That fucking ending

I saw that depressing ending coming a mile off. I was desperate for Daniels to somehow get out of the cryo tube and kill David. Are we supposed to come away happy that the sicko robot won out in the end?

When they were trying to blow it out the airlock I was bored because I knew the android was David. I did hope a little bit that they would be a bit more imaginative but no they weren't.

I didn't think the movie was too bad until that. Ending ruined the entire film for me. Depressing watching good people getting killed by monsters and evil robots and then have a downer ending as well.



Yeah, the ending was very predictable. Add to that I just didn't feel the rest of it was very good either. Sort of a poor man's version of Alien.

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I knew more Alien movies between Covenant and Alien were coming, so I expected the dark ending. :)


They don't have to have a completely dark ending to make more movies. In fact, it's a good reason for the viewers to stay away in droves.


I like dark, bleak nihilistic endings like this. predictable yes, but it leaves you feeling hollow and empty. Sticks with you for awhile. Still not as dark as Dread 2009 though. I still can't get that ending out of my head.


I do too, but only if the movie gives us characters worth giving two shits about before they die. The only character developed enough to care about here was Daniels and even with her I had a hard time getting too wrecked up about her ending. It was also kind of her fault for not recognizing that was David when she should have known she wouldn't need to staple Walter's self-regenerative face back together.


Maybe Daniels didn't know that Walter was self healing. Like most people she probably didn't read the owners manual.


While predictable, the ending saved the movie for me. The crazy robot is by far the most interesting thing about these new films. Very welcome after the tired retread of Alien battling.


It was predictable David would survive, yes, but I didn't see the incubation scene at the very end coming.

There are plans for at least one more movie to tie this into the original Alien, so the story has to continue. This is just one part of a larger story, which I hope gets told the way Ridley Scott has envisioned.


Covenant didn't make much money, especially not compared to Prometheus, so it may not get another entry.


Which is why I said 'I hope' it gets told.

I can't see Fox dropping the Alien franchise altogether, but it will be interesting to see what type of movie comes next.


I agree. They made it SO OBVIOUS that it was David by cutting away just before the ending of their fight.

The only suspense at that point was when he would snap out of his Walter act and start acting like David.


I kind of wonder if Scott is intending, with the next installment, to show David more among a general populace, giving a large historical context to droids not being trusted.
