MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Not a fan of the season five finale

Not a fan of the season five finale

Nothing really happened. Lalo is still alive. I was really hoping his story line would be resolved, Kim would leave or die and the last season of the show could be fully dedicated to Saul during the breaking bad era. Him getting his office, getting involved with Walt, etc.

Lot of loose ends that need to be wrapped up in last season...almost like they will have to rush through the last season to jam everyone into their Break Bad positions. What happens to Kim? When / how will Lalo and Ignacio die?


who says lalo or ignacio die?


I pretty much agree on the lack of resolutions being an issue. Lalo is still alive and should be even more of a problem now. I do wonder how they're going to explain how Lalo's cousins or El Ladio never found out about Gus' failed attempt on Lalo's life. The writers are clearly bent on keeping Kim around to the end which is really making it difficult to "fit" with the state of affairs during Breaking Bad where there is no hint of her existence from Saul. I really hope they don't dedicate a lot of time to Kim's insane plan to ruin Howard's career for laughs.

It's clear now that Jimmy is still going to be in his "transitioning" into Saul Goodman phase in the final season and we won't get to see him go full Saul Goodman which is pretty disappointing. As you said the writers are kind of writing themselves into a corner where they're going to have to jam pack a lot plot and character development into one season in order to bridge the gap between Breaking Bad even with a time jump.


Yeah, even with 13 episodes this is going to be a problem. They probably have to keep the actress as she is on contract so their hands are tied, same maybe with the actor playing Lalo, because of that now they have to somehow get rid of both of them and allow Jimmy to completely transform into Saul with no hints of Jimmy left; and at the same time sum up the 'Gene' story line all in one season. The neck break pace of the last season is going to contrast with the slow burn of the rest of the show so much it is going to be jarring in a bad way.



I could be wrong but I heard the last season was 13; we might have to verify that. I don't wan to spread false information.

Contracts always have a part how they shape seasons and the series overall. If early on they did not know exactly how many seasons they were going to do but just signed the actors for 6, even if they kill the character of not only will they still have to pay them; the actors might be guaranteed a certain amount of screen time in their contract.


Kim will probably leave Saul midpoint Season 6 and instruct him never to talk about her or reference her to anyone. Lalo will probably be the feature Season 6 death, and Nacho will probably have something to do with it. I don't expect Nacho to survive Season 6.

A lot of people think Season 6 will be wildly intense, but I think it'll be another slow build to satisfying midpoint episode and another buildup to satisfying conclusion episode, as everyone is placed into their Breaking Bad positions.

In the future Season 6 black & white opener, Gene will meet up with Kim--finally revealed to be alive and well.


Just watched it and yes, it was probably the weakest episode of what has been a rather fantastic season, and followed two.outstanding episodes.

Aside from the Lalo 'attack' and 'comeback' nothing much of interest happened with some Really Looooong drawn out scenes.

Still enjoyable, but not a great episode at all...bit as a set up for Season Six and the Revenge of Lalo....ohhhhh that will be goooood.


I thought it was good as an episode, but not as a season finale.


Agreed. It was a “filler” episode. Of which there should be ZERO in a 10-episode season.


Wasn't a big fan either. It was good, but not much really happened, and it lacked any big moments a series finale should have. It felt more like an episode 9.


Agreed. It certainly disappointed me. The hitmen were supposed to be the best of the best, according to Gus, yet they fail to kill a guy armed with olive oil and a handgun


The execution certainly could have used more work.


Very true; hiring a firing squad to kill Lalo was a careless move by Gus in the first place; but the fact that they failed is just stupid. I get let him put up a fight but that was just ridiculous, he is not some super soldier. Jesus that really stretched my willing suspension of belief


True; Episode 8 and 9 should have been ruled into one episode 8 and then episode 9 should have been this. The slow pace is now actually hurting the show; I thought it was a strength early on, a gradually increased paced show until they reach BB level pacing. But the show never picked up pace; and now they have to gun it to the finish line. The penultimate season should have ended with a little bit more of a big moment. Lalo should have died in some way. The hitmen squad was a stupid idea; how did Gus plan to get away with having a fire team take out Lalo and not give away to the Salimaca's that he was the one that did it? That is not like Gus at all.


Agreed, they have inched along in this show the whole time; which was fine enough; but now it is dragging to the detriment of the actual narrative. I already feel like season 5 should have been the end of season 4 instead now they have to try to force all characters and story into the breaking bad status in the span of 13 episodes, and don't forget to they have to finish off the Gene story too. The biggest problem with that is the rest of the show was such a slow paced (slow burn) show that the rapid change of pace is going to feel jarring.

Lalo and Ignacio don't necessarily have to die; I think at least Lalo will just because their is just no 'sign' of him in breaking bad; I guess Saul mentions him once. I still think Lalo will be killed and then Gus will kill Ignacio and 'frame' him for killing Lalo; that way he can present it to the cartel and not piss of the Salimaca's.


If they stay true to what was said in Breaking Bad:

1. Gus thinks Lalo is dead
2. Saul thinks Lalo is alive
3. Ignacio's fate is unclear-- Saul says "it wasn't me, it was Ignacio, he's the one!"

At this point, Gus thinks Lalo is dead. Maybe he wants it to stay that way, and he operates behind he scenes in season 6, and beyond, and we'll see him in Omaha in the post-Breaking Bad timeline. Or, perhaps Gus will learn that he survived, but Saul won't, and Gus will kill him, for reals this time.

Ignacio? He might die, or he might live and "get out of the game," as he wants to do.

Kim? She might die. She might also be the reason Saul meets Robert Forster's "disappearer," and he has to say goodbye to her forever. Or, he tracks her down, and she shows up in Omaha.

There are a lot of directions this can go, and I can't wait to see how it is all resolved.


Clearly Ignacio is going to be the fall guy for quite a few things related to the Salamanca's. But for sure what we know is Lalo is dead by the time the twins get killed. there is no way Lalo would stay gone in such a situation, nearly his entire family except hector getting killed and Gus getting more powerful.

Kim I am not sure what will happen. but for sure it can't be to dramatic of a fate; because Saul is not all torn up about her in Breaking Bad. They have to break up or leave each other in such a way he can sort of joke about it during breaking bad; he makes some jokes about his ex-wives in BB. he would not be able to do that about someone he loved if they were killed or disappeared under really dramatic circumstances. But who knows for sure.


If they wrapped it all up to end this season, what would the final season have to offer? Do you want to see a season of Saul being Saul? We already know what that entails. I'm much more interested to know what Lalo, Ignacio, Kim, and the rest do next, and see it build to a finale that propels Jimmy into what we already know comes next.


Yes, I want more Saul being Saul. I want to see how he gets his law office, involved with Gus, etc. I believe the producers hinted that in BCS that there would be crossover into Break Bad timeline.


I think we'll see what you mentioned, but I don't think we'll get much in the way of "Saul being Saul" in terms of him helping random clients, making commercials, and so forth.
