MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Quite possibly the greatest sci-fi movie...

Quite possibly the greatest sci-fi movie of all time?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it even dethrones the original star wars trilogy, BY FAR. I honestly felt like I was on a roller coaster of emotions while watching this movie, no movie even comes close to how I felt the entire time. The acting, action, plot, cinematography, and score were all on point and surpassed anything I've ever seen in my life. This movie deserves those billions at the box office, and more.


I would have to pick Terminator 2.. That movie still gets me pumped after all of these years..


Its a comic book movie, great sci-fi films are 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), The Planet of the Apes (1968), Star Wars (1977), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Blade Runner (1982) etc

It is among the best comic book movies made but I rate Dark Knight and Batman Begins higher.


Star Wars was a toy commercial. Planet of the Apes was a great movie.


it was a great movie, but the ending felt cheap


Its not even the best Super Hero movie. Hell, Marvel doesn't even have the best Super hero movie


Star Wars is not a science fiction movie. Science fiction deals with extending Earth technology - Blade Runner, Minority Report, etc. Star Wars is a fantasy movie. Look at what the original movie poster says. Now the question is what is better, Star Wars or The Wizard of Oz?


I totally disagree, it was an ok movie, I’m not a huge fan of comic book movies to begin with though. I definitely like some movies based off comic books, but with all of these super hero movies I rarely feel really invested in the outcome bc I already know that in the end the good guys will always prevail. Even at the end of this movie, I immediately knew that they were going to pull some ridiculous way that was going to stop Thanos from killing half the population of the universe and bring back the heroes who died. Whereas in a lot of other movies I don’t feel like the good guys are essentially invincible and the villains’ plots will always be foiled. Without giving it much thought, sci-fi movies (being somewhat loose with the definition of sci-if) that I think are better off the top of my head would be the original Terminator, Alien, 12 Monkeys, Constantine, Unbreakable, Equilibrium, Minority Report, The Matrix, Moon, Solaris, hell I even enjoyed the original Total Recall than this movie. I’m just not that impressed with cgi fights, I consider the best movies to be ones with more interesting plots that make you think about things and strange/interesting/unique/mind bending concepts that you can really delve into and discuss their meanings and implications (Not saying every movie I listed is like that). In order to be “possibly the greatest sci-fi movie of all time” I feel like the plot would have to be more thought provoking than super powerful alien is trying to collect 6 stones that will allow him to snap his fingers and make half the universes population cease to exist, but the heroes have to stop him! The only somewhat redeeming aspect of the plot is that Thanos believes that this will help the universe by culling all populations before they exceed the carrying capacity of the universe/its resources and doom everyone. He definitely has a point, which I would have enjoyed having some of the good guys at least consider, not all immediately blow off as crazy.


Other potential candidates:

Metropolis (1927).
Woman in the Moon(1929)
Things to Come (1936)
Destination Moon (1950)
The Forbidden Planet (1956).
2001: A Space Oddessy (1968).
Star Wars (1977)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
E.T.:The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Dune (1984)

And I suppose there are many persons who will think my list is much too short.


Infinity War does stand alone in a number of ways, and while I never thought much about it, now that I am it's very hard to come up with a better sci-fi film. Endgame lessens its impact, and in many ways ruins it, but if we take Infinity War on its own, it's pretty amazing. It's an epic quest, but with the villain undertaking what's typically the hero's quest. It ends in a stunning and startling manner, and has one of the greatest single moments in cinema, when Thor arrives in Wakanda. I'd never before, nor have I since, seen a cinema transform into a football stadium, but at that moment the reaction from the crowd was spontaneous and real, and something more akin to a winning goal in a soccer match than a scene in a movie.

I don't think anything on your list comes close. I'm not even sure what I'd list that's on par with Infinity War, primarily because I can think of no other movie like it. It's science fiction and it's superheroes. It's action and poetry. Granted, it built upon a decade of groundwork laid by 18 previous films, but solely on its own merit, it's outstanding. Other sci-fi films may surpass it on straight sci-fi, but I think they'll lack the epic scope, or depth of character, or sheer spectacle, or the magnificent action.


What about Godzilla vs Monster Zero?


This movie is something else. This is one of the best comic book movies ever, in my humble view. Everything works so well in this.
