I just saw The Rise of Skywalker!!!


1: this movie was really awesome. the fight scenes was amazing. it was nice too see palpatine again and Snoke is in the movie. (it was revealed he's a clone created by palpatine.)

2: some scenes had me crying: like seeing Lando again and when Leia died. also when Ben called Han Solo "dad"

3: the Leia scenes looks nice and it made Leia looked like she in the movie. (since they used unseen footage form TFA. they did a really great job editing the footage into the new movie.)

4: I think Carrie Fisher would be very proud of JJ Abrams of ending Leia's story in TROS. they gave her the ending she deserves.

10\10. 100%


I’m so glad they didn’t kill Leia off screen or something, it wouldn’t have worked. This was done beautifully.


a off-screen would be lame.


I also enjoyed it.


me too.


And I as well.






Just 2 weeks ago... ghostrider38: "if you think the leaks are true. then you are not a true fan of star wars."

And the leaks... were true.

I think you're trollin, brah.


Leaks? what Leaks? I don't remember seeing/reading any leaks.

also when did I say that? I don't remember saying that.


Uh, go back in your comment history, you've made many posts about the leaks. Even specifically saying that "but the leaks says it will be the worst movie ever": https://moviechat.org/tt2527338/Star-Wars-The-Rise-of-Skywalker/5de82ffae8f3873d8c4f553e/So-big-chance-this-might-be-worst-movie-ever?reply=5de881e7e8f3873d8c4f5a15

"the leaks are fake, dude."

"there is no way the leaks are true."

"if you think the leaks are true. then you are not a true fan of star wars."

So how are you commenting about the leaks... if you've never read the leaks? You know, THE leaks that everyone was talking about, including you: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/cxmfsv/the_basic_plot_of_episode_ix_the_rise_of/

The ones that you claimed, if proven true, this would be the "worst movie ever". They were in fact proven true... and now you're claiming it's the best SW movie ever.

And now you're claiming ignorance... on your own posts that anyone can go look at? From just 2 weeks ago?

I mean, fuck. Troll, or brain damage, I don't know.


ok. whatever.




100% rekt.


I see that Abrams has hooked you and reeled you in.

NO movie is ever 100%, this is just an initial reaction to the surface-level sugary coating of dazzling visuals and fast pace that Abrams is famous for. The buzz will feel good superficially, and then the OP will realise just how full of plotholes and inconsistencies the movie is, never mind that it singularly destroys everything that Anakin and Luke ever did by bringing Palpatine back just like that. And then the appeal will wear off and the OP will come crashing back down to reality.

This is the drug known as Abrams which has infested Hollywood, and it's the most insidious thing ever.


We all have our own opinions. This is a great movie despite the fanboys who seem to want it to fail.

This movie avoided all the SJW crap from the previous movie. It also tied up every thread from the entire saga.

Personally I didn’t like Palps but having him here at least served a purpose.


It may be the best Star Wars movie ever along with Cravan of Courage, but the best movie ever is Batman and Robin! Amirite?


NO the best movie ever is either Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas or Manos The Hands of Fate


It was the best movie of the sequel trilogy. I really enjoyed most of the movie.


Most? what do you mean by most?


I liked most of it the force lighting and the magic lightsaber swapped i could have done without


Im glad you enjoyed yourself.



