MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > 1 Billion Guaranteed as of right now.

1 Billion Guaranteed as of right now.

Black Panther is not only Massively over performing Domestically but Also Overseas...

Black Panther is exceeded expectations overseas with A 150 Million + opening weekend(expectations were 100 to 120)

Black Panther is opening higher overseas than Thor 3 and Doctor Strange(Thor 3 made overseas 500 Million total overseas+Doctor Strange made 445 Million Total)

what this means is, Panther is now Guaranteed to make at least 500 Million Overseas(almost certainly even more)

and With Panthers Insane Domestic Opening, Which is now up to 194 to 223 Million....A 500 Million dollar Domestic Gross is now also Guaranteed....

The Absolute Floor for Black Panther now is 1 BILLION!



Now if DC Studios can get hungry maybe we'll get something worthy of watching from them.


It's mind-boggling that it took Black Panther only 4 days to outsell Justice League's entire box office run. Imagine being told 10 years ago that one day a movie about an obscure C-List Marvel superhero would vastly out-earn a movie featuring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc. You'd have laughed your ass off, and yet, here we are.

I wish DC could figure things out. Richard Donner and Tim Burton showed us you CAN make good films with their characters...


Agreed, that is absolutely incredible! Thx for putting that into perspective, wasn't aware of that. It's a shame for DC, but simultaneously an incredible feat for Marvel!


Imagine being told 10 years ago that one day


10 years.....

Hell Just imagine this time 2 YEARS AGO...

this time to years ago....BvS had not came out reviews had hit....We had no reason to believe it was going to be the disaster of all disasters....

at this exact time 2 years, BvS was predicted to be and thought to be A 1 Billion + cant miss movie that could maybe even hit Avengers level box office.....Justice League Part 1(at this time 2 years ago, Justice League was announced as a 2 parter) was thought to be a 1.5 Billion + movie...but at that absolute Minimum a 1 Billion + movie....

Literally this time 2 years, had you made a thread or wrote an article saying ...."Marvel Studios Black Panther Will Out gross Both BvS and Justice League Part 1, here are my reasons for thinking this"

you would not have gotten a single response but people brutally laughing at you....

This Time 2 years ago....BOTH BvS and Justice League were absolutely thought of as Guaranteed 1 Billion + movies With BOTH having the Potential to gross as much as The Avengers or More....

Instead, We got BvS, a movie that was so terrible is Literally KILLED Justice Leagues Box office Potential...

if you look at the box office, BvS opened exactly like A 1 Billion + had a 420 M+ WW opening....3 different box office sites said "With an opening this big, BvS would have to fall off a cliff not to make 1 Billion"......and thats exactly what happened....Word of Mouth was Poisonous for BvS....

It had historic or near historic box office drops across the board after Opening weekend....

Simply put, Both BvS and JL were sure fire 1 to 1.5 Billion dollar movies this time 2 years ago....and then BvS opened....

which resulted in audiences seeing BvS, Hated it, Hating it so much, The film had Historic Drops and KILLED all Hype going into Justice League.....In fact BvS KILLED ALL HOPE....

the second after audiences watched BvS....The ONLY hope JL had was if WB publicly fired Snyder, admit BvS was not watch they or audiences wanted and announce They were delaying JL until a new director and creative team can be found and hired

This is the ONLY way HOPE could have been somewhat restored and JLs box office potential could have maybe been salvaged

The Second Audiences watched BvS....going forward with Snyder Directing JL WAS A DEATH SENTENCE!

BvS is the single biggest creative failure in Hollywood history because It is directly responsible for The single biggest missed opportunity in Hollywood in Justice League

Justice League At Minimum should have been a 3 to 5 film Franchise grossing between 4.5 to 7.5 Billion dollars....Instead the Franchise is dead for at least 7 years after only 1 film and the 1 film is going to LOSE the Studio money...

^ that is the biggest missed opportunity is Hollywood history...

and BvS is cause, BvS was so bad, So hated it NOT ONLY crippled itself but also Crippled its direct sequel in JL....

think about this.....WB either made a combined total of ONLY 105 Million Dollars from Both BvS and JL Or No Profit at all....

WB spent upwards of 800 Million dollars making these 2 films, and AT BEST made 105 Million dollars in profit(for prospective, Disney Made 400 Million + in Profit on The Avengers and 382 Million In Profit on AOU)

stop and think about that....If someone told you 2 years ago that WB would make their 2 absolute biggest possible CBM in BvS and JL, would spend Near a Billion dollars making them, and In the end would either make ONLY 105 Million In Profit or ZERO Profit, not in your wildest dream could you imagine a scenario like that

BvS made 105 Million Profit...

Justice League wont make a single cent in Profit from its theatrical run, In fact it will lose WB 50 to 100 Million....But theres a chance WB might eventually break even from Blu Ray Sales and TV revenue in a few years if JL perform Well..

So Literally at BEST WB might Break even on JL in 3 years, more likely they Will lose around 50 M....



Look...BP's second weekend is going to disappoint you. I hate to disappoint you but much of that opening weekend was inflated by the media as it fits their SJW narrative. But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?

I say say yes...and we will watch how this unfolds over the coming weeks.

Heads up: I'd tone down your hyperbolic excitement.

Just sayin'.


Maybe you should just shut up and listen to the big boys! BO Mojo projecting 2nd weekend $120m.

reply obviously don't know that boxofficemojo has been way off in their projections COUNTLESS times over the last few years. They are notorious for over-indexing Disney films in particular.


Satan...I distinctly remember you predicting I was going to be shell-shocked by The Last Jedi's awesome box office performance. did THAT work out?



The Last Jedi has so far earned $1.3 billion, and is the 9th highest grossing movie of all time. That's hardly something to laugh at. What number did it need to hit for you to admit it was a massive financial success?


That was almost 800 million less than The Force Awakens. That's a horrible decline in just two years and does not bode well for the franchise going forward.


No one expects any sequel to equal or outperform its predecessor, but the expectations were even lower for a sequel to The Force Awakens. It came in about where one would expect it to come in, especially considering Last Jedi wasn't as good as Force Awakens.

As I mentioned in a previous post, you seem to have a personal agenda against the Star Wars franchise, so you're looking at the numbers through skewed, wishful-thinking glasses, but to the rest of us-- making $1.3 billion bodes well. Add to that the J.J. Abrams is directing the finale and you have a recipe for yet another Star Wars box office success.


No agenda here. I LOVE Star Wars and I loved The Last Jedi. Personally, I liked it better than TFA. No one thought it would drop this far. Most saw the floor at 1.5-1.6 billion. Also, I am psyched for Solo and Episode 9.



Hard to believe that based on what you've written, but I'll take it at face value. We definitely disagree on TFA vs. TLJ. I'd rank TFA 2nd out of the 8 SW films so far, while TLJ is in 5th, and but a slim notch above the prequels. I hope Solo is good, but I'm not sure what to expect yet. Episode 9 *should* be good-- J.J. Abrams has a stellar track record, and if anyone can deliver the goods, it's him.


Don't get me wrong, I liked TFA quite a bit.



ALL POINTS Bulletin Be on the look out for Queen!

coming up on 19 hours now Queen has been missing....

ODDLY enough thats just about when Deadline updated its Projections and Queen found out Black Panther went from 92 to 104 Million....

The last Disappearance of Queen Lasted for 4 days, and Went Though Saturday(When Black Panther was confirmed to have a 200 M OW),

Through Sunday(When Black Panther was Confirmed to have The Second Biggest Sunday gross of all time)

Through Monday(When Black Panther Was Confirmed to have The BIGGEST Monday Gross of All Time)

and Tuesday(When Black Panther again had the Best Tuesday Gross of Any MCU film)

This new Disappearance Started Yesterday(When Black Panther Was Confirmed to be ONLY the 4th in film History to have a 100 Million + 2nd Weekend)

Wonder How Long queen Intentionally Avoids the Black Panther Board this time?

Over/Under Tuesday?


Satan...I distinctly remember you predicting I was going to be shell-shocked by The Last Jedi's awesome box office performance. did THAT work out?


I think it worked out clearly were and Are SHELLSHOCKED...after all Star Wars completely exceeded your expectations queen...

QueenFanUSA (538) 4 months ago

China is only 25% take for the studio and Star Wars is not very popular there.

I'm predicting that this may be one of the biggest box office disappointments in recent history. This may struggle to make as much as Rogue 1 and there is still one more installment.

QueenFanUSA (538) 4 months ago

The expectations for box office are so high and yet so many people have been turned off by The Force Awakens.

The opening weekend may be below 150 million. Yes...I'm serious...there is a huge problem here.

you made your expectations for Star Wars perfectly clear...

You expected SW to have an OW below 150 Million and expected SW to Make LESS than Rouge 1

So SW exceeded your expectations by more than 70 Million On OW and made more than 300 Million dollars more WW than you were expecting

when your off that much...when a film exceeded your expectations that MUCH..I truly cant think of a better word than SHELLSHOCKED

you clearly excepted SW to To make A Drastic and significant amount less....SW to your HORROR completely exceeded your expectations and exceeded them to such a degree you had to be SHELLSHOCKED is it you keep coming up almost 70 dollars off on your OW predictions

lol Justice League you predicted 150 were off by 56 M dollars

Star Wars you predicted Below 150 M so that would at least be 149 M....You were off by 71 Million

Black Panther you predicted 125 Million...You were off by 77 Million

lol how do you keep missing by 70 Million dollars+?

like I'm not kidding Most people could Miss that much if they intentionally tried....If I intentionally wanted to give An Absurd prediction for Avengers IWs OW....I dont think I could give An Absurd Prediction that would fail as badly as you do on a consistent basis...I dont think I could miss by 70 million if I intentionally tried!

lol you truly miss by 70 Million dollars queen....think about that....


whats a matter queen to SHELLSHOCKED to reply....

I know its hard...being so wrong all the time, I know its hard to constantly think of Immature ways to explains why "you are still right" despite being dead wrong

I loved to hear your thoughts on this though, how did you get over the Shell shock of being wrong by over 70 Million dollars on TLJs opening Weekend and wrong by over 300 Million on Its WW total...

you know maybe your not over it....maybe your in a state of permanent Shell shock....think about it....

you've been disastrously wrong for 4 straight months now....and not just kinda wrong or slightly off, No I mean you've given such awful Predictions for JL,Thor 3, TLJ and now BP have to be almost used to and in a permanent state of Shell shock...

being off by 56 Million on JL Was the start...

Being off on every prediction you made about Thor 3 had to make it worse

Being off by 70 Million + on TLJs OW had to take it to another level

Being off by 77 Million On BPs OW had to simply make you feel that Shell shock is just the new norm for you....

4 months straight queen....4 months of of being as wrong as you could possibly be(I mean that Literally, again I dont think someone could MISS as badly as you MISS if they intentionally tried, I dont think its possible to be more WRONG than you've been wrong)

do you just go about your day now in a SHELL SHOCKED daze?



Satan...just in from Deadline. Looks like 92 million and a 54% drop judging by today's business.


"[–] Satan2016 (1460) a day ago
Maybe you should just shut up and listen to the big boys! BO Mojo projecting 2nd weekend $120m."

Oh boy...I'm glad I didn't take your advice and "shut up and listen to the big boys". They're only about 35 million off. As I told you earlier, BoxOfficeMojo almost always overindexes Disney films.



Hate to continue to be the "Bearer of Bad News" queen...

But Black Panther continues to come in above projections just as I predicted.....

you jumped the gun with your horribly failed 92 Million thread, Since you made that Thread, BP climbed to 101 M and Now 104 M....

I imagine We wont hear from you for at least another 5 days again....

I'm sure like last week, you'll start intentionally avoiding the board again....but it was nice having you back for a while, see you next Week


at least you got a few hours of a little JOY...

I'm sure there was a point lastnight after you made the 92 M thread where you truly felt some joy thinking BP was coming in short....unfortunately though that JOY was short lived and NOT real....the only reason you felt that joy was because you were too dumb to anticipated that BP was certainly going to come in above projections....

lol hilariously your own stupidity gave you false home....

now back to reality where BP is having Better than Avengers 1 holds(remember in yesterday in the now horribly failed 92 M thread, you embarrassing claimed "BP isnt having Avengers 1 holds")

JUst An truly Epic Failure.....

it has to suck to be you....I cant imagine the pain,embarrassment and shame you are going to feel when you click on deadline and see the results, The first thought thats going to go through you head is "OH NO!....Why did I make that thread"

the second thought is, "FVck, Bill was right"

the third why Will be, an eternal decision that you immediately make deciding to go back into hiding


Look...BP's second weekend is going to disappoint you. I hate to disappoint you but much of that opening weekend was inflated by the media as it fits their SJW narrative. But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?


it cant disappoint me....I'm expecting a 90 to 110 Million 2nd weekend....anything in between that, means BP is performing fine....

I dont care if it gets a 100 M+ or not....If it comes in at 90 or close to 90 M...thats means BP is have average holds....anything above that is Good to Great Holds....

But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?


ummm yes....youd have to be a MORON not to believe BP is going to have a Huge Repeat viewing factor....see this where you clearly dont understand box office?

you did not even think before making this statement did you?

why would I or others think BP is going to have a repeat viewing factor like The Avengers?

Oh I dont know because Black Panther and The Avengers are the ONLY 2 MCU films to receive "A+" cinemascores...

due to your anger and jealousy, your trying to put every off as "Black Panther did great because of the Media"...which certainly had an impact....But if were going to look at how the film performs after OW....

we then need to look at the Facts....and the facts are...Yes, Black Panther SHOULD perform like The Avengers....everything points to BP being liked as much or more than The Avengers....Reviews,scores,audiences scores....everything Points to Black Panther having A HUGE repeat viewing factor....

again you clearly dont understand how box office works...But the A+ cinemascore is HUGE here....An A+ cinemascore is Very RARE....It unequivocally Proves Audiences LOVED Black Panther....the A+ Cinemascore should result in BP having A HUGE repeat viewing factor....

but once again way to shoot yourself in the foot, leave it to you to completly forget or not understand the importance of the A+ score

lol "but is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?"

^ lol if you understood at all, even a little bit what a A+ cinemascore means, You what not have asked this question.

its like your literally saying "what I am missing, what makes you think BP will perform Like The Avengers".....and what your missing is, BP and The Avengers are the ONLY 2 CBMs ever to get a A+ Cinemascore....If 2 films should ever perform similar...its these 2 films....

I say say yes...and we will watch how this unfolds over the coming weeks.


so more of the same right?

I say yes, I turn out right

you say no, you turn out wrong

lol we been doing this for months now, first we started on Jusrice League....I told you for a month exactly how JL was going to perform, You disagreed for a month...In the end I was right every step of the way, you were wrong...

then we moved to Thor 3, you constantly "said no"...I constantly "said Yes"....You constantly claimed Thor 3 wouldnt make 300 Million domestically, I said "done Deal"...I was right, you were wrong, Then you claimed 850 WW was DEAD, I claimed 850 WW was a done deal....I was right, you were wrong...

now we've played the "I say Yes" and "You say no" Game for 7 days now with Black Panther..and what do you know I've been Right every time....All Weekend you claimed Black Panther wasnt going to exceed expectations, even making absurd claims of a 125 Million OW and claiming 300 Million domestically isnt a lock, then you moved to Black Panther wont out gross WWs 412 Million domestically, now youve moved to AOUs 459 M....

lol basically no need to wait and see how it will be wrong just like always...sometime sunday results will come'll finally see your wrong and then you'll move the goal posts again...


first it was Black Panther wont make 300 M domestically, then it was 412, now its9 M, after Sunday you'll move it to 500 Million, then you move it to, The Dark Knights 533 Milion, Then You'll finally move it to , The Avengers 620 Million....

you Will continue to be wrong, and continue to move the goal posts....

theres no point in you ever given predictions or talking box office anymore....results dont matter to you....its doesnt matter how successful a film is or how badly a film performs, your stance Will never change....


You keep saying I'm "angry and jealous" at the success of the MCU which couldn't be further frm the truth. I'm a fan of the MCU and I am fascinated in the box office of ALL films.

Just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't make them "jealous".


You keep saying I'm "angry and jealous" at the success of the MCU which couldn't be further frm the truth. I'm a fan of the MCU and I am fascinated in the box office of ALL films.

no your reverse trolling...Your saying you like the MCU you dont come off as an Obvious troll....

I'm saying your "angry and jealous" because you've proven to be "angry and jealous".....

when Disney or MCU films do Great....You make extremely SAD Spite Threads and continue to Move your criteria for Success....ONLY an "angry and jealous" person would do this..

if you werent "angry and jealous", you would simply except the results, but you are incapable of excepting results

however much the Disney or MCU film exceeds expectations, You then Move the Goal posts in an attempt not to except the film is Exceeding expectations...

the other thing that clearly points to you being "angry and jealous" of the MCUs the depths you sink to in defending DCEU films.

JL failed as badly as you can possibly came up over 56 million dollars short of what you expected it to make OW, Yet you somehow relentlessly defend the film..this is due to you being "angry and jealous"....

lol hilariously you yourself Accidentally Proved JL is A made this EPIC thread on the SOLO board...

So...probably a budget over $300 million?
posted 5 days ago by QueenFanUSA (526)
9 replies | jump to latest

Good grief! Add another $100-150 million for marketing and this will have to make $800 million just to break even!


you Literally just 100% perfectly explained Justice League without realizing it....

Justice League is a 300 Million dollar + tentpole that had to be reshot, and the studio easily spent 100 to 150 Million on Marketing....

WORD for WORD Solo and JL are exactly the same...

and you made your Standards extremely clear....SOLO has to make 800 Million Just to Break even....

lol hilariously you didnt realize by creating this troll thread and giving your expectations for SOLO to make 800 Accidentally Proved JL is A HUGE FLOP....

JL didnt even come close to 800 M, BY your own standards, by your own WORDS...Justice League is a FLOP

think about how badly you failed here....try to comprehend the depths in which you failed here...You Spent 3 months relentlessly claiming JLs box office was good, arguing with everyone, and Embarrassingly It WAS YOU,who Accidentally PROVED even by your own standards JL missed Breaking Even in theaters by 150 Million dollars

what this means is, You knew all along JL failed at the box office, You knew All along based on your own Standards(The same Standards set for the Nearly identical SOLO) that JL needed to hit 800 M to Break even, you knew this all along...yet for some reason you LIED and continued to defend JL and claim it was a success, why would you do this?,because your "Angry and Jealous"

It KILLED you that JL failed While Another MCU in Thor 3 was exceeding all expectations

thats why you made Spite threads about "Thor 3s 3rd weekend drop"(of course this to failed in an Epic way when JL had nearly the same 3rd weekend drop that you were making fun of Thor 3 for having)

Its why you continued to claim 300 M wasnt possible for Thor 3 or 850 Million WW wasnt possible(All of which you turned out to be wrong about)

you were and are "Angry and Jealous"

you had to Watch JL fail in every possible way, while at the same time watch Thor 3 exceed expectations in every possible way

you proven youself to be A MCU Hater and DCEU LOVER....and simply put right now there is nothing worse...over the last 6 years and going forward the next 4 years....There can be nothing worse than if Deep down you are a MCU Hater and DCEU Lover....because all you have to look forward to is PURE HELL, all you've experienced in the last 6 years is PURE HELL


that is why you are "Angry and Jealous"....because right now in the moment in time...You are Living a NIGHTMARE....You have to watch while Marvel Studios continuously puts out 2 to 3 MCU films a year that Succeed in every way that you dream of for DCEU films....and the last 3 years it somehow got Worse, Instead of Just having to watch MCU films succeed, the last 3 years you've also had to watch DCEU fail and Lose in direct competition to MCU films...

you have proven by your DEEP history of trolling you are clearly a DCEU fan and MCU hater....and there just no other option, right now, If you are a DCEU fan and MCU hater you are "Angry and Jealous"....

obviously there are some that can take it, but your clearly not one of them...for whatever reason the "Anger and Jealousy" your clearly feeling has resulted in some of the most Absurd,ODD and Childish trolling I've ever witnessed....

some DCEU fans can clearly channel their anger and jealousy, focus it toward "Just wanting WB to finally get it right"....You instead choose to make "Spite" threads where you do a constant and never ending "Moving of The goal Posts" so you dont have to except a MCU film is a hit a or A DCEU film is a failure....

You know this, I'm only telling you this because I want you to know that I know........I know the Pain you are going through...I want you to know, That despite how hard you try, despite how many Spite Threads you make, Despite how much you continue to :"Move the Goals"...I want you to know that know you are LIVING A NIGHTMARE and deep down You are tortured by the success of the MCU films and Failing of the DCEU films....

I know....



Look...BP's second weekend is going to disappoint you. I hate to disappoint you but much of that opening weekend was inflated by the media as it fits their SJW narrative. But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?

I say say yes...and we will watch how this unfolds over the coming weeks.



you literally went like 0 for 7 here

BP's second weekend is going to disappoint you
1. Black Panthers 2nd weekend didnt disappoint me or anyone else given it was EXCELLENT With 111 M

But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again
2. Yes this is a film that brings people out again and again given Its having SUB 50% holds every weekend

to where this film hits Avengers numbers?
3. Yes It Will in fact hit Avengers numbers, Actually BETTER

I say say yes
4. you said no, I said Yes....I was right

we will watch how this unfolds over the coming weeks
5. you watched how it unfolded over the next few weeks finally realized I was right, I didnt need to, I knew I was right when I posted it because I actually Understand box office

Heads up: I'd tone down your hyperbolic excitement.
6. Not 1 thing I said was Hyperbole, You only thought it was because you dont understand box office, every single thing I predicted came true and more.

Just sayin'
7. Shouldnt of said a Damn thing


I will wait and see what next week brings, it could still certainly earn less than a billion. But the potential is there with the strong international opening so far.



"Guaranteed", huh?


$500 million domestic is also "guaranteed".

Dontcha know guys...Gitesh Pandya said so! It's gotta come true now!


Hillarious that you showed up! Figured you'd crawl under your bridge for a few days. Look up Delusional Personality Disorder.


So you say that it is "guaranteed" o hit $500 million domestically as well?


$500 million domestic is also "guaranteed".


ya probably is next 15 days.....

Dontcha know guys...Gitesh Pandya said so! It's gotta come true now!


Nope, I actually said it before she posted, Its simply math at this point....I only posted the tweet to show box office analysts are already too also doing the math...

I see you've been avoiding the board for over 24 hours now queen....wonder why?

lol I'm betting you dont show back up until Wednesday or thursday, until a week day when Black Panther has an average drop, and you immediately make a post claiming BP is "Losing Steam"


521 million domestic as of yesterday.


Absolutely amazing. I never thought that Black Panther would be the one to earn a billion without RDJ featured in the movie. Truly a momentous time we are living in!


Its starting to look like a 1.2 Billion gross is more likely....

BP just set the record for 2nd highest 4 day start ever...BP came in higher than expected again with a 40 to 42 milllion monday....

a 500 Million + domestic gross is guaranteed...and a 500 Million + gross overseas is guaranteed(Black Panther Way over performed overseas as well, Sites expected BP to make 120 Million overseas this weekend, It Made 169 Million)

but now its starting to become clear Black Panther is heading toward An Avengers to The Last Jedi domestic run over 600 Million.....

Its looks like Black Panther now might be heading to a 625 Million + domestic run and 550 to 600 Million Overseas run for a total 1.2 B +


I'm going to say no on this. I was checking the seating on BP and majority of the time 10am to 2pm there is like a few people. 3pm to 7pm it's only barely half-full while 8pm-11pm is nill. In my area that is so I think it's more or less dying down now phase wise. It may even out around 750 million at most from what I can see but we'll see.


I'm going to say no on this. I was checking the seating on BP and majority of the time 10am to 2pm there is like a few people. 3pm to 7pm it's only barely half-full while 8pm-11pm is nill. In my area that is so I think it's more or less dying down now phase wise. It may even out around 750 million at most from what I can see but we'll see.


are you saying you believe BP is going to make a total of 750 Million World Wide?

lol Its going to be at or close to 700 Million by Sunday(thats literally 3 days)

I'm sorry but if you truly are saying BP is only going to make 750 M just dont understand box office

1 Billion Is Guaranteed....

Black Panther is guaranteed to make 500 Million + Domestically and 500 Million + overseas...these arent guesses, It just MATH at this point...

Thor 3 made 500 Million + overseas, and Black Panther is out grossing Thor 3 in almost every market overseas....500 Million + Overseas is a Literal impossibility not to happen right now....

500 Million + Domestically Is DONE, Literally Guaranteed.....

BP will be at around 400 Million domestically by Sunday....BP is at 277 as of yesterday, It made roughly 13 Million today, putting BPs Domestic gross at 290 Million going into this weekend....BP will gross between 90 to 110 Million this weekend, Putting its gross at 380 to 400 Million by Sunday...

thats means Black Panther only needs to make another 100 Million for the rest of its entire run to get to 500 M Dom.....

for comparison Age Of Ultron made another 143 Million after its 2nd weekend....But Black Panther is Out Grossing AOU across the board, so BP Will make even more than 143 M....

If Black Panther performed exactly like AOU from here on out, it would finish between 500 to 530 Million....But again thats not possibly considering Black Panther is having much better holds than AOU...

1 Billion is a 100 % certainty


I never said it was going to make a total of 750m WW. I said it 'may even out around $750 million at most' but I am open to the adjustments as I am still monitoring the box office which shows it at $520 million atm. I'm already seeing the decrease in profits so I know it's in the dying down phase which I also mentioned.


ok just to be clear....

BP will be at around 720 Million by sunday(thats 2 days)

Its going to have a 100 Million 2nd weekend(Only 4 films in history has done that)....

basically its not "Dying Down"...Its still Performing like a juggernaut and perform like only 4 films in history has performed....

1 Billion is guaranteed....


In the world where the last Transformer movie made half a billion worldwide, it's not really an achievement anymore.
More like a sad commentary on the human race.


In the world where the last Transformer movie made half a billion worldwide, it's not really an achievement anymore.
More like a sad commentary on the human race.


Transformers is a horrible comparison

while I get the comparison, your trying to suggest "Bad Movies" make money....

but the thing you and others dont think about it is....Transformers simply doesnt work when compared to Black Panther

for a comparison to work, Movies have to have SIMILARITY...

the reason why you or anyone else brings up the Transformers movies is because they are clearly BAD movies that still made a lot money, the facts clearly state The Transformers movies are disliked by the Overwhelming majority....from awful reviews, to awful Scores, to being rated near the top of "The worst Movies of the year List" constantly....all data proves The Transformers movies are bad....somehow these movies make Great box office despite being Awful movies

Black Panther is the complete OPPOSITE....It is making Great box office and EXCEEDING expectations because its a great movie....All Data proves Black Panther is a good to Great movie, you can use the "Transformer Excuses" on Black Panther because the 2 movie have no similarities....One movie is clearly overachieving as a direct result of the movie being universally loved and praised....

for use the "Hey The Transformers movies made a ton too, box office doesnt equal quality" excuse, you would need a film with a similar reception to The Transformers films.....Batman V Superman would be a Great example....

BvS, got awful reviews, horrible scores, is universally consider awful....Yet still Made 870 Million.....Transformers and BvS are almost identical in reception....

Black Panther, The Avengers and Civil War, The 3 MCU films that have grossed over 1 Billion....Have exceeded expectations Because They are Great films not "Despite" like Transformers films....

The excellent reviews, excellent audience scored and Overwhelmingly praise each of these films has gotten, makes then Undisputed good to Great films that have ZERO in Common with The Transformers films

Black Panther realistically should have opened simlar to Doctor Strange, thats exactly where it was tracking...But excellent reviews hit, excellent reactions hit from early screenings, word got that BP was A GREAT film....BP then exceeded expectations as a direct result of Great BUZZ for Great Word of Mouth

did you know that in 2012, every major box office site predicted The Dark Knight Rises to be the biggest movie of 2012 and easily out Gross The Avengers....THe Avengers was NOT Predicted to make 1 Billion by a single box office site....the thought was an Avengers movie at best would perform slightly better than An Iron Man movie, there had been 2 IM movies that both made between 580 to 630 Million and it was thought that that Avengers movie MIGHT make 700 Millionish....the Cap, Hulk and Thor films topped out at 450 Million, no one really saw a way The Avengers could make 1 Billion, The Thought was the Peak Audience was about the same audience that saw the Iron Man films


Instead, The Avengers complete exceeded expectations because Word of Mouth EXPLODED the last month...Marvel Studios held early screenings nearly a MONTH before the film came out, and reactions from those screenings were so Overwhelmingly positive, HYPE started to sky rocket, Then the World Premiere hit, and Reactions from those there were overwhelmingly positive, 3 different sites wrote articles saying The Premiere was unlike anything they had ever experienced, that the reactions were so overwhelming, the audiences were so excited, so invested in the film, They literally called it the best theatrical experience of their lives!, Next The reviews hit, Overwhelming positive reviews, nearly all calling The Avengers one of the 2 greatest CBMs of all time with The Dark Knight, This lead to a perfect storm of Hype and Buzz that resulted in The Avengers exceeding expectations, Due to The Avengers being One of The Greatest CBM of all time, Due to excellent reviews,excellent scores, ALL TIME great Theatrical experiences The Avengers exceeded expectations, simply Put, The Avengers made 1.5 Billion as a direct result of being A Great film....

Civil War, received Excellent reviews, excellent scores, in any possible way you can think of to Judge a film...The data says Civil War is considered a good to Great Film by the Majority...Civil War made 1 Billion + because it was a good film, just think , less than 6 weeks earlier WB released the exact same TYPE of film in BvS....BvS and Civil War were Both "Vs" type films, Both were Event films, Yet Civil War made 1 Billion + and BvS didnt, why?.....Because Civil War was actually a good to Great Film, BvS wasnt...

I'm sorry again while I get The Transformers excuse, It just doesnt apply to Black Panther or the other Billion + MCU films

Bad Movies do make Money, Transformers is proof of that....But NOTHING about The MCU films even remotely suggests they are bad....Instead there is overwhelming proof based on ALL Facts that These films exceeded expectation as a direct result of Being Universally Praised film....

reply you're saying BP has already grossed over a billion? Are you for real?

reply you're saying BP has already grossed over a billion? Are you for real?



I'm saying A Billion dollar gross is guaranteed at this point.....

Im saying based on simply MATH....BP is guaranteed to finish its box office run over 1 Billion dollars...

I'm saying that a 500 Million dollar + domestic gross is GUARANTEED and a 500 Million + Overseas Gross is GUARANTEED

Black Panther is currently at a little over 500 Million RIGHT NOW....By Sunday it will be over 700 Million the end of its RUN BP is be over 1 Billion....

hope I cleared that up for you


It hasn't happened yet even though you say it is for "certain". That's just ODD to be calling it a billion dollar grosser when it still has a long way to go.

You know the old adage..."don't count your chickens before they are hatched"?


It hasn't happened yet even though you say it is for "certain". That's just ODD to be calling it a billion dollar grosser when it still has a long way to go.


no nothing ODD about it queen...

It was just simply Math...I understand box office...So I could easy understand what BPs OW meant domestically and what Black Panther OW overseas meant...

the second it was reported BP was gonna make over 190 M domestically on OW.....I immediately knew at least a 500 M dollar Domestic total was Guaranteed, Due to BPs "A+" cinemascore, it was certain the film would have At Least average holds(probably Great) but with just average holds and a 190 M OW, simply math Guaranteed a 500 M + OW

Next we got projections overseas, which revealed BO was Over performing overseas as well, Projection were 130 M(which later became 169 ), but I didnt need the 169 M numbers, I knew the second I saw the 130 M Projections, that a 500 Million + overseas total was guaranteed, and the reason why was because, the 130 M dollar projections meant BP was coming in ahead of Doctor Strange in almost ever market, DS made a total overseas gross of 445 M, so I knew immediately knew BP would finish better than Doctor Strange...

lol there was nothing ODD about me predicting 1 Billion was guaranteed 1 day after BP opened...I waited until the Projections for BOTH domestic and overseas came in...once those projections came was guaranteed, it was simply couldnt understand the projections, you thought it was ODD because you dont understand box office

You know the old adage.."don't count your chickens before they are hatched"?

lol Hilarious you didnt understand the "the chickens had hatched" the second the projections came in...

you truly werent trolling really couldnt see that BP was easily going to make 1 B, but I dont know why that surprises me, afterall, You consistently MISS by 70 Million dollars + when predicting opening weekends

I think the biggest stunner of all here the fact that you keep giving predictions at all....for someone who is as awful at box office as you, for someone who is constantly wrong...why keep trying?

I dont know how to play chess, I dont know the rules, I dont know the art of the game...therefor I dont play it, I dont go to forums and talk Chess, I dont make predictions...I would be as bad at Chess as you are at box office if I tried to play or talk about ...Its makes no sense for me to put myself through the embarrassment and failure of trying...

Yet for some ODD reason, you dont grasp this concept at all when it comes to box office...for some reason you continue to talk box office and make predictions and that FAIL as badly as if I played a champion of Chess.

its literally almost like you enjoy being Wrong, enjoy getting embarrassed....why else talk about a subject that you dont understand and can only result in Embarrassment and failure?


It hasn't happened yet even though you say it is for "certain". That's just ODD to be calling it a billion dollar grosser when it still has a long way to go.

You know the old adage..."don't count your chickens before they are hatched"?


so what? All you'll have is a shit movie people would forget in two weeks after watching, and they have stolen your money, so.
