MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Why did they act like servants?

Why did they act like servants?

I get that for the first half of the movie you're supposed to assume the black people are hypnotized to behave in the way they do (bland personality, subservient to the family,etc) but once we find out that they're actually possessed by white people, it doesn't make sense to me.... I know Grandma liked a tidy house, but that doesn't explain why she wore servant clothing and the Stepford- like agreeableness that they all displayed.




This aspect of the film still bugs me. Ideas, anyone?


That was why the second half of the film didn't really make a whole lot of sense to me and why i want to check out the film again pretty soon. I did like it though for the social satire and thrills.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I dont think they were servants. This was all for show and set up for the weekend auction. They dont want to give away anything, or draw attention to Grandma being like 25 and Grandpa being like 35.

Assuming all went to plan, they both would be legs up in the house by Monday. Chris would be taken over completely by the art dealer, who can use Chris' body and eyes to see. Art Dealer Chris would probably go on to lead a long and successful career.


I agree.. I don't think they always behaved like servants, that was just for Chris's benefit (and the auction).


Easy answer. The grandparents did NOT dress and act like servants normally - they run this clan. They only dressed and acted that way for Chris' visit in order to fool him.


one possible explanation already given.

mine, which i obviously think more likely, the transplants were not perfect fits - the mind-meld was a hack.

but a piece of grandpa is better than no grandpa at all.

its all a story device, anyway.


From what I heard in the commentary by Jordan Peele, the house is essentially the Grandma and Grandpa's. They're just tending to their house like normal caretakers. Grandpa liked to tend to the yard and his garden, Grandma liked her place in the kitchen.


I'd say this, also mixed quite obviously with the fact of how else would they explain two twenty something black people just hanging around?


Agreed, it's really easy to imagine them as older folks taking care of their house.

It's especially obvious they're NOT servants during the one scene where Walter's greeting the guests. I love that bit, even though it's only seconds long. Old, wealthy white folks greet Walter like one of their own, even though he's dressed like a groundskeeper - it's very jarring (in a good way).


Cause this movie is overrated and a worthless written mess with plot holes everywhere...and only retards can like this and praise this shit...they acted like servants cause it would fool us viewers but it defenitly doesnt make any sense at all in the story...its a huge fuckin plot the one where he can put cotton deep inside his ears even when his arms are tightly strapped to the chair...just lousy writing...


If you don't like something that's fine but why do you have to put down people that do. People can like different things and it's all good. I love this movie and I'm not a retard. At least I don't think I am. I graduated high school with a solid C+ average. Only like 1 out of every 5 retarded people would be capable of that. So that means there's an 80% chance I'm not retarded and those are odds I like!

Also it was shown that his head can reach his hands when he's strapped down as he was trying to undo the straps with his mouth at one point so he would've been capable of putting cotton in his ears.


Also it was shown that his head can reach his hands when he's strapped down as he was trying to undo the straps with his mouth at one point so he would've been capable of putting cotton in his ears.

Yes but he couldnt turn his hands around with the straps and that is a must if he wanna have anything put into his ears and that is the lame plot hole and its not possible in anyway while strapped to put that cotton so deep into the ears that he cant hear the sound on the tv...just lame lazy writing right there...and you could still be a retard just because you know how to read or learn things by doesnt takes much brain skill to study or read at all...


Yeah but your head rotates and you can get that cotton in there alright. Just kinda wiggle it right in. Doesn't have to block all sound out, just needs to filter the sound of the teacup to alter it enough to negate the hypnotic effect. Same thing happened on an episode of Little House on the Prarie so there's precedent for this.

I gave my mom a call after my last post and she confirmed that I'm not a retard, so we've put that issue to rest. I can say with near certainty that I am not a retard. Like my mom doesn't lie very often to people that aren't my dad so we can say with probably around 90% certainty that I'm not a retard.


Are you referring to the episode where Doc Baker transferred Mrs. Olsen's brain into the body of Hester Sue? Or the one where Charles tried using hypnosis to cure Albert of his morphine addiction? (remember at first it didn't work because Albert plugged his ears with hay)


I'm referring to the Albert morphine addiction episode. Remember how at the end of that episode where Matthew Labyorteaux and Michael Landon broke the fourth wall to tell the audience where they could get help if they or someone they know was addicted to morphine?


I do remember when they did that! Landon said something along the lines of: "If you or anyone you know is battling addiction, contact this number for directions to the nearest abandoned shack in the woods treatment center." Helped a lot of people if I recall correctly.


Markdown, I had a solid A average in high school and have earned three university degrees, including a Ph.D., and I liked this film. Clearly clickbait has some problems with this film and, instead of attempted rationally to explain to us what problem he had with the film, he simply lashes out in attack mode and ends up sounding very stupid and lame.


"like the one where he can put cotton deep inside his ears even when his arms are tightly strapped to the chair"

This I found it peculiar as well.


if you watch that part where hes stroking the cotton on the armrest, you would see that hes able to lean his head low enough to stuff them in his ears


Yeah I know I kinda realized it after posting this haha. This is the kind of obvious details I miss sometimes. On another hand, I spot subtle details that nobody sees as well.

But that one I remembered it like 5 minutes after posting this by myself... So don't really know in which category to put it.

P.S.: I don't have a lawyer to prove that I didn't read the other comments on this post to remember it, but I see no reason to lie about it haha. But no I did read them but after it came back to me haha.


Chris makes the assumption they are workers, though Grampa tells him while chopping wood "don't think I don't want to be doing this". At this point in the film they come across as brain washed, which is in a sense they are.

For the record I have a swimming certificate that says I'm a superstar.
