Harrison Ford Injured On Set Already

Probably by an incompetent diversity hire.



it'S a shame. why are they doing this movie? Everyone already has enough money! The third film was a good end for the Indy-Series. The 4th had not the charme of the earlier ones and became just redicolous. I sense that the 5th one will be even worse...


Disney disgraced Han and Luke before killing them off, now it's Indy's turn to be disgraced and killed off. Cuz "Da Patriarchy!"


This one is being directed by James Mangold, so that gives me hope. I don't know that he has ever made a bad film.


Feminazi, Phoebe Waller Bridge is in this after ruining "Solo."


I know. So there's some good and there's some bad. Seems like the film could go either way then.

I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude. It might be a good idea to actually see the film before deciding you don't like it.


I'm done giving Disney perverts the benefit of the doubt.


I'm not a fan--in fact I canceled my D+ subscription after they fired Gina Carano--but they still produce some good things from time to time.

Togo from just a couple of years ago was an excellent, classic-style Disney film and The Right Stuff is a good series.




Solo was decent , how did she ruin it?


Maybe she didn't ruin it but she was one of the worst things about it. I hate how she didn't even attempt to move like a droid, for a proponent of feminism her physical performance sure was heavily gendered.


Holy shit, I didn't realize that. I don't think he's ever directed or written a bad film either. i shouldn't be having hope about this movie


Walk the Line is the only movie I can remember where I was literally angry when the credits started rolling because I was enjoying the film so much.

I didn't even realize he directed Cop Land until looking up his filmography. That movie is underrated.


Agreed on Cop Land, and I didn't realize that either. I looked him up just now after your earlier comment, and I didn't realize he did Identity either.


I can't imagine anyone is clamoring for this film, even that last one only had a medium buzz for it.

I feel like there should have been the trilogy and that's it, how great a legacy that would have been...


Crystal Skull came out the same year the Rambo sequel did, I was excited for both from nostalgia, and I saw both in the theater. I couldn't believe the difference between the two films. Crystal Skull looked fake and as if it was shot on a small Hollywood set. I was very disappointed in it. Rambo had sweeping panoramas of the Jungle, and the action exceeded my expectations.
I think the only thing that matters is if its done well, but from past experience, it doesn't look like it will be.


Oh yeah, I saw both in the theater for nostalgic reasons, too. That's an apt assessment on how I felt they turned out. I've only seen the Indy one that one time, but Rambo 3x.


You're right about Crystal Skull looking fake, with unconvincing CGI and sets that were clearly artificial. It's kind of amazing to me that Spielberg made that movie. I didn't think he was capable of fucking up that badly.


The character is just too good to be put on ice, in my opinion. I feel that, much like Bond, Indy is a character that needs to keep going and who is bigger than the actor(s) that play him.

I just wish it wasn't Disney who is in control of the franchise.


Probably by an incompetent diversity hire.

Whatever you say, mentally ill nutjob.


i just hope in 3 months or so i hear that filming has wrapped. then i'll be happy. reshoots i'm sure will follow but at least then they'll be able to release something no matter what. same with lethal weapon 5, if that happens.


I hope he recovers quickly!

And they are filming a new lethal weapon? I wasn't aware


no, but it could be soon. i wasn't expecting the indy film to start shooting.


They say he was rehearsing a fight scene when he hurt himself, I hope the fight scene is with another 80 year old, because my suspension of disbelief only goes so far.


They should incorporate the shoulder injury into the film to keep the budget down and not delay production.


They could work with a stuntman and create the deep fake Indy-face onto him...I hope the don't


Probably some white guy that blames shit on diversity hires.
