MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Quite possibly the greatest sci-fi movie...

Quite possibly the greatest sci-fi movie of all time?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it even dethrones the original star wars trilogy, BY FAR. I honestly felt like I was on a roller coaster of emotions while watching this movie, no movie even comes close to how I felt the entire time. The acting, action, plot, cinematography, and score were all on point and surpassed anything I've ever seen in my life. This movie deserves those billions at the box office, and more.



Quite possibly the greatest sci-fi movie of all time?

It's not even the best Avengers movie. It's easily the least of the trilogy. Not to mention "Captain America: Civil War" and "Thor: Ragnarok" are significantly more compelling and all-around entertaining. Actually, all three Thor flicks are palpably superior.

"Infinity War" is okay at best, but gets extra points for the moving climax.


I'm 38, and I've never watched any of the star wars movies, nor do they interest me in any way. Now as for this movie, it was very well done, but I wouldn't go as far as it being the BEST, just yet.


lol, thanks for the trolling. Best Sci Fi film ever if

(i) You do not know what Sci Fi is.
(ii) If you appreciate mindless clobber-porn with messy storytelling.
(iii) dig dialogue like "I shoot that nutsack of a chin right out of your face"
(iv) are satisfied with low-effort creativity and imagination (ripping from all corners including SW Phantom Menace)
(v) and have a low standards and taste.

Then Infinity Bore could really be IT, destroying masterworks like 2001-ASO, Khan, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Alien, Moon etc etc...

But we can all agree that this is better than Battlefield earth at least.


More likely the most boring Sci-fi movie of all time!


I have some issues with the film. Such as the logic behind the motivation of Thanos' plan and some very dumb choices that certain heroes make. But overall I would say it is a pretty great film. Definitely in the top 5 best Marvel films.

As for greatest Sci-Fi of all time? No. I would say it does not even qualify. And the simple reason for that is because this movie cannot stand on its own. Meaning 2 things specifically:

1.) Anyone who hasn't seen at least SOME of the Marvel films preceding it are going to be a little lost. That isn't to say that they won't be able to follow the primary plot but that is just a fact. I would say that its best to watch at least 'Civil War' and 'Ragnarok' beforehand, if not a few others as well.
2.) The movie ends on a cliffhanger. It doesn't have an ending. I understand this is an arguable point, since when taking this film from the perspective of the villain being the protagonist, he does actually accomplish his goal. But even when you take this away you're still left with point one.

In my estimation, a movie like this, which has no beginning or end, is more akin to 'Empire Strikes Back.' You can call it a great film. But its a great film with an incomplete story.



Like all the MCU movies, this is just popcorn entertainment for the masses. There's nothing original or clever about this movie.



I thought it was boring. I'm not a super hero movie fan. My soldiers dragged me into the movie.

It was certainly better than revenge of the Sith.

Thanos was the only interesting character.
