MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Spoiler***Captain America!!!*****

Spoiler***Captain America!!!*****

Am I the only upset that Captain America handed off the mantle to Falcon instead of Bucky, His lifelong friend who is also infused with Super Soldier Serum!!!!!??? He's know Falcon like 5 years. He has known Bucky for 100 years almost!! Am I wrong?? I asked this question at the theater after it was finished and people said I was racist for not wanting it to be passed on to Falcon. I didn't like it because I feel he hasn't the skill set or strength!!


Yeah I agree, kind of hoped it was passed to Bucky


But if it was to Bucky it would be another white guy, and Marvel doesn't want that if they can avoid it.


But Captain America is a white guy. So it doesnt matter what Marvel wants (and no, Marvel dont give a sh*t about the comics at the MCU). But ... they think that black people arent smart enough to create another black superhero on their own. So that is virtua signing and racism against black people at the same time. As always in such scenarios.


That's what happened in the comic, no? Besides, Bucky has been fighting for way too long, maybe he wants to retire too?


The comics dont matter at the MCU. Iron Man never died. And Black Widow never died. So its just racism against black people from Marvel Studios ("These black guys never will create another black superhero on their own!").

This step is demeaning for every black person!


Where do you come from that YOU get to decide that "The comic don't matter." Just because they don't copy the comic entirely means they can't use anything from the comic? What kind of logic is that?


Iron Man and Black Widow have both died in the comics.


In the comics Bucky was Captain America for nearly 2 years after Steve was killed by a mind controlled SHIELD agent. It was a good period of writing for the title. Bucky and BWS were an item during that time.
Then, many years later and after the return of Rogers from death, thew mantle is passed to Sam. Again, temporarily. Rogers returns as Cap but I think they are both existing as different Cap version currently. Not sure since I finally quit reading comics a few years ago.


Sam makes sense. He’s been by Cap’s side all along, helped him look for Bucky and stood by him in Civil War. He was even there when Cap woke up in the hospital in Winter Soldier.

Bucky has probably had it worse than anyone what with the whole Hydra brainwashing torture thing, he’s probably okay with not having the responsibility of living up to Steve Rogers.


It doesnt make sense, cause Captain America is a white guy. Its just Marvel Studios trying to replicate the success of Black Panther. Thats all. And I hope that they are crashing on that purpose, cause switchng the skin color of Captain America is simply racism to black people. Cause it shows that Marvel thinks that black people arent smart enough to create a superhero on their own!


All we know as of now is that there is a Falcon & Winter Soldier TV series coming to Disney +

I doubt Bucky and Sam will appear again in an MCU film because of this. Same with Hawkeye, Loki, Vision and Scarlett Witch (who are all also getting a Disney + series)

If they announce a Captain America movie with Sam then I’ll eat my words but for now you’re probably going to have to sign up to Disney + to see the continuation of his story which by the sounds of it is not something you’re likely to do.


Bucky has murdered a shit-ton of people in his lifetime, innocent civilians included.

In modern parlance, even despite having been under duress, he could be considered a 'problematic person' to take up the mantle.


In modern parlance, a few politically incorrect tweets is enough to disqualify you for the job, never mind the assassinations and the terrorism.


Are you insane?


Why can't Sam Wilson stay the Falcon and just retire Captain America?

Falcon never got enough screen time for me to care about his character anyway, but I’d watch a Falcon movie.

Is the movie just saying Falcon is crap be Captain America instead?

Same with Hawkeye/Ronin and that never got explained!


It's more saying that Capt America is a symbol.

Why be Robin when you could be Batman!


For me Dick Grayson as Batman is just as bad, I tend to prefer the original characters in their roles, especially for long running iconic characters like Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers, if it fits a story arc I'm ok with it but we all know Steve Rogers as Captain America will return at some point, maybe not in the current MCU but in a reboot or a TV Series many years from now.


This isnt about the comics (MCU gives a sh*t about the comics) or fan theories. Its about money. Marvel thinks that an black Captain America will become again some public debate like the horrible mediocre Captain Marvel movie.

Thats, and only thats, why Captain Marvel is now black. Its the economics, stupid.


Winter Soldier is a mentally-ill amputee, mass murderer and former Russian agent.

If you think he’s a better candidate than Falcon, a black war veteran-turned-superhero, than yes, you are racist.


It’s kinda racist pissing on a black superhero, basically telling him his unique superhero is now crap and worthless and giving him a more famous guise previously owned by a white guy since World War II.

I know the comics did it for short periods but with the MCU it doesn’t feel earned, and MCU isn’t exactly close to source anyway, my gripe is why not continue with Falcon as a true superhero in his own right rather than degrade him and throw him away. Just retire Captain America.

I’d much rather watch a solo Falcon movie than a Captain America movie without the Steve Rogers character.


The first Captain America was black in the comics.


The comic doenst matter in the MCU. Iron Man never died. And Black Widow never died. Its just for the purpose of virtua signing and thinking that this makes more money. And its racism to think that black people arent smart enoguh to create a character on their own!


Iron Man and Black Widow have both died in the comics.

I guess you’re a racist, then.


Falcon is getting a TV series with Bucky. I doubt we’ll see a Captain America film with Sam anytime soon if at all.

I can see the next phase of the MCU being Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Guardians (with Thor) and probably another Ant-Man & Wasp film.

There’s even a Black Widow movie in the works apparently and Disney now have X-Men and the Fantastic Four so they’ve got plenty of movies still, I doubt they’ll want to reboot Cap or Iron Man anytime soon.


BW will be a prequel with some new hot actress


Prequel yes, but I don’t see them not using Scarlett unless they want a repeat of Solo’s box office.


Depends on the budget, the story and the actress
