MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > 85k sign petition to cancel upcoming Net...

Saw a few funny meme images relating to this debacle.


LOL! Those are funny.

Cleaopatra's Madecon/Greek heritage from the Ptolemaic line is well established. It's only lazy idiots that can't get over "Egypt is Africa, so she must be..." that think otherwise. That said, there have been so many depictions of her over the years, of all different types. And they all have their own kinds of various inaccuracies. They might as well have Constance Wu play her next.


That second one. : D


It shouldn't be beyond the realm of reason.

Cleopatra was a tyrant, and so was Hitler. The biggest difference? Time! Okay, perhaps 'Cleo' wasn't *quite* as terrible as Hitler (who was?), but she certainly *isn't* a figure to be lionised/treated as a 'hero'.

"At the risk of sounding reductive, Cleopatra was a foreign occupier who cared only about maintaining her hold on power. She (allegedly) had sex with a brother whom she later killed, brought in Roman forces to secure her throne, murdered her sister for opposing the invasion and had her dead body paraded all over Rome. Furthermore, her claim to historical infamy was partially based on seducing two Roman generals, causing one to be murdered and the other to kill himself. What is there to be proud of here?"


Oh noooo!!!! Netflix is putting black people in a story set in AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you even understand "black washing"?


I do!

I understand the term better than the people who use it in a serious sense.


Yep. Another "Egypt is in Africa, so Cleopatra must have been..." idiot. They might as well make Julius Caesar and Mark Antony black too. I mean, it's IN Africa, don't you know?


If Yul Brynner can play King Mongkut and Ramses II, John Wayne can play Genghis Khan, and Alec Guiness can play everyone from King Faisal to a Brahmin, then a black woman can play Cleopatra.

It's showbiz, baby!


They should had just kept Halle Berry from those pizza commercials. Girl looks dynamite for 56!


Halle Berry looks like if you take every colour of paint and mix it together and you get crappy greyish brown.


I thought everyone now agreed that it's not right for a white person to play a 'person of color'?

If that's the case then why is it now being celebrated for a 'person of color' to play a white person?

This is akin to saying sexual assault committed by a man on women is wrong, then turning around and forgiving or outright celebrating sexual assault committed by a woman on a man.

When you point out an issue and seek it to no longer happen you should not be comitting the same issue. It's a double standard. Either everyone should be free to portray whomever or there should be an agreed upon principle that historical characters will be faithfully portrayed.


Those are long ago examples. But for pure showbiz, sure, it's less a big deal. This upcoming Netflix release is a "documentary", though. So I think it's fair to expect less artistic license. This documentary seems to be intentionally deceptive.


But this one says "documentary"!


But those actors were attempting to play those historical characters as the race they actually were. In this movie, the black actress is not playing Cleopatra as white. She's playing her as black. So it's not the same.


Good, nuanced point.

I mean, BOTH things are wrong. The earlier examples are examples of 'Blackface' or 'yellowface', and the appropriation of a role that should have gone to actors of colour, by white actors, BUT at least they weren't as historically illiterate as what we're now seeing, with the director of this new 'documentary' sincerely claiming that Cleopatra may have been a 'Black woman'. 🙄🤦‍♂️


Yep. Another "Egypt is in Africa, so Cleopatra must have been..." idiot.

Thank you. The Egyptians were a semitic people, like Arabs and Jews. And Cleopatra wasn't even ethnic Egyptian. She was Greek.

I have no problem with a black actress playing any role. But there's a bigger issue - historical accuracy. Bold claims are being made by Afro-centrists that black sub-Saharan Africans migrated into the Nile Delta region in prehistoric times. It's just not true.

And if it were true, it would have nothing to do with Cleopatra who was descended from Alexander the Great's Greek invaders.

Such a comedy of errors here.


This issue largely stems from some Americans ignorance of geography, culture and history outside of the United States.

Due to the slave trade and the resulting identity of 'African Americans'. Africans have been all put into one neat basket, viewed as the typical black sub-saharan African. Historically you've had Irish Americas, Italian Americans, etc, etc. Each nationality having it's own culture and identity. This isn't the case with African Americans. They've been engulfed into one 'black culture'.

Africa is a continent with nearly 1.4 billion people living on it. North of the sahara desert consists of nations like Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt. These are now Islamic countries primarily made up of people one would describe as 'Middle Eastern', 'brown' or 'Muslim'. They're not African (black) in the Sub-Saharan sense.

Most research into Ancient Egyptians points to them being primarily of broadly Mediterranean heritage (Southern European, North African and West Asian). I believe todays Egyptians trend a little more sub-saharan African than they did back then and even today the typical Egyptian is not 'black'.

In any case the individual in question is Cleopatra who is known to be of Greek heritage. Yeah a white european woman. This is what some African Americans have criticized white people for historically, 'culture vulture'. They're not only portraying a white woman as black, but they are also stealing the famous culture of a non-white people. Another 'minority' is getting trampled on and looked over in the black vs white US race nonsense. That should be an issue for even 'left leaning' peoples. Do you not care for North Africans getting actual representation?

Other ethnicities are often forgotten due to the black and white western thinking of the evil white majority and poor black minority. It's a big world out there and not everyone is black or white.


All of Africa is not, and was not, black. Not only that, but Cleopatra wasn't even Egyptian. She was Mecedonian Greek--a white chick.


Surprised at this vacuous take.


Sorry, but the criticism is warranted. The issue isn't so black and white (pun intended). The peoples of north Africa are not "black" as sub-Saharan Africans are. Egyptians, Arabs, Berbers, all look a lot more like Mediterranean Europeans and Levantines than they do sub-Saharan Africans. And Cleopatra, along with her whole dynasty, was Greek for pity's sake. In ancient Egyptian art, the Egyptians portrayed themselves with coppery or reddish or swarthy skin. But they also depicted the Nubians -- who were black, sub-Saharan Africans -- in their art, and they depicted them with very dark, almost black skin.

This issue wouldn't bother us so much of the film industry weren't so clearly pushing an agenda, and if it weren't so obviously a one way street. Achilles, Anne Boleyn, Cleopatra, Zeus, Guinevere, Joan of Arc, Margaret of Anjou, Friar Tuck, Robert de Beaumont, et al. there is a whole list of unquestionably white historical or quasi-historical characters who have been played by black actors in recent productions. But if you were to make a film and cast a white performer as a non-white character... Well, that draws screams of outrage; Kate Bosworth, Scarlett Johansson, and Gal Gadot have all drawn harsh criticism for this -- and in Gadot's case, for playing Cleopatra who was white, though many ignorant people seem not to understand this.


This will flop like the Anne Boleyn thing.Race washing fictional characters is annoying but their not real so not a huge deal. Race washing real historical people with complete disregard for other cultures is offensive. And saying it's ok to take cultural ownership of a historical figure just cause their in Africa doesn't make it any less offensive.


Isn't this kind of thing "cultural appropriation" or some such bullshit, or doesn't it count if the person whose identity is being appropriated was white?


It's definitely cultural appropriation and as offensive as the Anne Boleyn thing. Race washing white fictional characters has become so mainstream and accepted mostly by the woke nuts. But this shouldn't be tolerated or accepted at all. It's just as offensive as if i tried to make a movie with a white Martin Luther King JR.


This is much worse than "Anne Boleyn", because I don't think anyone sincerely believes Boleyn was white, and, as with "Hamilton", the casting was expressionistic rather than an attempt at any sort of authenticity.

But this programme is being pushed as a 'documentary', and the director has justified her casting choice by (erroneously) implying that Cleopatra was 'Black' (ignoring the fact that she wasn't even *Egyptian* and was, according to most historians, Greek), and of course, many people will watch this and assume it's 'historically accurate.'


It's amazing how Hollyweird just bows their heads and accepts something that any idiot with half a brain can recognize as blatantly offensive. And yet if this was white washing a black historical figure those hypocrites would grab their pitch forks and torch's and run to the cameras to scream offense.


The most offensive part about it, for me, is that supposedly 'woke' people are desperately trying to frame white European imperialist and incestuous murderer, Cleoptatra, as some sort of Black feminist hero.

If one properly thinks about it, it's offensive from a *woke* perspective, and as a progressive, my problem has never been with 'woke' per se. It's always been with 'woke + stupid'. But *anything* plus stupid, is a problem for me.

By all means, have a POV, whether it is left-wing, right-wing or centrist, but DON'T BE FUCKING STUPID, is my message.
