Did you lose interest?

TWD was an awesome show. My wife and I watched it every week on AMC and even picked up the seasons on DVD. Once Negan came around it seemed to drag. We lost interest.


I love zombie movies (primarily the 'Romero' variety, but also the 'Fulci' stuff too) Dawn Of The Dead is my favourite movie (got almost every release of it) plus I've sat through some terrible zombie movies over the last 35 years (as I quite like cheesy movie)....so I recently bought TWD seasons 1-8 on Blu-ray (admittedly, I was late starter to the show) but I can't seem to get past season 2 (on more than one attempt)

It bores me shitless.

I've tried twice now (and because I find it so dull and unmemorable, I've had to start right back from the first episode again) My interest (or should that be 'patience') grinds to halt when they reach the farm-house (ran by Stuart Wilson) who is hoarding the undead in his barn.
I'm not a big fan of U.S. TV shows as it is, but figured that I'd at least dig the genre (at very least) but this show (other than the premise) is just like Sunset Beach with zombies. It's so padded and sluggish (and the characters are all deathly dull)

So the Blu-Rays are just gathering dust on my shelves now.

I wish I could like this show, sadly it leaves me cold.


Stud whole whispers thing , unbelievable and gross to look at. Especially unbelievable.


The last episode I watched was the one where Rick Grimes exited the show on the helicopter. That was it for me. I hung in there after the show lost many great supporting characters, but I simply have no interest in continuing to watch without the MAIN character, who I started this journey with so many years ago. The only thing I will watch going forward will be the Rick Grimes movies... IF they ever actually make them.

Actually, I MAY give the Carol/Daryl spin-off a shot, since it'll be a different show. I haven't decided yet. But I was completely done with The Walking Dead when Grimes left.


I have kept watching primary because of Negan for the last few seasons. The show electrifies every time they give screen time to Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Otherwise the show is dead in the water.


Deanna Monroe was my breaking point. She was treated like a hero, she did nothing, and she gets a two episode send off in which everyone cries and mourns just to pad the time.


I didn't even make it to Negan. I lost interest during the season with the Governor.


If I hadn't binge watched the first 4 seasons, I would have lost interest with the Governor too. As it stands, even with the binge, I had to fight the urge to fast forward through a lot of it.



"Terminus" was the last interesting season and it concluded in a clever way that all other seasons failed to achieve. I know it follows the graphic novel but re-introducing the Governor again is when the show started to feel redundant with its story-lines and struggles.
