

The rating behavoir you mention always assumes to rate just to worsen or to improve the current rating. It is not about rating a movie itself. That's were the difference lies beteen rating groups. Some IMDB users are rating movies the other
want to influence the rating result. For example I am a movie rater and I would rate a really bad movie 3-4/10 a mediocre one 5-6/10 a good one 7-8/10 and a brilliant one 9-10/10 ony in very few times I would go to the lowest rating of 1 just because of respect for the workers in the cast an crew involved.


You cant change an score when there are already 160.000 and more votes. So this argument is pointless. You simply have to learn to deal with the fact, that movie viewers simply dont like TLJ.


of course you can change the rating. Every Vote counts. Didn't you see recent election results? If everybody had the same oppinion no one will go to an election...and you see the result...


At 160.000 votes no single vote count at all anymore. And the score decreased at that many votes even faster. The majority stated their opinion loud and clearly: This movie is pure trash.


the loud majority may be but not the silence one...


51% vs 49 :) . And, just for you, I examined how much votes RT had when the score still was at 51%: 156.000. Now the score is at 49%. Do you really believe that anyone out there thinks that his single vote could change anything when there are already 156.000 votes given? Your theory implodes. The simple reason why this si still falling in any rating is: Cause its the worst Star Wars ever shown.


can you please once more repear how worse it was? Did't get it yet.
Still every vote counts and changes the result. Thats why still people are voting.


Indeed the vote counts. But not even the most stupid hater/fan would vote now for changing the overall score :) . They vote cause they like/hate the movie. And most people hate TLJ. The corrected score right now at RT is even at appr. 34!


Too sad that so many people are not able to put the hate away and just vote fair for a movie. Nearly no movie deserves to get a rating of 1/10 thinking of all the workers and artists being involved in the creation process. Don't rate the emotions rate the movie!


If the movie is trash why give it a star cause some people worked on it? Think about damaged products. Should we not return it (give it bad reviews) only cause some people worked on it ;) ?


Tell me that you do not see a single good aspect in the film. The Music, the Cinematography, the costume design, the sound design, the acting,....


Have you seen the prequels?



The prequels get way better scores. And as stupid as Jar Jar and metachlorians are ..... they had at least a story and an character arc!


They may have gotten better scores, but that does not make them better. They were terrible with the exception of the last 10 minutes of number three. Other than that I can't even remember anything about these three stinkers.



It isnt cool anymore to be against the prequels. TLJ is the new prequel bashing :) . And to be honest: Not even George Lucas would have done such trash als TLJ.


Don't care about being cool, Quint. Just like to tell the truth.



Then why don't you get rid of that stupid, overused emoji you use as a signature ?


As someone who wants to be a critic and has worked very hard to get to that place because he respects the job. I doubt many critics would take pay-offs or want to appease the studio. Those critics get paid either way, and not from the studio, so why do anything like that. Yes there was some phony stuff at Sony going on but that was Sony creating their own fake critic who would put a blurb on a poster saying Rob Schneider's The Animal is actually a movie worth watching. I honestly think this movie is getting a bit too much hate, it can't be worse than Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace. Just can't.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review here-https://youtu.be/nerCnafPUm8


"...getting too much hate"
That is what I think too. Honest voting and keeping in mind that some brilliant people did some great jobs in movies. Don't stay at the "I rated it 1/10 because it was not what I was expecting" crowd.
Take out the good and the bad and then keep rating overall.


It depends on what your standards are. I actually enjoy TPM and AOTC more than this film. They have flaws and I don't questions that. However TLJ is the closest I have come to actually disliking a Star Wars film.

I think part of the problem is some critics actually labeled this the best Star Wars film ever and I have yet to find a person in RL that really enjoyed TLJ that would say that. In fact they acknowledge the flaws that other people have noted just are not as bothered by them. The consistent issues I have found from people that liked or disliked the film are Luke, Space Leia, Rose, the entire casino side plot, Holdo, the ending villain situation, film is too long, and poor humor. The film was far to flawed for the glowing critical reviews it received before launch. So when you have that you are going to get conspiracy theories.


To all those who angrily burn when Rian supporters claim that he was right to destroy the old Star Wars ways, that Star Wars needed to be updated for modern audiences, that old fans had their time and it's passed, that it's time to cater to a new fan base with different tastes and expectations, that old fans need to either get on the bandwagon or be left behind with their outdated, archaic notions:

Yeah. They said the same thing about the new Ghostbusters movie. They said the same thing about 4th edition D&D. They said the same thing when Marvel Comics (print versions) defrocked Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton and Logan of their titles and gave them all to female or ethnic substitutes, made Captain America into a Nazi, made Iceman gay, made Peter Parker an irresponsible coward, made She-Hulk & Captain Marvel into virtual men, and introduced a new superheroine who was clearly bigoted against straight men & white people. They said out with the old and in with the new. They said get with the program or be left behind.

How's that working out for you 'new', avant garde fans?
(Ghostbusters is dead. 4th edition D&D was abandoned and 5th edition returned to the old ways. And Marvel's printed comics have nose-dived catastrophically, so they fired the EIC and they cancelled many poorly written token diversity titles.)

To the old-time Star Wars fans: Don't worry. When the 'new' Star Wars movies start showing losses or meager profits, when the licensed merchandise starts rotting on the shelves, when Disney realizes that their 'new' Star Wars means billions less in sales & revenues they expected to make, the 'new' Star Wars ways will be jettisoned and the old ways will be brought back. And the 'new' fans currently cackling with delight about the plight of old fans, will be howling with dismay when they're discredited and abandoned by Disney, just like the 'new' fans of Ghostbusters, 4th edition D&D, and token diversity Marvel Comics.


I agree. Unfortunately, no matter what happens, we have been forever deprived of a Han, Luke and Leia reunion.


Still looks like 90% to me.


Also, those critics gave their review right after a star wars themed party. They didn't let the movie sit and digest before posting a review on how different, unexpected, and beautiful it was. They left a overwhelmingly positive environment where I'm sure it would not have been cool to say negative things about the big event movie that just played.

I would like to point out that many of the critics were not star wars fans so a lot of the things that upset hard core fans didn't affect them at all.

Many of my friends who are casual fans liked TLJ but I ask them about the Luke Milking scene or the fact that they threw everything out the window from TFA or the whole casino side quest that went no where or how stupid and unnecessary the Rose character was or how they turned Hux into a childish buffoon

Their response is always the same, kind of a blank stare followed by yeah which one was Rose again and who is Hux... I really liked the hyperspeed attack it looked cool. These are casual fans who have seen the previous movies once if even that. The ones who are confused which set of movies came first. To these people nothing in TLJ is all that upsetting because they are not invested in the mythology or the story ark.

It's kind of the same with me concerning the super hero movies... I liked Man of steel and Batman vs Superman also enjoyed justice league. But I could care less about that universe I'm a very casual fan who will go see a movie not concerned with how it connects to the source material or the other movies. I'll even skip a few movies here and there and have no interest to watch them.
