Did you lose interest?

TWD was an awesome show. My wife and I watched it every week on AMC and even picked up the seasons on DVD. Once Negan came around it seemed to drag. We lost interest.


The last season I fully watched was 7 and before I finished it I was already losing interest. I just feel like it doesn't do the graphic novels justice. There's so much changed and left out that it's hardly a shell of what the source material is.


I lost interest shortly after they introduced Negan. The problem was that they were swinging back and forth between Rick and his people being SEAL team 6, and the Keystone Cops. One epispode they'd be so badass they could take down practically any enemy. Then, next episode, they are making such mind-garglingly stupid mistakes I would have to refrain from throwing things at the TV screen.


Yeah, about 7 years ago.


The hole whispers thing was not only stupid beyond unbelievable but boring and gross. That's when my wife and I stopped watching.
Think the thing that really bugged me was the years of peace those communities had and they had not prepared basic defences for a heard in all that time. Not one basic trench system that hundreds of walkers could falling to and then finish of at your own pace. Hell not even a simple hole. Who ever was in charge of planning was rubbish.


I’m in too deep, and now just want to see how it ends. However, it feels like it’s been like 5 years since TWD has been a water cooler topic. Nowadays, I feel more like the lone weirdo that still watches. In other words, I have no one to share the viewing experience with.


i stopped watching after s4
