Incredibly boring

Overly long, visually messy, and most of the characters seemed underwritten so more focus could be paid to Iron Man and Thor.

Also, this film was a tonal mess when you consider it was preceded by the comedic Thor: Ragnarok. Try watching those two films back-to-back ... one minute, everyone is laughing it up, next minute, everyone is dead and Thor is getting his head squeezed.


if you don't like it I'll shoot that nutsack of a chin right off your face, you big turd blossom!!!

No really , this film is an unashamed mess, a clobber-porn event for fanboys rather than coherent storytelling or filmmaking. Still, not the worst MCU by far.

Tonally, the entire MCU is an utter mess to begin with - just think the themes and tone from Thor 1 & 2 compared to those in Thor: Fragglerock where Thor cries like a little girl when getting a haircut...the Avengers should challenge Thanos to a dance off in the next one.


Strange, I found it to be the complete opposite of how you described it. Evidently so did many others. Hmm.

Also disagree with your criticisms in regards to Deadpool 2. What you view as boring, is more like enthralling to me. And I can’t wait to watch Thor: Ragnarok and this epic Avengers film back to back; two completely different beasts, yet equally worthwhile. In any case, while I would normally end this with a to each his own, I rather go with... you’re incredibly wrong. And boring.


I found it to be the complete opposite of how you described it. Evidently so did many others. Hmm.

The opinion of someone who boasts about having a herd mentality means so much to me. I love that kind of argument.

Thank you for sharing your (gestures to the "many others") wisdom, DracTarashV2.


There were only three characters that were underwritten. Cap did get his grand entrance though, and also got to end the movie with his "oh god." That leaves Widow and Panther being the ones with nothing to add. Considering how many characters this movie had to juggle, I'd say they did it about as close to perfect as possible. Iron Man got his moments because he's the most famous MCU character who has carried the weight of the franchise for ten years. Thor was focused because he's the only one we've seen so far that could potentially kill Thanos.

Your criticism that this movie was a tonal mess due to it not matching with Thor Ragnarok doesn't make sense. If anything, Thor Ragnarok was the one out of place since it was more comedic than all of the movies before it even including Guardians 1 and 2. Also, why would you say IW was preceded by Thor Ragnarok when Black Panther came out this year? I'm completely lost on this one.


I thought the movie flew by. To me it felt like a 80-100 minute movie. Also, it seemed messy just because everyone behind the camera thinks that you (well whoever is watching the movie) watched every other Marvel movie that is part of Disney's MCU. The way I look at things now when it comes to the MCU movies is that it's like watching a TV show. Each movie is an episode with the Avengers movies being some mid-season finale or some kind of major point in a season. And maybe the Captain America movies since something major happens in The Winter Soldier and Civil War. Infinity War felt more like the season finale. And when it comes to TV shows and each season, they don't start off every episode building the characters and stuff and/or reintroduce them. They pretty much pick up where things left off in the previous episode and the season plays out like someone assumes you watched the previous episodes. Avengers 4 is pretty much seems like it'll be the start to a new season. Or maybe Part 2 of the season finale since after Avengers 4, the MCU is going in a new direction and be the beginning to a new chapter or something like that. I've watched every previous MCU movie, so I felt there was nothing messy about Infinity War. Also, I've got to know all the characters, so nothing ever felt boring.


You could also say it feels like a TV show because the majority of the films (with a couple of exceptions) are filmed in a bland televisual house style by the same people. Ryan Coogler actually pointed this out when he brought on his own team to film Black Panther.

By "messy", I mean it was literally just globs of incoherent action, special effects, explosions, etc ... not unlike "Transformers", which sets the bar for this kind of stuff.

The thinly sketched characterisation is fine if you've watched all the other films ... except for Scarlet Witch & The Vision, who were never as fleshed out as the solo movie heroes, and the Children of Thanos, who never had any characterization.


it was literally just globs of incoherent action, special effects, explosions, etc ... not unlike "Transformers", which sets the bar for this kind of stuff.

It cannot literally be something that is ultimately subjective.


I disagree, especially about the "characters seemed underwritten comment". This is the LEAST standalone movie ever. We've had over a dozen films of build up leading to THIS. That's a ton of time to give to characterization. This is why they broke out the last Harry Potter book into two movies. We've been teased with Thanos since Avengers....I don't WANT time devoted to how Thor and Jane are doing or Steve feeling grumpy about Bucky or Hawkeye getting yelled at by his wife for getting arrested. Give me the damned payoff I have been waiting for since 2012, already! And even then we only got half the story.

Like the band Triad said in their song about Peter Jacksons King Kong...Get to the F-ing Monkey!


This. It baffles me that people don't understand this. I swear they are trying so hard to find negatives with this movie because they have some kind of vendetta against good blockbuster movies and are salty that the Russo brothers pulled it off so well.


Yes, it was so endlessly boring!!!!!!!!! One of the worst Marvel movies ever! And Dr. Strange acted like a 5 year old child ("My stone. Wont destroy it to save universe!" Most dumb plot device in this decade!).


How about YOU, make it better, or shut the hell up!


Couldn't disagree more.

1). Flew by for me and many others.

2). Definitely not visually messy, especially if you've seen the rest of the movies in the Marvel Universe so far, each of the differing visual styles worked for me because i'm familiar with the different visual styles for each of the franchises within the Marvel Universe.

3). None of the characters were underwritten if you watched the entire MCU. I just don't understand this as an argument. If you've not bothered to watch all the preceding movies, and I accept that 19 movies is a lot, but all the characterisation was done in each characters own movies.

I don't need to understand Captain Americas motivations, I know what they are, because he had 3 individual movies and the two previous Avengers movies. I don't need to understand how a "god" like Thor fits into the MCU because again, 3 previous individual movies and two previous Avengers movies have already fleshed that character out.

Infinity War was less about those characters, and more to do with Thanos. I think its fair to say that no character good or bad has had this kind of build up, and this movie was to show just how mad a titan Thanos is.

And I strongly disagree with Infinity War being a "tonal mess" as well. Each franchise within the MCU has a different tone, Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy are tonally entirely different, Captain America The First Avenger is tonally different to Avengers Assemble.

Regardless of the tone of each franchise, it was all leading up to Infinity War, and whilst Infinity War wasn't a laugh riot, there was still plenty of humourous moments in a movie about the death of half the universe.

If you've missed out any of the MCU movies, then your complaints as they are about Infinity War are pretty baseless to be honest, because the setup for Infinity War has been on for TEN YEARS, and the Box Office would suggest that most people got what the MCU was doing and where it was headed.
