MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Soooo I really enjoyed this movie until....

Soooo I really enjoyed this movie until......

Superman came in. As a die hard Superman fan Zack Snyder and company continues to ram it down my throat just how much they don't understand, and don't like this character.

Say what you will about the Whedon cut, and I didn't love that version either. But Whedon did a much better job with Superman in one movie than Zack did with three movies and I'm sick of it.

Superman vs the Justice League was better in the Whedon cut. Superman got his F you moment to Batman "do you bleed?" grabbed him by the face, basically manhandled him whereas here he heat visioned his arm, and idk how that didn't burn a hole through him. In the Whedon cut he got a better scene with Lois, a better scene with mama kent. The mustache scene was terrible, but the rest of Superman in that movie was far superior to what Snyder gave us.

In the Snyder movie he basically just shows up for the third act, does his stupid Jesus shit, helps kicks ass, and again has NO character moments to speak of. His scene with Lois was abbreviated, his scene with mom was abbreviated. The only cool thing Supes did in this movie was wear the black suit, and kick some ass. Other than that nothing at all.

So In summary I didn't really like either version of JL. But at least in the 2017 version I finally got to see Cavill play the version of Superman I wanted to see him play


Yeah, say what you will about Whedon, his Superman at least seemed like a decent person. All of Snyder’s heroes are violent psychos who never have a moment of levity. It makes me wonder about Zack’s mental state.


I also prefer the Elfman score in the 2017 film, and the color palettes as well.

Like does everything Zack film have to be all dark, doom, and gloom. It's ugly, and unnecessary.

And for the love of god can you hire someone better to do your CGI


What are you talking about?!?!? Zack is mentally fine. We all supported him. Okay???

Wonder Woman brutally OBLITERATED a criminal terrorist in front of a group people, especially CHILDREN, that was awesome! She randomly obtained super speed and stopped bullets... if only they gave Zack an extra HOUR of film, she would have had the ability to disarm him and just think, she almost recklessly killed all the people below the building as collateral because we all needed to see a huge cool explosion scene. Wonder Woman is a hero, she is a hero?!?! Yay(!)

And after all that, we got treated to this brilliant moment:
"Can I be like you someday?"
"You can be anything you want to be."
This is normal. Absolutely normal, that is how normal people react when someone (even a bad guy) dies right in front of 'em. The scene made a whole lot of sense, we needed to see this scene, such a shame Joss cut this scene out of the theatrical cut...

Oh, that Zack Snyder-- he did right in his movie, what... a... great... person and director. So glad EVERYONE loves this movie, he totally deserves an Oscar(!)




The movie is already 4 fucking hours. There's no more room for character development at this point. It doesn't need anymore, because the movie is too fucking long.

I thought "do you bleed" was stupid, but it was the delivery more than anything. The delivery was just corny. Cavill was doing an impression. It wasn't a natural delivery. Taking out Flash's jokes during this was stupid. I don't know why Synder hates humor. The fight was better in the Syder version overall.

Never understood complaints about Cavill's Superman. Outside his cheeseball "Do you bleed", he's fine.


OMG Kuatorises. There's no room for character development in a 4 hour movie. LOL. Then what the hell is this guy doing with those 4 hours aside from masturbating on screen?

In a 4 hour long movie there SHOULD be better development for EVERY character. Not just the characters Snyder deems necessary. Zack once again proves his ineptitude as a storyteller.

If you don't understand the complaints about Cavill's Superman then you clearly don't understand the character


It took Peter Jackson around 9 hours to tell the LOTR story and to develop their characters...


Sorry Pete that's a lame comparison. LOTR were based off of a book series that Jackson adapted to screen.

9 hours to translate three books


Okay, let's take The Hobbit instead, or the 7th Harry Potter movie. Both based on ONE book each...
I guess the length of a movie was always in conflict with the marketing guys who were looking for as many screening times per day as possible. Movie streaming changed this a little. And that's a good thing.
(I hope that) Nobody wants to buy the Mona Lisa and cut it a little to make it fit in a round picture frame...


Dude what the hell are you babbling about?


Bloating The Hobbit into 3 films larded with bad fan fiction was not a good thing.


I think it's the main reason I liked this movie and didn't care for MoS or BvS. Superman is in this little enough that Snyder's mishandling of the character doesn't hit so hard.


^^Yeah MOS was a mixed bag but overall didn't have much heart to it. They also butchered Jonathan Kent, and wasted Dr. Emil Hamilton. As much as we love Kevin Costner, they got the character all wrong.

BVS was a travesty. Batman and Superman sharing the screen for the first time should have been epic. I'm still baffled how people praise that movie the way they. What they did with Lex Luthor was unforgivable.

They also wasted Jimmy Olsen and Mercy Graves


Totally agree.

Another great scene in the theatrical version is the one where Aquaman accidentally sits on the lasso of truth. The way Momoa delivers his line like "woof, you're really something" or similar, really funny. But what's more, if you don't do such a scene in an ensemble movie like this, then when if ever?

This movie is 4 hours long but it doesn't have any scene worth remembering. When I think about The Avengers movie, the Hulk vs Loki scene comes to mind, or "Doeth mother know you weareth her drapes" line, that one long "sequence" shot during the battle of NY among others. When you miss the opportunity to include scenes like that, then what's left is called a Snyder movie. Sorry to say, but none of his superhero-movies have outstanding scenes and that makes them mediocre at best.

Superman punching Zod towards the skyscrapers in MoS was a missed opportunity. That short scene should have lasted way longer than 4-5 seconds.


^^Exactly no scene worth remembering.

Again people can say what they will but my takeaway scene from the 2017 version was the Superman vs the league scene which was great, as well as the majority of the Superman scenes in general.

I walked away from 2017 saying to myself "at least they finally got Superman right"


In the Snyder cut, Lois is accidentally there, because she visits the site every day or something.
In the theatrical version, Batman brings her in as a last resort against Superman.

Which version is better? I'd say Whedon's version by far.

Also, Superman remembering the "do you bleed" line and the way he delivers it makes you think "oh oh, Batman is f..." lol


Oh you also reminded me. The scene with Martha and Lois was a fine scene IMO.

Why the hell did you have to add Martian Manhunter posing as Mama Kent? Oh god so bad.

So Martian Manhunter sat idly by for the destruction of Metropolis in MOS, the Doomsday destruction in BVS, and the potential Darkseid takeover in this film buuuuuuut he felt the need to put himself in hards way to give Lois Lane peace of mind because she had a broken heart. Lol hahahahaha



"In the Snyder cut, Lois is accidentally there, because she visits the site every day or something.
In the theatrical version, Batman brings her in as a last resort against Superman."

This is the clearest indicator that shows the difference between competent vs incompetent writing.


At least in Weadon version. Superman actually wanted to help people.


Wheadon also used John Williams score when Superman appears to join the heros against Steppenwolf that was really a nice thing to do.

Snyder doesn't know how to hype a moment for a hero he's always down to the violent/dark/sad themed moments.


Oh Yeah the Danny Elfman score in the 2017 version was 10x better then the score here, as well as the distracting soundtrack

I also prefer Joss' color palettes.


Hack has absolutely no interest in Superman, he just sees him as a tool for his CGI destruction porn. The heavy-handed Jesus allegories are the best comedy in these, his overblown slow-motion and Michelangelo compositions never fail to make me laugh.


Barf the Jesus allegories are the worst


Says the "Die hard Superman fan".


It's all about the execution guy. If they weren't as heavy handed I wouldn't have a problem. It's the same as when we get politics on film. If the politics are subtle and presented in a way that isn't over the top distracting I have no quarrels. When the writer/director slams you in the face with it like slamming your face into a brick wall then it's cringe.

In this movie Superman literally flies into the sky and poses for the camera is the "Jesus resurrection pose" he literally poses for the camera. Hence why it's cringe.

If Snyder delivered the Jesus metaphor in a more subtle way then I wouldn't be complaining. But then again Snyder doesn't know how to do subtle. It's okay though, alot of modern day filmmakers don't know how to do subtle.
