MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Liked the usage of Captain Marvel

Liked the usage of Captain Marvel

It seems as if a lot of people were worried that since Captain Marvel was just introduced she'd be the one to ultimately take down Thanos, but that didn't happen at all. She shined in the couple moments she was in, but didn't overshadow the original Avengers or over stay her welcome.

Seeing her in Endgame makes me like her more as a character overall. I like the power she demonstrated, but again didn't overhave the core cast.


Don't like how the character was shoehorned in at the last minute and the standalone film was uninspiring ... but would have liked to have seen more from the character in the fight.


It sort of makes sense. The reason she wasn't there for the rest of the threats throughout the franchise was because like she said the rest of the universe didn't have the Avengers. The same reason she goes of and does her own thing most of the movie. It made sense to me when she came back because they had just brought back everyone that had been lost as sort of a debrief or a "what now" situation.


At one point it became apparent that taking down Thanos' MotherShip was a high priority. Watching the Mothership train it's firepower towards the sky and having Captain Marvel fly through the ship was a pretty epic scene.

It was one powerful entrance for a powerful character who knew the havoc that they could cause.

Well done!!


Yeah I thought her taking down the ship was awesome and a great demonstration of power.


Yea but I was quite shocked that after a display of such power she would never come back again after being flicked using the Power Stone. Did she fell unconscious or something?

I think the scene was meant to be comedic, as if it mocked the Superman arrival in Justice League and proceeds to single handedly beating Steppenwolf.

When Captain Marvel didn't even budge againts Thanos' attacks I was like whoa this is like the Superman scene! But no, they said, "we don't do that 'ere, son." And there she goes, never to return again. Which was hillarious and a very clever dig, if you think about it.

However, I would like to see her still in the battle doing something after that. Not only showing up all the way at the funeral.



To me this scene is comparable to Thor’s arrival in Wakanda (gee, will the anti-SJW gang take offense to that? Lol). Captain Marvel finally showed up to help and she straight up brought the house down... or should I say the ship down. She was electrifying.


Thor was electrifying. She was ON FIRE!


I still don't like her. Their use of her sparingly helped me enjoy the movie more by focusing on the characters who brought us to this moment - Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor and Iron Man. It was so fitting to see Tony be the one who saved the day. You will be missed Tony Stark! Captain Marvel, take notes on how a hero is supposed to act.


Yeh she is such a great character that even the 2 director's didn't even want her in the film, she was forced in by Kevin Feige.

They had so many versions of Captain Marvel to choose from and they chose the most agenda/SJW driven version from the comics all the way down to her Justin Beiber haircut. She was rebooted again late last year and sales are already tanking that they are gonna reboot her again.

She was in Endgame for about 15 mins and that was 14.59 mins to long. Carol Danvers is easily one of the most unpopular characters in Marvel comics and they transferred that to the screen.

Captain Marvel should have been introduced after Endgame and it should have either been Monica Rambeua or Mar-Vell but as we are seeing with Star Wars, Disney needs it's woke/agenda driven character. Maybe they will come to there senses one day but i'm not holding my breath, just look at Mary Sue Rey.

It doesn't help her cause with the off screen antics of Brie Larson, she is terribly miscast.


"Captain Marvel should have been introduced after Endgame and it should have either been Monica Rambeua or Mar-Vell "

Why Rambeau? Danvers was first. WAY before Rambeau.

For my money, I would've preferred the original. No idea why he was excised from the story, but whatev. It annoyed me ever so slightly, but he got a raw deal in the comics, as well. Shrug.


Just my 2 personal favourites thats all, both better than Carol Danvers. Yes it should have been Mar-Vell but with the success of Wonder Woman, Disney needed there female hero even though they already had many in the roster they could have done solo films for.

If Wonder Woman had tanked then you can pretty much guess it would have been Mar-Vell

Danvers doesn't really become Captain Marvel until 2012 when Captain America tells her that Mar-Vell would have liked it this way to honour the dead. Before this in 70's and 80's she was Ms Marvel, Binary and Warbird.


Yeah, that was before they made her Completely Unlikeable. When she was the girlfriend-turned-superhero, I rolled with it. When they (recently) decided "NO! Everything you know is WRONG!!!" I rolled my eyes. No idea why they've progressively made her so abrasive, but coupled with this latest (absurd) retcon, my already minuscule interest in the comic has evaporated.

Movie was cool, tho. 7/10; 8 if I'm feeling generous. Will probably see it again.

Fun Fact: There *is* no "Captain Marvel" in this movie. . .incredibly. Annette Bening is Dr Mar-vell; Brie is Carol Danvers >Plonk<


I know it is crazy what they have done, honestly read the new Captain Marvel #1 before they reboot it again later this year. The first page will have you running for the lighter to just burn it. The whole issue is Captain Marvel vs Toxic Masculinity.


Let me help you out. . .Check for:

Doomsday Clock
Jessica Jones - Purple Daughter
The Wild Storm
Gunning For Hits
The Freeze
Assassin Nation

I'm reading a bunch of stuff from the big 2 as well, but a lot of it (admittedly) is out of stubbornness and habit. Ah well. . .


Make mine Warbird. Best Danvers. Tortured by memory loss (from Rogue), alcoholic, sexy costume, and eager for battle.
I never liked Monica in the role. The writing at the time was not great and there was never any reason to call her Cpt Marvel. A diff name would have been more appropriate. No connection.

While I do like the short haircut, this newest version is eye-rolling bad in the comics and bland as hell in the movies. Too powerful. Brie looks like that "realistic Barbie" doll they released so many years ago due to the demand of .00001% of people who weren't going to buy it anyway. I'm really bummed they didn't do better with the character.


I think she was used perfectly. A good display of her power without overshadowing the original Avengers as it was their story.


Captain Marvel is the future of the MCU, she didn't need to take over right now. That comes later.


Captain Marvel is a tricky character for Marvel to portray. They, for some reasons, seemed to avoid making her a Superman character. But she, by design, is the Marvel's Superman. It's dilemmatic.

Ironically, this also happened with DCEU Superman. They, for some other reasons, also actively tried to avoid making Superman a Superman. Except for one single scene at the end of Justice League. That was Superman.

I don't know how Marvel would handle this Captain Marvel character in the future. I think they weren't sure either. Thus decided to limit her screentime to minimal and her story as vague as possible in Endgame.

Whatever will they finally do with Captain Marvel, it would surely be interesting.


I thought Sentry was the Marvel Superman?


Maybe. But Setry isn't in MCU.


There are actually a few. Sentry is the most recent. There's also Gladiator, Omega the Unknown, and the briefly-appearing "Sun God," who was in some crossover event a couple years ago that escapes me. But BY FAR the closest Superman analogue for Marvel is Hyperion.


She had a minimal role in Endgame because the Russo Brothers didn't want her in it.


I think using a character that's too powerful is a problem, because it's difficult to juggle him or her in a fight when the rest of her team mates are significantly weaker. That was handled very well in Thor Ragnarok where everyone had super strength and some other trick up their sleeve.



They didn't really give her a chance to shine. She did have the awesome hero moment of taking down Thanos's mothership, but she had absolutely zero character development.

I agree that she felt "shoehorned in", as someone else said. She just had a few lines of dialogue and wasn't included as part of the primary team, and while everyone on the primary team had a lovely chance to show their abilities and grow as a person, she was just used as muscle.


It makes sense though that her appearances were limited. Endgame is more about ending how it all began which is why the main focus was on the original six Avengers. Captain Marvel will have plenty of time to be more fleshed out in future films.


Yeah, she isn't really part of the Avengers team, and this movie was all about the team.

Still, a tiny smidgen of character development wouldn't have hurt, just a realization about something personal or a show of emotion?
