up to me unsolicited with such a warm demeanor was quite appreciated. Same with other older stars I've worked with like John Astin. View all replies >