MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > For the idiots that say J.J Abrams never...

For the idiots that say J.J Abrams never finishes anything :

Apparently he did!

He created drafts and outlines for episode 8 and 9. So... there's that!


Oh, so you read them? He tied everything up huh? Oh, wait...


I don't argue that he tied everything up. I'm just saying that he had an idea of where the story should go. In contrast to what people on here say. The J.J Abrams bashing has taken many forms, one of them is this idea that he is a mystery box guy that never finishes stories or plotlines. When asked about this, people only respond with : well look at LOST! and TFA! forgetting that the fucking guy has made more stuff than just those 2.

I'm just trying to say that he didn't just make stuff up and abandoned it. It's not his fault that Rian Johnson couldn't even bring himself to read his stuff or even watch TFA....


Normally, I don't bash Abrams except for "Lost" which he already admitted during a Howard Stern interview that he never intended to answer questions posed on the show because he thought it would only last one season. But two things bother me:

"Abrams said he wished he were making Star Wars 8 based on Rian Johnson's script."
Abrams didn't know that Johnson's script was crap?

Johnson had said he went to Abrams to get input on continuing the story and Abrams wasn't forthcoming. Abrams just basically told Johnson to do his own thing. Why not present some ideas since it was continuing his own story and Johnson asked for direction?

I'm not blaming Abrams for this fiasco though. Disney and Kennedy don't know what they're doing. I'd have no problem with Last Jedi being guttered and starting fresh with the Abrams outline for a new Episode 8. Better yet, I prefer to restart the whole trilogy with Lucas and Kasdan at the helm.


Where is the proof for all of this though? I haven't seen him actually saying that he went to JJ Abrams and he told him to just do his own thing. I read reports that Rian Johnson didn't even see TFA. So its all very conflicting.

Maybe Abrams saw Johnson's script and thought : ''holy hell thats bad. I wish I were directing Ep8!''.

Who knows at this point.


Abrams was a Last Jedi executive producer so he read the script along with Disney execs and Kennedy. Someone approved his script.

I can't remember which interview I listened to (on youtube) about Johnson consulting with Abrams, just this one RE: doing his own thing. Of course, Johnson could've been lying to defend his garbage movie or been misquoted.

"I read reports that Rian Johnson didn't even see TFA."
I don't believe Johnson is a real SW fan because he doesn't appear to know much about SW in general. He's bragging that his movie shows anyone can be a Jedi - not just a Skywalker. All fans know this already. Obiwan, Quigon Mace Windu and Yoda were not Skywalkers.

I thought it was a bad sign when Johnson decided to move Kylo's scar because he didn't think its location was good. That was the first hint that this guy didn't care about continuity.

Let's see if Abrams can fix this mess with Episode 9.


Abrams maybe read Johnsons script, but did Rian read Abrams script or scriptnotes/outlines for episode 8 and 9?
Because apparently Abrams made plot outlines for 8 and 9 and Rian thought 'nah fuck it, i'll do my own thing'.

Abrams maybe didn't have any say in Johnsons script. Remember what happend to the last person to disagree with Rian Johnson? He got fired over 'creative differences'. (Colin Trevorrow).


Trevorrow sounded like an egomaniac and difficult:


''Then, during preproduction on Episode IX, Trevorrow’s relationship with Lucasfilm top brass became reportedly “unmanageable” over the course of “repeated stabs at multiple drafts” of the script.''

''“During the making of Jurassic World, he focused a great deal of his creative energies on asserting his opinion,” the executive explains. ''

Bear in mind that these are all rumors and not officially confirmed (probably never will). But if this is true, It sounds more like Colin Trevorrow wanted to be a actual director telling his story, instead of doing EVERYTHING the studio wanted to do. People are quick to judge. I have seen all his movies (there aren't alot) and they are all something special. The Book of Henry was kinda weird, but I liked it. He maybe took those stabs at the drafts or scripts because they were horrible and he didn't want Star Wars to get ruined (like with TLJ). After all, Mark Hamill said he was very happy with what Colin Trevorrow cooked up for Episode 9. If he is so unbearable, why would Mark Hamill be so happy with his direction?

Listening to Colin Trevorrow speak about Jurassic World and Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom has given me much more hope and faith in him. He sounds like he knows his shit. He even predicted Book of Henry didn't do so well. He just wanted to make it because he found it was important for him as a director to tell original stories. He doesn't sound pretentious or egomaniac at all to be honest.
Just give his interviews a watch and you will see.

Even after all this, he could still be unbearable and egomaniac. Everything could be since nothing is official. But if I were to choose which person is most likely to blame for the horrible stuff with Star Wars, Colin Trevorrow would be all the way down. I'd put Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson at the top.

“There’s one gatekeeper when it comes to Star Wars and it’s Kathleen Kennedy,” says a veteran movie producer, who has worked with the studio chief. “If you rub Kathleen Kennedy the wrong way — in any way — you’re out. You’re done. A lot of these young, new directors want to come in and say, ‘I want to do this. I want to do that.’ A lot of these guys — Lord and Miller, Colin Trevorrow — got very rich, very fast and believed a lot of their own hype. And they don’t want to play by the rules. They want to do shit differently. And Kathleen Kennedy isn’t going to fuck around with that.”

This article keeps acting like Kathleen Kennedy is so great and all the new directors are horrible egotistic assholes who think they are amazing. Kathleen Kennedy is called a gatekeeper, protecting the franchise. If she is SOOOO good, and she REALLY protects Star Wars, then explain how a clusterfuck of a horrible movie like The Last Jedi got made..


"If he is so unbearable, why would Mark Hamill be so happy with his direction?"

A person could have great ideas but still be difficult to work with. Also, Book of Henry lost money making only $4.5 million at the box office. Disney has shown they don't want to take chances which is why they continue to play it safe by recycling the old SW movies. After saying the EU was no longer canon, they've begun to take ideas from it.

"Kathleen Kennedy is called a gatekeeper, protecting the franchise. If she is SOOOO good, and she REALLY protects Star Wars, then explain how a clusterfuck of a horrible movie like The Last Jedi got made."

I think her job is to make money for Disney - not to protect the franchise. That includes attracting more moviegoers who are female and non-white which is why you see more diversity. My guess is Lucas' original treatment didn't have that especially if it was focused on the Skywalker family.

I think we can both agree that Kennedy doesn't know what she's doing. Dumb move after dumb move. Three writers for one trilogy invited continuity issues. Recently hiring the Game of Thrones TV show creators to create a new SW show is stupid since they're not the ones who wrote the books. She appears to be as dumb as a wall.


I don't argue that he tied everything up. I'm just saying that he had an idea of where the story should go.

So did George Lucas, and to be frank, I'd rather hear HIS ideas.


This clusterfuck is on Kathleen


Not confirmed and highly dubious, in my opinion.


I guarantee that Episode 9 will ask more stupid questions than it resolves. JJ is awful


Just because he had drafts doesn’t mean he was going to wrap things up.


Who knows? Thats the problem. People DIRECTLY assumed he just didn't know anything and that he is a worthless writer and stupid hack. While the truth is probably way more nuanced. He might have known how to wrap everything up, he might have not known. Fact is, he made outlines for 8 and 9, and Rian Johnson said 'fuck it, i'll do my own thing'.


Fact is, he made outlines for 8 and 9

Not fact but merely conjecture by Daisey Ridley (who has trouble understanding why anybody would call Rey a Mary Sue).


Daisey Ridley only confirmed what Mark Hamill said and added to it. Its not just Daisy Ridleys story, its everything combined that really paint a picture. Sure not an actual fact yet, but its getting close.


Mark only talked about Trevorrow's script though, he never mentioned anything about outlines by JJ. And on the other hand there are several reports about JJ and Johnson working together (e.g. for the ending sequence of TFA). And lastly, JJ was executive producer for TLJ, so he was well informed about everything and didn't stop Johnson from neglicting his (alleged) outline for EP8.


True. But JJ was one of many producers on TLJ meaning he may have attended a few meetings during preproduction and was sent general updates on the progress of the film. It's not like he was the head of the creative meetings( If they even took place) and overseeing the production. That was KK's job.

This was a Lucas Film/ Disney Movie JJ didn't have any power over TLJ. Most likely after TFA released JJ went back over to oversee Bad Robot productions.

Also, Consider TLJ script was done near the release of TFA I'm going to go ahead and say the wheels were in motion on sets/shooting locations/ marketing ect. before JJ even saw the final script.


what is a mary sue ?


The mystery box accusations were out of hand. The only mystery he left was Reys parents. Everything else was decided already.


They also needed to explain where Snoke was from, how the First Order was created, who Max Von Sydo's character was, how he partially knew where to find Luke, how they got Luke's blue lightsaber, why Rey had Force visions in Maz's basement, what Maz was to begin with, what the Knights of Ren were...


Star Wars movies have never explained every minute detail on-screen. That's what supplemental material is for (and Star Wars wikis). That info is all given in stuff like the art books, or was stated before TFA came out (Snoke origin was given out in this fashion). I know, people got spoiled with Lucas shoehorning backstory for almost everything into the prequels, which made them messy.


The main stories are and always have been the movies. And considering we are talking about the seventh film in the franchise, a little explanation is in order. I guess we don't have to know where Maz came from but Snoke needs a damn explanation. Aside from that, you just proved critics of JJ Abrams correct.


Main stories, yes, but not minute details of everyone's backstory.

Go with the original trilogy: Where did the Emperor come from? How did the Empire rise? Why is Boba Fett such a feared bounty hunter? Who trained Yoda? What planet did he come from and why is he the only one of his species? Why does the Force help with aiming photon torpedoes and why is it never used in that way ever again? Was Luke actually related to Owen or Beru Lars? (I actually had to LOOK THAT UP, amazingly, and the novelization backstory conflicted with Episode 2! Check out the confusion:

For a lot of that, the prequels BECAME supplemental material, just in movie form instead of book form. Yoda is still quite a mystery, but at least we saw one other member of his species with Yaddle.

Movies are supposed to be an experience, not a delivery system for endless backstory. TFA was, to me, the second-best Star Wars experience ever, right behind Empire Strikes Back.


We don't need to know where the Emperor came from because he was a part of the mythos from day one. Snoke showed up after six entire movies, two cartoons, and a comic series (those toons and comics are still canon as they were from Disney/Marvel). The equivalent would be if episode 9 introduced Larry Skywalker, Luke's brother with no explanation as to his existence. We saw Luke and Leia being born and we've followed them their entire lives. Larry Skywalker would need some sort of explanation, even if it were a brief "Anakin and Padame made love and Padame had the baby in secret and gave it up for adoption". The same goes for Snoke. A simple "I'm a Sith Lord who has been in hiding for many years" would have been fine.

And we don't need to know who trained Yoda. We only need to know he's a Jedi Knight who had connections to Anakin and Obi-Wan. We got everything we needed to know.

As for Owen and Beru Lars, Owen was originally Anakin's brother. Lucas retconned that in the prequels, but going by just the OT, it's plainly stated. Why would we need to question the relationship?

As I said, I guess we don't need Maz's backstory and I guess we can assume what the Knights of Ren are, but we need to know why the Empire is back after it was destroyed in ROTJ. If Han Solo shows up in episode 9 with no explanation as to why he was back from the dead, wouldn't you be a little frustrated? Luke's lightsaber could've been randomly found I guess but Abrams had an entire scene where it was calling out to Rey and apparently giving her visions. If you want to point to the cave on Degobah in ESB, I'll go ahead and tell you now that sequence always kind of bugged me as a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Abrams was setting up a big mystery that he had no intention of solving. That brings us right back to the topic at hand.

Abrams sets things up and has no plan to give a pay off. You could argue the OT did that, but it still doesn't excuse him.


''Abrams sets things up and has no plan to give a pay off.''
Well, maybe he wanted those thing to pay off in episode 8 and 9 ? He made drafts and plot outlines for 8 and 9. We sadly don't know whats in them, but Mark Hamill was VERY pleased with what Colin Trevorrow had planned for Luke Skywalker in episode 9. Enter Rian Johnson, and all of a sudden Mark Hamill hates what happens to Luke Skywalker. After that, Colin Trevorrow gets fired. So my guess is, Rian Johnson is a smug asshole who doesn't listen to other people and hates the SW story,mythos and lore.

Where does Abrams fit into this? Well, if Rian has so much power as to just get Trevorrow fired because he didn't want to cooperate with him, whats to say he didn't read Abrams drafts and outlines and said 'fuck you, i'll do whatever I want and I will disregard everything everyone has said to me. He is untouchable, he gets people fired and gets his own trilogy.


I agree with everything you are saying. Except that it's unfair to say Abrams didn't intend to solving anything because he was never given the opportunity. I also don't think it's terrible to set things up with the idea that other writers and directors can continue the story I think that's a perfectly acceptable expectation. Problem is Johnson was not the right guy for the job obviously.

I guess for the first time he will be given his shot with E9 pressure is on I suppose. However, I wouldn't want to follow TLJ. There was a lot set up in TFA and after TLJ there's really not a whole lot of interesting places to go.


There was nothing else in Star Wars but the characters ... and they were shallow ... and these movie never led anywhere but to more nonsense and confusion. One solution would have been to fill in the background while inching the story forward. I saw all the stupid movies, but SW was nothing special, the first movie made an impact on people for all the obvious reasons at the time ... but once everyone else started doing the same special effects they needed to come up with something more - and they never did.


There is still one more movie coming out... So can't you at least wait to complain until you have seen that? All your questions could be answered in 9 even though some of them are redundant...

We do not need to know who Max von Sydow characters was... and it you do there are probably a book out there somewhere that explains that... We do not need to know anything more about Maz... If you do again buy a book or use google;-)

Rey is strong in the force which is why she has the visions isn't that rather obvious?

The Knights of Ren will probably show up in 9... so calm down...


How am I complaining ? I am actually sticking up for J.J Abrams while the rest of this board was moaning and crying about him when TFA and TLJ came out.


I tried to reply to AP... So you are good Vechtersbaas:-)


Ohh, haha. sorry my bad! Hard to keep up sometimes.


Not to be “that gal” but drafts and outlines are not a finished work.


Did I ever say he had finished works for episode 8 and 9? With 'finishing' I mean that he probably had resolutions planned for story plotpoints in TFA. People here kept bashing Abrams because he never 'finishes' any of his initial storylines or plot points. I just came here to say that maybe he DID.


So "maybe" he finished a theoretical draft. Even if he did we have no idea as to the contents - maybe this theoretical draft explained anything or maybe it simply introduced yet more story lines with no resolution?

We have no idea!

I think we agree on many things Vechtersbaas but JJ is the very personification of a hack.


Everything is a BIG maybe at this point. But I would never call JJ a hack. He made some of my favorite movies or shows (the new Star Trek trilogy is one, LOST is another). JJ left LOST so the horrible ending is not his fault. Sure he should have stayed on to finish it, or at leasy guide it, but he did what he did. In my book, he did nothing wrong with the Star Trek movies (but that is just personal preference, I can understand why people didn't like them).

Cloverfield was epic aswell, so was 10 Cloverfield Lane. Sure he can have misfires, but so can any director or producer. TFA was a ripoff of ANH, sure. But it was the entry for the new trilogy. They could have fixed everything that people hated about TFA. Get rid of the First Order and Resistance (the old Rebels vs Empire) and start something new. The possibilities were endless, but Rian Johnson choose to just fuck it all to death.

JJ is no saint, but calling him a hack is a bridge too far for me. If anyone is a hack, its that asshole Rian Johnson who just sniffs his own farts and sucks Kathleen Kennedy's dick.

Guess we can't agree on everything :P


It was JJ's idea to 'make Lost weird', he was the one that set it up as a mystery show only he never ever had any intention of explaining the mysteries so yes, he gets the blame.

Cloverfield - despite having his name plastered all over it - actually has very little to do with him creatively, he only produces those movies.

If you liked the new Star Trek then fine but he turned what was a very cerebral, hard sci-fi series into big dumb blockbusters.

Being the 'new entry' is no excuse for it being a rip off. At all. And that was the time to 'start something new' - not the 2nd movie of a new franchise. RJ actually gave us some stunning visuals and made some brave decisions (even if a lot of those decisions were the wrong ones) so no, by definition, he's not a hack, a hack who is someone who values money over creativity integrity and given JJ's track record he is pretty much the biggest hack in history, and that is no exaggeration.


You can thank the prequel haters for TFA. Everyone was bitching, crying and moaning that the PT was soooo bad, that they didn't want anything different or new. It gotten so bad that the kid playing Anakin in ep1 got depressed and bullied. It made Lucas quit filmmaking al together and selling his franchise off to the devil.
So naturally to please all the crybabies, they made something EXTREMELY safe, ripping off ep4. I don't agree with TFA, but I still don't think its bad. Its disappointing, sure. But not downright awful (like TLJ).

I really don't think J.J Abrams is in it for the money. Or at least not money over creativity. Calling the new Star Trek movies 'dumb blockbusters' is ignorant though. Sure they aren't as hard sci-fi as the tv shows are, but they fulfill their job als movies. Star Trek is just a very niche market. Its harder to get people to go to a Star Trek movie than lets say Star Wars. Star Trek Beyond actually followed the classic Star Trek formula way more.

I just hate Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson infinitely more than J.J Abrams. J.J hasn't insult me as much as they did. Like I said, everything Abrams did with TFA, could have been fixed with 8 and 9. Instead, Rian fucked it. Now I guess we will see what J.J Abrams is worth with episode 9. Even though I couldn't imagine anyone fixing this mess..


Yeah 'dumb blockbuster' was a bad choice of words, it actually gets on my nerves when people say that as it sounds like 'you're dumb for liking this movie I dislike which also makes me smart'. Which is total bollocks of course. So I take that back.

But there's no doubting the tone, spirit and approach of Nu-Trek was so fundamentally different to the other versions as to raise questions of why bother calling it Star Trek at all. This was a show that tackled exploration, ethics, philosophy, hard sci fi, etc and JJ turned it into a generic blockbuster.

And Star Trek isn't niche... it's had 6 tv shows and 13(?) movies now, it's one of the most successful franchises in history.

Back to Star Wars, the thing to remember about part VII is that it wasn't a sequel to part III it was a sequel to part VI... so the very LAST thing it wanted to do was to hit the reset switch and render the most loved film trilogy in history utterly meaningless. And you weren't insulted by the double decker death star? You don't think that's the work of a hack...? You're pissed of at RJ because JJ wrote him into a corner. Earnest Hemingway couldn't have written a story out of the cul de sac JJA sent Star Wars careering down...


Niche movie market, is what I meant. It is no secret that the old movies didn't do very well. I guess the new ones also don't sell very well either. But I like them for what they are. The old classic Star Trek works way better as a TV show. If they make Star Trek movies, I don't mind it being more 'blockbuster-y' than the TV shows. As long as I can enjoy the more hard sci-fi stuff on the shows . Sadly, they screwed that up even more with Star Trek Discovery .

Luckily we still have The Orville to get the real Star Trek fix! That show is bloody fantastic. But hey, Star Trek Beyond felt more like classic Star Trek than the other 2, so its a good progress. I just really like both versions, the J.J Abrams version and the old classic versions. The quality of the filmmaking is just really good. Amazing music, great action, awesome characters and a decent story. Because all those things are so good, I don't really mind it being different from the old TV shows. Its different strokes for different folks though, I can perfectly understand why people don't like it, but the quality for me is still pretty great and thats all thanks to J.J Abrams so I got no beef with the guy.

anyway back to Star Wars.... You are absolutely right that it was a lazy decisions to rehash the Death Star again and take plot points from ROTJ. I do however disagree with that nobody could have made a good story from the end of TFA. I've read loads of fan ideas and fan-fiction on the internet and almost everything I have read was infinitely better than TLJ. Best example would be the Snoke-Plagueis theory. Or that Ben was Rey's sister. Possibilities are endless.

I don't really feel the need to write a whole book about all the possible ways episode 8 could have gone, I'm just saying that it isn't impossible to actually make episode 8 and 9 something epic and awesome. They could have easily let the First Order die after Starkiller base got blown up. Yet Rian Johnson choose to make them even more powerfull.


You said “for the idiots that think he never finishes anything” and then followed that up with “apparently he did”. So yeah, you said he finished something, and offered drafts and outlines as proof of that.




So why you are saying you didn’t say that? What’s the point?


You need to learn how to read. ''With 'finishing' I mean that he probably had resolutions planned for story plotpoints in TFA. People here kept bashing Abrams because he never 'finishes' any of his initial storylines or plot points. I just came here to say that maybe he DID.''


Lol so you present an absolute, but are changing it to “maybe” now, and I need to learn to read? I think you need to learn how to read and understand the difference between “he did!” And “maybe he did.”. You said he did, don’t change now and don’t insult me because you look like a muppet.

You were wrong, get over it and move on. Don’t double down on being a dummy.


I’m no fan of JJ but I understand exactly what Vechterbaas means. Obviously he didn’t actually finish because he wasn’t making VIII and didn’t know he would be making IX, but he did have a plan for how the threads he started in VII would play out, which is contrary to what I and many other JJ critics believed.

You either have reading comprehension issues or you’re being intentionally obtuse and trolling. Given your post history, I’m betting on the latter.


Having an outline is not a finished anything.

A man walks into a bar and buys a drink. He talks with the barman. He leaves.

That’s an outline. It’s not anymore complectated than that. It’s not trolling when it’s true. You fan boys need to learn that just because you want a think to be true doesn’t make it so. I don’t hate tfa or jj, but that doesn’t mean this is proof of anything. And I’m not going to pretend it does just to fit some bias or narrative.

For this to be proof of what he claims it would have to be a finished script to make hat he said true. I don’t care what he means or what you think he means, that’s not how language works. He already changed it to “maybe” and now you’re giving it “I know what he means.”. It’s not that hard to say what you mean. And considering the op is being smug as fuck in his assertion that he’s right, he can deal with being brought down a peg or two because he is wrong as fuck.


''smug as fuck'' ''wrong as fuck'' boy you really are the epitome of the English language. For some weird reason you are the only one that has problems comprehending what i'm trying to say. Just focus on the debate at hand, instead of trying to start a fuss. I'm just trying to tell people on here that maybe Rian Johnson is alot more to blame than J.J Abrams (who got loads of hate). Sure he's no saint and he has done some questionable shit, but i'm just trying to look at it from different perspectives. I used the term 'idiots' to refer to people who just bash J.J Abrams without actual merit or sound arguments. In my mind those people are idiots. If you feel attacked by this, i'm sorry.


Sorry, I don’t buy into your bias and go along with everything you say like a sheep. Always easy to tell the weak minded fools who attack the poster rather than the argument. You presented your point as fact which it wasn’t, you then changed your position to maybe. Just give up, you are right or wrong about jj, this was not the evidence to back up your position. But sure, dig your heels in. No skin off my nose.

Buh bye.


Who actually says 'buh bye' nowadays?

Anyway, your reply just shows that you didn't understand anything that I tried to say. I have no idea how I can make it more simple for you. If you don't want to get it, thats fine. Just move on then. I'm done trying to argue with thickheaded people.


😂 I’m sorry you don’t know how to use the language you speak. If you mention maybe, say maybe. If you think an outline is a completed work, you’re a moron.

Buh bye. Who knew buh bye could trigger you as well 😂


Quote me then. Where did I say that an outline is a 'complete' work ? Finishing something and having something complete, could be 2 different things. If I finish a draft, its still a draft. A draft is part of a complete work, not THE complete work.

How dumb are you? He FINISHED a draft. My god the density....


As I said, you might as well have used him finishing his dinner as an example of him finishing something. Having a draft, isn’t finishing anything. It’s starting something.

You were the one who started being a dick to everyone else, calling them idiots just because they don’t like jj. Sorry, but you’re the idiot. And the more you change your story with every post the more apparent that becomes.

Buh bye, buh bye.


You keep saying 'bye', yet you keep coming here. Why are you still here? We have confirmed that you are unable to comprehend what I am saying. You are thickheaded and dense. So continuing this chat has no point. Just move on with your life please.


Maybe take you’re own advice, dumbass? You keep replying to me saying more stupid shit.

You’re nothing more than an up his own arse jj fan boy that started a post calling everybody else an idiot, then changed your sorry story time and again because it’s YOU that’s the idiot.

I know you really just want the last word, like most of the losers around here that start arguments but can’t finish them. So you’re on ignore now. No last word for you, loser.

Buh bye, buh bye 🖕


Well it's my thread so ofc I reply to people that want to have a genuine discussion :). You seem a little angry. I'm sorry you miss the reading comprehension to understand what I'm saying. For some weird reason everyone else here does understand. But its okay I guess. I didn't really want to have the 'last word'.

I have finished my arguments and they are good. Just for some reason you don't seem to understand them. So I can go on and on and on and keep explaining them to you but if you don't get it, you don't get it. which is fine. Just stop commenting then. move on with your life.


He did finish something! Drafts and plot outlines. He finishes those. Thats an absolute. Whatever is in those drafts and plot outlines, we don't know. So that is where the 'maybe' comes in. I don't really get where you are going with this. My critique was that people said that J.J Abrams just made some mystery stuff up and then abandoned the project (like he did with LOST). I'm here saying that he DIDN'T do that, because he actually wrote stuff for episode 8 and 9.


lol that’s not a finished work ffs! That a start! That like saying someone finished a draft, so job done. Ffs dude, give it up.


You realize the original idea was always to have Rian Johnson do his own thing for episode 8 and Colin Trevorrow do his own thing for episode 9, right? Despite whatever drafts Abrams had, he was never meant to finish the trilogy.


No, no. The point is only that he finished something. Ya know, cause finshing an outline or draft is the same as finishing a script.

The op might as well have used him finishing his dinner as an example of him finishing something for all the relevance it has in this context.


Abrams is one of the reasons why todays movies mainly are trash. There is almost no director anymore with a real feeling for a story or with the needed education.

At earlier decades we had such directors too - like Ridley Scott for example. He could hold camers correctly and had an amazing eye for visuals .... but thats all he was able to do (Blade Runner was amazing cause of Scotts visuals and the fact that he doesnt have to decide at any other area of that movie :) ). But for every ad experienced diretor like Scott we had an Bogdanovich, Rohmer, etc. Or good entertainment directors like Spielberg or Lucas.

But today ... a average director like Nolan is some kind of wunderkind :) . Thats really sick. And thats why this era will be the fastest forgotten one in movie history.
