MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Can We Agree That Last Jedi Is NOT Canon...

Can We Agree That Last Jedi Is NOT Canon?

I was holding out hope for Abrams to fix this mess with Episode 9. But, if he originally had a good storyline, then he wouldn't have been so quick to have another director takeover and write this mess. And Abrams had written "Lost" which didn't have much followup. Therefore, I have no hope for Episode 9 nor Disney Star Wars and consider everything they do to be noncanon from this day forward.

I'm restoring all of George Lucas' movies, books, games, etc. as canon. I'll still watch the new Disney stuff until it's no longer tolerable. But it can no longer negatively effect me (rage, tears, grief) because I know it's NOT canon.

Will you join the rebellion in a fight against the evil Disney Empire?


Of course it isn't. Nothing wrong with that. Like any long running property, Star Wars will endure many creator eras. Kathleen Kennedy Era: not so great. Somebody else will take over one day and we'll see how they do.


I think we can all agree you wish it wasn't canon, but that's about it...




Truth be told, it actually does feel like the sequel trilogy takes place in some alternate universe, especially with growing up on the Expanded Universe, for what, over 25 years? I kinda want to see what IX does to the series before I reserve final judgment.


"Lighting" Abrams never finished a story. There will be no concluding Ep IX.


JJ didn't have a story to follow TFA because that's not how he works. He writes one chapter at a time. I would bet anything he could have written circles around RJ for TLJ. The positive side is he'll have his chance with e9. There was so much to build on TFA than there is on TLJ.


Sorry pal, it is canon whether you, me or anyone else thinks otherwise. The Holiday Special is canon for goodness sake so this junk qualifies as well.


The Holiday Special is not canon.


It only features Luke, Han, Chewie and Boba Fett, definitely canon.





'Canon' is meaningless. It only holds as much meaning as you give it.

For me, The Thrawn Trilogy is 'Canon I' and TFA/TLJ is 'Canon II'

The prequel trilogy is not in my canon at all.


What Disney says is canon holds no meaning for me. Each person should decide for themselves instead of allowing Disney to dictate anything. There are fans who are getting angry and demand Disney to not have Last Jedi be canon. We really don't need their permission as to which version is the "real Star Wars story".

What I know about the novels including The Thrawn Trilogy sounds interesting and were written with care, creativity and respect for the lore not to mention quality so I'll stick with Lucas' version instead of tossing it.


"There are fans who are getting angry and demand Disney to not have Last Jedi be canon."

Those fans are idiots.


Only misguided. It's very liberating to reject Disney's mandate as to what is and isn't canon.

Without the fans venting, we could end up with even worst movies in the future.
