MovieChat Forums > Farfolomew

Farfolomew (13)



I didn't get that response at all from his covering his ears. Rather, I got that he was smart and was preserving his hearing. And him being a "cuckold" is not at all what I got either. Rather, he had a very powerful connection to Josephine both intellectually and, especially, sexually. Lol, well said. Strauss was there for RDJ to chew up screen time. Ironically, his acting was one of the more enjoyable parts of this movie, even though it all should have been cut out. I was first clued into Nolan's poor writing and directing of dialogue when I saw Dark Knight in 2008, specifically the Police meeting scene and the Joker's goons in the beginning. He's a great director in presenting visuals and action, and he's even pretty good at eliciting nice performances from the actors. I just don't care at all for the dialogue and characters in his newer movies, and to me, that's the meat and potatoes of what a movie should be. At least Dunkirk was mostly non-dialogue. This is the opposite, but with the super dramatic music! I dislike this movie more than last year's winner, "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once". I re-watched Oppenheimer the other day, and the soundtrack just made everything feel forced dramatic and I was quite bored on this re-watch. I don't mind re-visiting some of Nolan's films, such as Memento, Inception, and even Dunkirk. But Interstellar and especially this one are strong nos. Nolan is getting into the territory of JJ Abrams "hack fraud-esque" in my mind. Explain why please. Watch Emperor with Tommy Lee Jones, it’s pretty good I liked every one of your great questions. None are answerable, except perhaps for the suicide one. I like to think he regained a little bit of his humanity (and sanity) and realized the horrific things he did and could not live with it. Most of Jupiter is Hydrogen and Helium, and the pressures are so intense near the surface, that the Hydrogen is in the form of a liquid, making it the largest liquid ocean in the solar system. So the ingredients are there I think for thermonuclear fusion, but clearly not the density/pressure. You need a *lot* more for Hydrogen to fuse. That's where the Monoliths came in, they did "something" to drastically increase the mass/density to initiate a chain reaction I know the answer is crystal clear to fans of both movies, but to those casual viewers who may have only seen this movie once (and maybe not even seen its prequel, 2001:A Space Odyssey), the reason Europa is off limits is because of the Monolith you see there at the end of the movie. In the beginning of 2001 you see the Monolith at the "Dawn of Man" on Earth, depicting the moment our ape ancestors learned how to use tools, implying the Monolith somehow imbued that knowledge onto them. The same thing with the Europan Monolith: it will somehow trigger sentient life to grow there, and thus it should be avoided by human meddling. All the more reason why I advocate for a remake of 2001 and 2010 into one movie! :-) View all replies >