MovieChat Forums > Killermueck

Killermueck (159)


The party scene and the product placdment killed it NEW kraken insane footage If you wonder where the russian shills/bots are coming from: SLAVA UKRAINE I hate ziggers Production value is just not there I think he didn't come off as creepy and weird irl Didn't like it in comparison Did Bob really had a plot to kill Charles? Car chase scene View all posts >


Cope & seethe magaturds You WILL worship the feminine penis! No, it focuses more on the first two films but also relies heavily on the game alien isolation. Many set designs of the trailers look identical to sevastopol station from alien isolation and the game apparently inspired the director of romulus to want to make an alien movie. I also get strong closet vibes from this This post aged badly. Russia is a terrorist state. kys Kill yourself Well he wasn't in his best state mentally and he had bad influences around him when he made these decisions. And while I don't like this move and think it was heavily influenced by courtney he more or less was nirvana. He wrote the music, lyrics, did the artworks, storyboards for the videos, sang. So its kinda justified. Meds Take your Z-propaganda elsewhere Igor! Storm-Z should be mandatory for warmongers like him View all replies >