Disney Kills Boba Fett

Goodbye, fan-favorite character Boba Fett. You had a good run until Disney decided to utterly ruin you.


You're next Obi-Wan!


I wrote why it happened. You can blame Robert Rodriguez for that one. I thought it was Kathleen Kennedy's fault, but for once, it wasn't.



Lucas, Kennedy, Johnson, Abrams, Filoni & Favreau, and now Rodriguez. Star Wars fans are fast running out of people to blame.


Why should Lucas be to blame? He wrote the Star Wars he wanted, and if you don't like it, YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!!


I don't know. Ask Star Wars fans. Was he not being blamed as the villain for the longest time?


George Lucas was being blamed, because he didn't make the Star Wars THEY wanted, he made the Star Wars HE wanted. And to be honest, being the CREATOR of Star Wars, he has the RIGHT to do so, as they're HIS movies. End of.


This is true, but the prequels were a mess. Great ideas, but poor execution.


Yes, but they are more canon than the Disney shit, because they ARE HIS WORKS.


Yes, this is true. And Disney is shit too.


I'll blame the guy that accepted sole writing credit.


It is partially John Favreau's fault, because he was the one who allowed Robert Rodriguez to sign on, and then was flying all over the place doing other projects, and wasn't aware of the damage the guy had done until the first few episodes were aired. However, he's learned his lesson, unlike a certain red-haired bitch in the cushy gilded corner cage office they stuck her into at Lucasfilm.


Oh, you're referring to his fandom fave status! I thought the show had been cancelled!

It hasn't been, has it?


How can Disney kill a character who was already dead until they decided to resurrect him?

This smells distinctly of a plot hole...


Why is it "DiSnEY!" when it's something people don't like, but "Filono and Favreau should be running the franchise" when they do like it.


The buck stops with Disney. They bought it. They own it.


Who is "they"?


Disney. It was literally in the first sentence of that post.


Who at Disney?

Favreau? Rodriguez? Filoni? Howard? Those are the people who made/directed this show.


I'd blame Favreau first, since he's the guy with sole writing credit. If what we saw on the screen isn't what he intended, he should tell us what was wrong.


he was literally in the original trilogy for 3 mins of screentime, how the fudge was he ruined? what was there to ruin?


In those three minutes he was established as a ruthless, fearless and intelligent bounty hunter. Not at all the utterly clueless goofball he became in this horrid series.


Kids who grew up on star wars, like me, thought he was cool mostly because of his uniform and the fact he was intially introduced before the film was released, what was so intelligent about him? How is he a goof ball in this series?


Did you miss that he was the only person, imperial or bounty hunter, who was not fooled by Han Solo's "drift away with the garbage" trick?

How was the Boba Fett in this show a goofball? So many examples. How about his pathetic attempts to chase a little robot in a kitchen? How about looking for his armor by flying his space ship into a Sarlacc Pit? Why would he even think it was in there after he crawled out of the pit wearing it? How about walking around the city pretending to be a crime boss? How about constantly taking off his helmet, even when he knows he could be attacked at any time? How about getting manipulated into wiping out a biker gang that had nothing to do with his beloved Tuskens being massacred? The guy is a joke.


Don't forget "You, ride it- like a Bantha."


Boba Fett is a FUCKING JOKE, "clashwho". He was introduced as a cartoon in the Star Wars Holiday Special between ANH and ESB, then makes an appearance with Darth Vader next to a far more intimidating droid, and Fett then follows Solo and friends in the Falcon at SUBLIGHT SPEED, something that ANYONE can do, and in ROTJ, tries to look cool and intimidating before being beaten by a BLIND Han Solo who just ACCIDENTALLY knocks his weapon against his jetpack, sending him into the Sarlacc with a girly scream, and he is rightfully consumed and considered dead before this Disney travesty of "bringing him back to life". Face it, "clashwho", Lucas ditched Fett because he was only used to potentially "kill off" Han Solo because Harrison Ford was fed up of Star Wars, and once Lucas convinced Ford to come back, Fett was now the useless character, so HE was killed off instead. Get it, now? Fett is a SHITHOLE, and he was NEVER INTERESTING. To make a complete TV show around him is POINTLESS.


AMJF gets it, well put


You claim that "anyone" could follow Solo and friends at sublight speed. Maybe so. But it was Boba Fett alone who wasn't fooled by Solo's "float away with the garbage" maneuver. It fooled all of the other bounty hunters and the imperials. You also correctly point out that Boba Fett's "demise" in Return of the Jedi was a fluke. Just plain dumb luck on the part of our heroes. Leading up to that moment we saw how resourceful and fearless Boba Fett was. A Jedi is swinging a lightsaber around, annihilating Jabba's guards, and what does Boba Fett do? He does not hesitate. He flies right at the lightsaber-wielding Jedi and attacks him. Successfully.

If you want an analog of what Boba Fett should have been in this show, based on what we saw of him in the original trilogy (and in the animated portion of the Star Wars Holiday Special), look to Clint Eastwood's taciturn, hard-as-nails, frighteningly competent and ruthlessly lethal Man With No Name from Sergio Leone's "Dollars" Trilogy. Boba Fett was cut from that cloth.

That is the reason that legions of Star Wars fans refused to accept the character's death in Return of the Jedi, resulting in many comics and novels telling further tales of Boba Fett. He made a huge impression with very little screen time. He's probably the most impactful character in cinema history with screen time that miniscule. So show some respect.


"He flies right at the lightsaber-wielding Jedi and attacks him. Successfully."
Really? As I recall, Luke cut Fett's gun in half. I'd hardly call that successful. And Fett somehow managing to tie up Luke was only for a moment or two. Certainly not successful.

I don't give a shit about the "Dollars" Trilogy, and Westerns aren't high on my to-watch list.

I accepted Fett's death, as I accepted Darth Maul's death in TPM, and yes, they did both die horrible deaths, regardless of what the tiresome fans want for their resurrections. And at least Darth Maul looked cool and was a Sith.


Well, more successfully than Jango fared against Mace Windu, anyway.


I don't care. In Star Wars, there's too much emphasis on "Western-style planets" like Tattooine and Jakku, and I never liked Westerns nor that aspect of Star Wars. If anything, what interested me most about Star Wars was the Empire, although not so much the joke that is the First Order. I also was more fascinated by Sauron, the Nazgul and the Orcs/Uruk-Hai in LOTR, too. I guess I've always liked bad guys, but Boba Fett is fucking lame compared to the God that is Palpatine (except TROS, of course).


Yeah I don't quite get all the love the character gets from fandom. It's like, "Oh WHHHOAH, no dis-in-te-grat-ionz!!!!11 This guy must be SOOOOO flippin' bad@!$#*(&!"

It wouldn't surprise me if OT Boba Fett was actually notorious for disintegrating his targets completely by accident because he was too clumsy.


Come on, you cannot say he feels like the same character. Clashwho is right: "In those three minutes he was established as a ruthless, fearless and intelligent bounty hunter. Not at all the utterly clueless goofball he became in this horrid series." That was a period in time when less is more. We live in a CGI overkill world. Back then? We didn't need to see he was a bad MFer, we KNEW. The voice, demeanor, how others acted around and spoke to him.

I respect this show for trying to show he's a different person at this time in his life, but it just doesn't come off like the same character.


His character changed/evolved the moment he met the Sandpeople tribe. I admit, growing up you got the impression fett was a ruthless bounty hunter and a man of few words, but if you take the events of the prequels and the mandalorian, you see him with more emotion, almost a changed man especially in mando.

I do believe that as soon as he got his armour back, you should rarley see him without his helmet.


You didn't get the impression, he WAS a cold-blooded killer.

You bring up his Mando scenes, hell he was noticeably different from that show to this one. He was a beast in that show. A bad mother fucker. You give me that guy in this show, we're not having this discussion.


Yes i agree


Funny how Disney needed Han to be a changed man in TFA, Disney needed Luke to be a changed man in TLJ and Disney needed Boba to be a changed man in Book of Boba. See a pattern here? The pattern is toxic Disney Karens don't like Lucas' male characters.
