





Its hard to tell in some ways. I remember reading some of the Ghostbusters reviews a while back..and some would be listed as positive..but the actual reviews were more so-so than positive.


From the films among this list that I've seen, I agree with the audience most of the time.

School of Rock was meh, Berberian Sound Studios was dull as fuck, Blair Witch sucks, Burton's Willy Wonka sucks, Ang Lee's Hulk sucks, War of the Worlds is a pile of shit, King Kong sucks, The Witch is boring and pretentious, Haywire sucks

I haven't seen Antz or Spy Kids in years but I remember Antz being ok at best and Spy Kids sucking pretty bad

The only movies on this list that I like are About a Boy and Bad Lieutenant. I love About a Boy and would say it's one of my favorite films. I'm not sure if there's anything technically great about it, I just think it's a sweet and funny movie





Cool, my internet broke! Sorry about the quadruple post.

Of the ones I've seen:

Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans - I agree with critics. One of Cage's best performances and a brilliant movie.
The Blair Witch Project - I agree with the audience. Never cared for this one.
Killing Them Softly - I agree with critics. The film was mis-marketed but on its own is a good movie.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - I agree with the audience. Burton used to be great but this is part of a long line of recent misfires.
Hulk - I'm split on this one. It's not a good movie but at least it was ambitious, even if it didn't exactly work in the end.
War of the Worlds - I agree with the critics.
King Kong - I agree with the critics. The movie is not without fault but is by no means a bad film.
The Witch - STRONGLY agree with the critics. One of the most unsettling and intense horror films of the past 20 years.
Haywire - I agree with the critics. Solid action film.
Antz - I agree with the audience. This movie did nothing for me.

Critics: 6
Audience: 3
Draw: 1


There is a simple reason why the critic score is so high: they've got to eat, like everyone else.

Being a movie critic is a job like any other, and if a critic reviews a movie poorly, especially if it's an exclusive early preview offered by a studio so that the critic's publisher can get a scoop, then ticket sales will suffer, the studio will make less money and those offers will dry up and the critic will earn nothing from then on.

So yes, there is monetary bias to movie criticism, and critics don't dare go against the studio unless they want to lose earnings.

I think from now on I'll look at the audience score first.


"Being a movie critic is a job like any other, and if a critic reviews a movie poorly, especially if it's an exclusive early preview offered by a studio so that the critic's publisher can get a scoop, then ticket sales will suffer, the studio will make less money and those offers will dry up and the critic will earn nothing from then on."

This is delusional nonsense. Critics don't make money based on how well movies they review do.


Lol...I can't believe the moronic conspiracies the haters are coming up with.

Ahhhh yes...verrrry suspicious.



Lol...I can't believe the moronic conspiracies the haters are coming up with.

Ahhhh yes...verrrry suspicious.



It does effect them if they are denied early access to movies because of how they review them. That is possible, especially if a critic doesn't have the kind of popularity as a super critic might. That could in turn effect their money in the long run. Early access is a critical component for person that makes a living doing this. Also there has been fake positive reviews used by major studios in the past. So its not that delusional. Now having said that I don't think this is the primary reason for the the reviews not seeming to be in touch with the majority.


"It does effect them if they are denied early access to movies because of how they review them. "

Please provide evidence from a responsible source showing that this even happens.


Lol Please show reliable information that shows it has never happened.

Besides I didn’t say it did happen I said it would effect them IF it did happen. And it’s absurd to suggest it could never happen because there is nothing about that action that would be difficult for a company to do. Their is nothing illegal about not sending screeners or inviting certain people to screening events. It’s an incredibly simple thing to do. So on one hand it’s probably unlikely the critics all gave these reviews because they are all paid for shills however it’s equally wrong to suggest it’s impossible.

In fact Sony got caught doing fake reviews

Pressuring critics isn’t exactly a massive leap from this.


In your little simple world there exists only honesty and bribery. In such a world the Op could only be interpretd as nonsense indeed. But let me welcome you to the real world with its endless shade of grey. Indeed Disney or other movie companies dont transfer moeny to critics accounts to get better reviews. Even implying such a thing for a second would be stupid without a doubt. What the OP instad stated is that critics which dont comply with the needed review ratings lose things like early access. Or perhaps they wont get invited anymore to special company events where new projects are presented in a luxurious environment - indeed free of any thoughts that the critics would be impressed in any way by such presentations. And indeed it wont matter if huge publishing companies losing huge advertising budgets cause this companiy stops doing ads via that news company.

So are you realizing now how naive and completely clueless your posting was now that you are familiar with the real world? And BTW All thos things descibed above happend over and over again. Cause thats how thing work in a capitalistic world.


"What the OP instad stated is that critics which dont comply with the needed review ratings lose things like early access."

I base my understanding of reality on objective evidence. Please provide some that this or any of the other "punishments" you allege actually happen and happen frequently enough that this amounts to serious pressure that film critics need to worry about.

Good luck with that! Because we both know it ain't coming.

"So are you realizing now how naive and completely clueless your posting was now that you are familiar with the real world?"

Actually, people like you and the writer of the OP are the ones who end up looking naive and absurd.


Google for your evidence. There were many cases where exactly that happened. You know how to google?

And cant believe that you so naive that you really think that this isnt the reality out there, snowflake.


Cupcake, you are the one making extraordinary claims. The burden of proof is on you--and you've failed to meet that burden because fundamentally you are full of shit.


I live in this world with the blue sky. Noone here needs any so called proof when you were aware of many such cases and the point is clear that such behaviour is system immanent. And im not going to search that stuff for you, cause im not so sure which color your sky got.


Your failure to back up your delusional bullshit has been duly noted.


It's just common sense actually. I don't know how anyone today takes critics seriously anyways. I would much rather ask a friend of mine who I know and trust to rate the movie for me than some random critic who doesn't have the balls to be real


Are you from a studio? Why do you follow and trash everyone who suggests an obvious and plausible possibility?

You are either a shill or a naive asshole.


And it's only going to drop. These are people that saw it in the first few weeks - the ones that really wanted to see it.


Yeah... it's a pretty bad movie, but then again! I find most StarSomething movies pretty bad...


Even Starman?


was thinking StarWars & StarTrek...


I saw Starship Troopers for the first time in a long while a couple of nights ago, I forgot what a fun action movie that was.


it's incredible... a great and seductive satire of fascism... I like Paul Verhoven's films...


The tomato meter has also declined, just not as much.


Not only was this a bad movie, which gets worse the more you think about it, they destroyed everything set up in TFA. While TFA closely mirrored New Hope, at least it felt like a Star Wars movie. In fact E1 through 3 and Rouge One all felt like Star Wars, but TLJ didn't at all.

I'm glad most fans are seeing this the same. Shame on Disney, the ones that gave arrogant Johnson so much control over this movie and of course Johnson. They have destroyed this trilogy and it seems irreparable for the next movie. I have no idea how it can be fixed.


I don't use Rotting Tomatoes because they don't average critic ratings. Metacritic does, and the differences are smaller.

#1 is that list is Willow Creek with a 53% diff. Metacritic is 62 critics and 5.7 users.



Lol, even at least Episode 3 Revenge of Sith made at least some comeback from the higher than TLJ rating. Let's just hope Ep 9 will make some redemption to this mess of a trilogy.
