Finally saw it ..

It was beyond boring but fascinating at the same time. I doubt I will ever watch it again.


True review


I assume its just 3 hours of talking?


Talking with super dramatic music playing throughout the entire film 😂


Sounds like Dunkirk Part 2.


At least Dunkirk was mostly non-dialogue. This is the opposite, but with the super dramatic music!


So I tried watching it and its not for me. Its an interesting subject but unfortunately it got Nolanized.


Imagining your comment with dramatic music in the background makes your comment all the more dramatic. 😄😆


I just re-read it in my head, with the dramatic music. 😂 Yup.


meh, for me as well.
i liked the parts with Einstein.


Not a bad review. I don't think I would watch it again either but glad I saw it once?


*Off to see it in IMAX yet again*



I'm half way through it. I manage about thirty minutes a day. It's probably the best made horrible movie i've ever seen. I don't know how anybody watched this in the theater, I can't follow the dialog at all without the subtitles. Everybody's just mumbling the whole time while the soundtrack is blaring away. My only takeaways so far are jeeze, Josh Harnett finally learned how to act? and damn, the kid from the Santa Clause and Numbers got really fat and ugly.

Additional: Well I finished this last night and wow. This flick really picks up in the second half. Everything from the actual building of the bomb, the testing, and all the political fallout after was absolutely engrossing as hell. The way the film put together all the twists and turns and machinations of the players involved was really riveting stuff. I mean this is truly dull subject matter and they made it like a Shakespeare drama. I couldn't figure out the whole while watching why people were praising RDJ's performance, but oh, it's all in the backend. This film would have been greatly strengthened by chopping twenty or thirty minutes of bullshit out of it. I was especially impressed by how the filmmakers made the Trinity testing so tense despite all of us growing up watching the footage and knowing the outcome. Speaking of: One technical detail that bugged me about the realism is that they had cameras everywhere filming that shit but we don't actually see any old timey camera men running around in any of the shots. Anyhow, good flick. I'll probably watch it again to see how it plays after knowing the reveals. Oh, and Rami Malek wasn't a total creep for once. That was fun.


I lol'ed at you only being able to watch 30min a day of it 🤣


I'm 1 hour in and I think I'm going to watch it all finally. I have started watching this probably 4-5 times and never made it past 30 minutes. It is pretty damn boring, at least so far. I couldn't agree more that the music is too loud and they seem to be mumbling, it's terrible! Good to know it's not just me, lol.


it ends up pretty good. I definitely recommend hanging in there. but it helps to watch it at home with subtitles and breaks. is that a good movie though? idk


That's pretty much how I felt as well. I thought Murphy gave a great performance, everyone else was alright - nothing outstanding, but the pacing of the film was terrible and boring. The content/story is what I expected so that was on par. Overall, I think I would give the film a 7/10, but can't imagine I will watch it again in at least 10 years.


This is the most accurate two sentences review I read for a long time.


Siskel and eabert got nothing on me 🤭
