MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > did this movie predict Dictator Joes new...

did this movie predict Dictator Joes new fascist america?

scary times we are living in.

please everyone vote for Trump so this doesnt happen.


Well, Biden did say he would turn the US military on American citizens.


WTF! a sane person wouldnt say something like that. dude is effed in the head.

During a Wednesday press conference announcing his new gun crime prevention efforts, President Joe Biden said the Second Amendment has always had limitations, and those who think they need weapons to overthrow a tyrannical government would need F-15 fighter jets and nuclear weapons.

Biden said, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”


No, that's not what he said at all there. He's saying that the advances of modern military tech would mean that guns just aren't gunna cut it if the US government did decide to become fascist.


You just said the same thing with different words.


He acknowledges then that he would turn the weapons of the US on its own people if they don't act right.


When on earth did he say that? Quote it please.


He said, "If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons." His meaning is obvious: Fuck with us and we'll kill you with our superior arms.


No, that's not his meaning at all. He's noting the power of contemporary military. It's an argument against the idea that small arms are necessary to protect onself against a potential oppressive government as being an outdated idea.


It's obviously his meaning. If the government had no intention of attacking, then guns would be more than sufficient. The citizenry would only need "F-15s and nukes" if the federal agencies intended to use those things on the People.

In any case, he's still wrong. Assholes in flip-flops with rusty AK-47s kept the US mired down in Afghanistan for 20 years.


>It's obviously his meaning.

How is it "obviously his meaning"? You've failed to demonstrate this.

Whos is the government "intending" on attacking?

>In any case, he's still wrong. Assholes in flip-flops with rusty AK-47s kept the US mired down in Afghanistan for 20 years.

US took 2,000 casualties in 20 years in Afghanistan.


During a Wednesday press conference announcing his new gun crime prevention efforts, President Joe Biden said the Second Amendment has always had limitations, and those who think they need weapons to overthrow a tyrannical government would need F-15 fighter jets and nuclear weapons.

Biden said, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”


Okay so?


Impeach Joe!


Biden said, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.


Okay so






have you seen him?


And he's wrong. Biden is another idiot who thinks the gov't. has such advanced gear, that armed resistance would be effortlessly crushed by these advanced weapon systems, ergo, the 2nd amendment is obsolete. This is taking an extremely complex situation, and providing a cartoonish, simplistic answer, which makes people saying this look like complete morons to anybody with a clue about asymmetric warfare.

People saying this must live in an alternate reality where this same advanced military has not spent the better part of the last quarter century struggling to control goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. And estimates were that there were at any given time no more than about 22K insurgents in Iraq.

And Biden thinks it would be easy to steamroll millions of pissed off American gun owners alarmed at seeing a the gov't turn tyrannical?

What does he think happens when half the army and national guardsmen refuse to follow orders and fire on fellow Americans? Or when the gov't sends tanks down Main Street USA and SWAT teams start kicking in people's doors?

As one author put it: "In one of the bluest states in America, the New York SAFE Act only has like a 4% compliance rate. And that’s mostly just people choosing to ignore an onerous law. Because the further you get away from the major cities, the more people just don’t give a crap about your utopian foolishness. Its (sic) benign neglect, and most Americans are happy to ignore you until you mess with them. You start dropping Hellfire missiles on Indiana? Fuck you, its game on. And that 1% is going to turn into 50% damn quick."

Insurgencies can't and don't face regular troops in open battle. What they do is make it impossible for a gov't to control its territory, collect taxes, enforce its will. They avoid pitched battle, and make territory ungovernable.


>What does he think happens when half the army and national guardsmen refuse to follow orders and fire on fellow Americans? Or when the gov't sends tanks down Main Street USA and SWAT teams start kicking in people's doors?

Sure, if the governments own forces don't actually follow their orders - then that's different, but this isn't a "threat". Biden didn't say that he would use the US military on US citizens if they "didn't act right".


I'm not saying he did. I'm saying turning lose the U.S. military on American civilians would not be the cakewalk he thinks it would. People wouldn't assemble for pitched battles to get squashed by tanks and Apache helicopters. It would be asymmetric warfare. Small cells of resistance fighters blowing up convoys, assassinating government officials, stopping delivery of food, fuel, ammo and so on. Potentially stopping delivery of supplies to blue cities who support the government using brute force to crack down on red states and "flyover country." And the more draconian the government became in its crackdown, the more people it would drive into the arms of the insurgency. People who had been sitting the fence would join the rebels after seeing their relatives killed by drone strikes.

Back in the 1960s, the civil rights movement gained massive support from all over America when they saw cops in the south turning dogs, riot batons, and fire hoses on civil rights marchers. If the government decided to go into jackbooted thug mode in order to confiscate guns, suppress free speech, or perform other tyrannical acts, you could expect a similar reaction from horrified and outraged citizens. And the government doesn't have enough troops to use force alone to suppress a massive uprising involving millions of citizens.


I mean it would very much depend on the nature of the attempted uprising as to how bad it would get. I suspect strongly that if the USA felt its existence was under threat it would fight much harder than in Afghanistan and Iraq in the occupation period.

>Back in the 1960s, the civil rights movement gained massive support from all over America when they saw cops in the south turning dogs, riot batons, and fire hoses on civil rights marchers. If the government decided to go into jackbooted thug mode in order to confiscate guns, suppress free speech, or perform other tyrannical acts, you could expect a similar reaction from horrified and outraged citizens. And the government doesn't have enough troops to use force alone to suppress a massive uprising involving millions of citizens.

You are missing the other possibility of the would-be insurrectionists being the potential oppressors.


I mean it would very much depend on the nature of the attempted uprising as to how bad it would get. I suspect strongly that if the USA felt its existence was under threat it would fight much harder than in Afghanistan and Iraq in the occupation period.

This sounds like something else written by that same author I quoted earlier: "In something that I find profoundly troubling, when I’ve had this discussion before, I’ve had a Caring Liberal tell me that the example of Iraq doesn’t apply, because “we kept the gloves on”, whereas fighting America’s gun nuts would be a righteous total war with nothing held back… Holy shit, I’ve got to wonder about the mentality of people who demand rigorous ROEs to prevent civilian casualties in a foreign country, are blood thirsty enough to carpet bomb Texas.

You really hate us, and then act confused why we want to keep our guns? But I don’t think unrelenting total war against everyone who has ever disagreed with you on Facebook is going to be quite as clean as you expect."

I think this is relevant, but the worst danger I see of tyranny right now is from the left.

You are missing the other possibility of the would-be insurrectionists being the potential oppressors.

Not likely in any scenario I can see in the reasonably near future. Again, the worst danger today of oppression is from the left, which has completed its "long march through the institutions," and now has most of the power.


>This sounds like something else written by that same author I quoted earlier: "In something that I find profoundly troubling, when I’ve had this discussion before, I’ve had a Caring Liberal tell me that the example of Iraq doesn’t apply, because “we kept the gloves on”, whereas fighting America’s gun nuts would be a righteous total war with nothing held back… Holy shit, I’ve got to wonder about the mentality of people who demand rigorous ROEs to prevent civilian casualties in a foreign country, are blood thirsty enough to carpet bomb Texas.

USA had hardly any casualties in Iraq relative to their time there. A detail. But if an armed group genuinely went to try and overthrow the US government, would it be justified to the US government to use the military to try and stop them?

>Not likely in any scenario I can see in the future. Again, the worst danger today of oppression is from the left, which has completed its "long march through the institutions," and now has most of the power.

The left don't control the supreme court, don't control congress, don't control many states, and look like they could lose the senate and the presidency in November.

What is it exactly you think the left plan to do anyway?


But if an armed group genuinely went to try and overthrow the US government, would it be justified to the US government to use the military to try and stop them?

Point to an armed group anywhere in the US today that looks like it would have even a remotely reasonable chance of seizing power -- and for God's sake please don't even bother mentioning Jan. 6. That was not an insurrection, no one's been charged, there was no organized leadership, no plan for seizing power, congress was back to work within hours.

There is simply no armed minority of radicals, right or left, who have a plan and stand a chance of toppling the government and seizing power.

he left don't control the supreme court, don't control congress... What is it exactly you think the left plan to do anyway?

The left most certainly did control the supreme court until 2018. And once they lost control of it, lots of Democrats started proclaiming their intent to pack the court. It was recent Democrat administrations that blew up the filibuster for nominations, and now wants to end it period. Also Dems that weaponized the IRS and the DOJ to go after political enemies. The left is now trying to "protect democracy" by keeping a disliked candidate off the ballot, and thereby depriving voters of choice. The left is effectively rewriting the law by having prosecutors simply refuse to prosecute whole categories of crimes. The left is now in favor of censoring free speech.

What I fear the left will do, and what I see it is doing, is securing political power, changing longstanding norms, ratcheting up encroachments on civil liberties, and circumventing constitutional limits on gov't power.

The likeliest scenario I see for civil war is fed up citizens pushing back on this effort, and conflict breaking out as a result.


>Point to an armed group anywhere in the US today that looks like it would have even a remotely reasonable chance of seizing power -- and for God's sake please don't even bother mentioning Jan. 6. That was not an insurrection, no one's been charged, there was no organized leadership, no plan for seizing power, congress was back to work within hours.

I didn't say such an incident had happened. I'm asking you if it did, would the USA be justified in using the military to protect themselves?

>The left most certainly did control the supreme court until 2018. And once they lost control of it, lots of Democrats started proclaiming their intent to pack the court.

And have done no such thing.

>The left is now trying to "protect democracy" by keeping a disliked candidate off the ballot, and thereby depriving voters of choice. The left is effectively rewriting the law by having prosecutors simply refuse to prosecute whole categories of crimes. The left is now in favor of censoring free speech.

What crimes are these? What censorship bills have been put to the floor?

>What I fear the left will do, and what I see it is doing, is securing political power, changing longstanding norms, ratcheting up encroachments on civil liberties, and circumventing constitutional limits on gov't power.

What encroachments are these? Trump himself has directly threatened to "root out" "left-wingers" who he also described as "vermin". Is that threatening authoritarianism?


I didn't say such an incident had happened. I'm asking you if it did, would the USA be justified in using the military to protect themselves?

Of course it would.

And have done no such thing.

Because they have not had enough votes. Sinema and Manchin were the only Dems not to vote to end the filibuster -- and they're both retiring. Senate and house Dems have both introduced bills to pack the court; they just didn't have the votes to get it passed.

They haven't done it, but it's not for lack of trying.

What crimes are these?

Too many to list; there's a space limit. Google George Gascon, Chesa Boudin, Larry Krasner, Alvin Bragg, and Soros prosecutors in general

What censorship bills have been put to the floor?

There have been many in the history of the country. It doesn't always come from bills in the legislature. A federal court ruled in Missouri v. Biden that the Biden Administration unlawfully colluded with Big Tech to silence Americans in violation of the First Amendment, and that this "arguably involves the most massive attack on free speech in United States history."

Also, on campus after campus -- all hives of leftism today, there is support for speech codes, and poll after poll shows students in favor of banning "hate speech" -- and what that is will be decided by those in power, for their own advantage.

What encroachments are these? Trump himself has directly threatened to "root out" "left-wingers" who he also described as "vermin". Is that threatening authoritarianism?

Trump shoots his mouth off. When you look past words at deeds though, the Trump administration doesn't have nearly as alarming a record on that as the Obama or Biden ones.


People chose Biden for president, it's not his fault, as much as I despise that corpse.

We have to unlearn decades of corrupt news media endocrination, remove the poison from schools and universities and get on track remembering and enforcing what made and can still make America great


I think this was likely developed when Trump was President. The makers probably think Trump would order the military to attack American Citizens but we all know Biden and Handlers would salivating at the Chance to do that. There were clips in the trailer of what looked like a militia in the White House. I'm guessing that's a liberal fantasy as Nick Offerman is probably going to be portrayed as a Trump like dictator that the militia is trying to overthrow. It's frightening a movie like this is going to exist.


Oh, there are so many things wrong with your question, it's difficult to decide where to begin.

First, you need to learn how to spell fascist and learn what it means. Trump fits the very definition. Power, power, more power. Don't worry about people's rights or needs, just do everything you can to get more power!

Second, even if Biden did fit the definition, this movie hasn't come out yet. It's not possible for something that hasn't happened yet to predict something that already happened!

Third, ignorance is not your friend. Knowledge is. You should try it sometime. Learn things, read things, ask questions. Grow as a person.


Trump fist the very definition. Power, power, more power. Don't worry about people's rights or needs, just do everything you can to get more power!"

And of course the Left isn't interested in Power Power Power, right?? Biden shoving EV's down everyone's throats citing no more gasoline powered vehicles and people will drive an EV by no later than 2030 and that in itself shows he's just as much a Dictator as you claim Trump is.. See how that works??


and dont forget that Biden said no is allowed to vote for or support Trump or you are a enemy of the State.


When did he say that no-one is "allowed" to vote for, or support Trump?

And if no-one is "allowed" then why haven't all the people involved in Trumps election campaign been arrested?


Yep, you caught my typo. Still doesn't explain how something that hasn't happened yet can incorrectly predict something that already happened.

And, no your example of trying to make environmentally responsible decisions is not about power. It's about making sure there is still a planet in the future. That's called having compassion for future generations. Not being money hungry and crying because being environmentally responsible might be more expensive.

Trump actually is about power. He wants to have everything that he wants, and he doesn't care about anyone else. When people disagree with him, he doesn't try to have an intelligent conversation and listen to anyone else's points, he just cries and says, "Wrong!" and "Fake News!" because he's never going to let the facts keep him from having everything that he wants, whether it's a good idea or not.


if you are going to mock someone for misspelling a word then your grammar, syntax and punctuation better be perfect.

"Trump fist the very definition."

Trump fist? what the heck is that? lol

ignorance is not your friend. Knowledge is. You should try it sometime. Learn things, read things, ask questions. Grow as a person.


Yep, I did have a typo there.

But you weren't able to respond to my points:

1. You don't know the definition of fascism.
2. The future can't (incorrectly) predict the past.
3. You aren't willing to be educated. If you're wrong, rather than admit it or learn from it, you double down and insist that you're right.


I had a type too. but you are the moronic one for mocking me for having a typo when you also had a typo.

A. Dictator Joe fits the very definition. Power, power, more power. Don't worry about people's rights or needs, just do everything you can to get more power!
B. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
C. Your unwillingness to learn will be your downfall. its obvious by your grammar and syntax that you are not educated. if you are wrong, rather than admit it or learn from it, you double down and insist that you are right.


A. Except that's never happened, but ok.
B. And what have you learned from history? Nothing.
C. Funny how you just keep saying nothing. (By the way, I did admit it.) What, exactly, is your level of education? Have you finished high school, yet?


1. yes its happened
2. what have you learned from history?
3. you have learned nothing so far, please read this entire thread over again.
4. thats what happens when you vote for a Dictator


How has it happened? What "power" has Joe Biden specifically chased and gained?


You are too funny! Just like Trump, it doesn't matter whether what you say is true or not, you are just going to keep making the same vague statements, never explaining, never answering questions ... just hoping that if you say them over and over (and over) again, they will be excepted as truth.

Honestly, I can't decide if he's just that dimwitted or if he's simply figured out that he doesn't need to do anything and he doesn't need to know anything. He simply needs to be able to say the same thing over and over again and be the loudest voice in the room.

Somehow, Trump has managed to convince some people that he's right and he knows what he's doing simply because he's the loudest person int he room and he keeps repeating himself. Anytime someone challenges him, he says, "Wrong!" or "Fake news!" He doesn't bother to explain. He doesn't elaborate. He provides no evidence of any kind. But, apparently, if you say things loud enough and often enough, some people are going to just assume you are correct.

You said nothing new in that last post. Nothing at all. You tried to be just like Trump. You simply repeated what you had already said, hoping that that would be enough.

It's not enough. It makes you look ignorant and uneducated.


evidence? like the cold hard evidence that Russia hijacked the election? dems are such hypocrites. Joe talks about 12 yr old girls and sniffs their hair and no one says a word. Trump defends himself against false allegations and all people talk about is Trump. Trump cant do that, Trump is supposed to not speak out, Trump is not allowed to defend himself, how dare Trump use social media, Trump shouldn't do that, Trump is Trump but Trump is also Trump. you guys talk about Trump so much you would think you guys are dating.


Wow! Everything that you just said had nothing to do with anything I said!

You really should consider finishing high school. You have not learned how to make an intelligent argument.


everything you said had nothing to do with anything. you have TDS so your thoughts make no sense. Trump.


you have TDS

I know you are, but what am I? Seriously, you have got to learn how to have an intelligent argument!

It seems as though you forgot what I originally said (that you never responded to). I'm only mentioning one, because it's not even political. It's simply logical:

Even if Biden did fit the definition (of fascism), this movie hasn't come out yet. How can a movie that hasn't happened yet predict something that already happened? Did the writers travel in a time machine?

On another note, have you noticed that there seem to be two ways to define TDS?
1. People who are obsessed with Trump because they love him.
2. People who are obsessed with Trump because they hate him.

Personally, I have no obsession with Trump at all. I simply pray that he is not elected in 2024, as he is a horrible human being and only makes choices that he thinks make him beloved. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and the President of the United States needs to have at least some compassion for its citizens.


Joe doesnt care either, actually he has no idea whats going on and just reads scripted comments. I pray that Trump is elected in 2024 but I fear the election will be stolen again. our last hope for humanity is Trump.

Joe fits the definition of fascism when he gave a speech that said that anyone that supports Trump is a enemy of the state. could you imagine the outcry and protests if Trump gave the same speech about democrats? Trump supporters are not allowed to question anything and if they openly support Trump they are ridiculed. this is not the america I remember.

99% of democrats are obsessed with Trump, just look at all the posts on the politics page about Trump. we can talk about Trump all you want. it doesnt bother me I would rather talk about Trump than that other guy.


You still didn't answer the question:

Even if Biden did fit the definition (of fascism), this movie hasn't come out yet. How can a movie that hasn't happened yet predict something that already happened? Did the writers travel in a time machine?


the movie was already made, it just hasnt been released yet. if you have seen the movie Primer. then that explains whats going on now. nothing is linear in time travel.


I did not expect you to say you thought time travel was possible.

I have, in fact, not seen Primer. I have seen all three Back to the Future movies, every episode of Outlander, Star Trek episodes and movies about time travel and I'm sure others that do not come to mind right now. The rules for time travel are different in each franchise.

The movie was written in 2022, more than a year after Biden was elected.


oh its possible. Dictator Joe can do anything he wants and get away with it.


So in order to make your position of Joe Biden being some maniacal dictator, you're going to propose that the conspiracy extends as far as people using *time travel*?


Nostradamus predicted the future. how did he do that?


He didn't.


evidence please....


[–] JoWilli (14746) 40 minutes ago

evidence please....

Um, how about you provide evidence that Nostradamus actually did predict the future.


you said he didnt.


[–] JoWilli (14748) 3 minutes ago

you said he didnt.


[–] JoWilli (14748) 4 hours ago

Nostradamus predicted the future. how did he do that?

evidence please ...


evidence please that I said that.


Already did that, but here it is again:

[–] Skavau (8584) 3 months ago
So in order to make your position of Joe Biden being some maniacal dictator, you're going to propose that the conspiracy extends as far as people using *time travel*?

[–] JoWilli (14750) 4 hours ago
Nostradamus predicted the future. how did he do that?

I know you're about to edit your post, but I thank you for giving me time to copy it first.


why are you answering for Skavau? neither of you have honestly answered my question?


[–] JoWilli (14751) 3 hours ago

why are you answering for Skavau? neither of you have honestly answered my question?

What question would you like an answer to? (other than the times when you answered a question with a question)


>Joe fits the definition of fascism when he gave a speech that said that anyone that supports Trump is a enemy of the state.

He said no such thing. He said the "MAGA movement" was a threat to democracy.

>Trump supporters are not allowed to question anything and if they openly support Trump they are ridiculed. this is not the america I remember.

Who is saying you're "not allowed" to question anything?

And since when did you have the right to not be ridiculed?

>99% of democrats are obsessed with Trump, just look at all the posts on the politics page about Trump.

Many of these are by Republicans.

And Trump is the landslide frontrunner in the Republican race. Why would you think he would have a diminished media profile?


Joe will happily turn the US Military on American Citizens while he eats a bran muffin and drinks his prune juice smoothie.










This films sounds like more predictive programming.


the liberal hollywood elites are doing everything they can to keep Trump from winning...
