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Star Wars has gone full-blown woke and degenerate [SPOILERS]

Interracial lesbian couple conceive children without a man. One of the women even has horns to suggest Satan for good measure.


she looks like Darth Maul


Anakin. The cornerstone of the entire Star Wars, was conceived without a man.


We don't know that.

Anakin is believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians. But it is also known Sith Master Darth Plagueis could influence the midi-chlorians to create life. That is another way of saying midi-chlorians don't normally do that.

So more likely he was created by Darth Plagueis, or his student Palpatine (He was very fatherly with Anakin, wasn't he?), with the purpose to destroy the Jedi.

Otherwise why would midi-chlorians create a human child? If that is what they do, there should have been countless created that way. At least if I were them I would have created more than just one.

I think it was Palpatine pulling strings so Anakin would cross path with Qui Gon and Obi-won, that is how Anakin was trained to be a Jedi. It was the same way Anakin crossed path with Padme. I think the death of Anakin's mother had something to do with Palpatine as well.

Palpatine, the ultimate helicopter parent.


Well yeah but he still wasn't "conceived" by a man in the traditional sense.


Not through sexual intercourse, but still I think a man was involved.


Yeah but that's what the OP was complaining about. I was just pointing out that it may be exactly the same in this show...


Did 2 women really conceive a child, through some kind genetic engineering maybe?

I don't think they are up there with Palpatine.


Two women didn't "conceive" a child at all. The Darth Maul-ish witch said she carried her and the other one said she had created her.

I can't remember the exact wording but it alluded to being something similar to Palpatine. Certainly something unnatural...


So exactly what Palpatine did.

I guess anyone can do it now.

Certainly sounds like "Anything men can do, women can do better, or at least can do the same".


I guess so...

But anyway, I'm not a fan of the force witches but they have been a part of the lore and established as force users since the Clone Wars series.

I don't really consider any of these shows to be proper OT continuity canon (and the same goes for the prequel films) but it does fit in with that established universe.


The fight has always been between Jedi and Sith, for thousands of years, even there are only about 2 ~ 3 Sith at any given time.

That implies other users were primitive, not advanced user of the force.

But if they were as powerful as Palpatine, their near distinction was because of ... what?


I don't know - You'll need to go and read up or watch some of the other shows / cartoons if you want to delve into it further.

Suffice to say though, there was nothing new being shown here from that "extended" universe perspective...


All the novels which were written post the original star wars trilogy, which are not part of the canon, are by far more aligned with the canon than any of the new shit. Then again, George Lucas fucked up the prequels, so he was the initial starting point of the destruction of Star Wars. He gave it birth and then he kicked off its destruction.


there is no proof of anything you said

it's just as likely that the Force created him


To do what? To destroy Jedi?

Why not create him in the republic? So he could be tested? Why created him as a slave on a remote planet, and cause strong family bonding with his mother?

If it was not because Palpatine sending Jedi his way, he would never become a Jedi.

The narrative that he was created by force to destroy Sith does not make any sense.

If it were the work of the force alone, why not send a vision to the Jedi? At least tell them the existence of Anakin.

I think it was Palpatine created him, play on the prophecy of the Jedi.


"The narrative that he was created by force to destroy Sith does not make any sense."

and yet, that is exactly what he did


It's made pretty clear that he should not have been; but the Force used Anakin as a balance despite him being created for nefarious purposes. He was basically the universe bringing things back into balance after people tried to bring it out of balance.


I think the force used Luke more than Anakin.

Luke looked far more like the chosen one.

It is like the Sith created Anakin, and I use his child that sort of thing, in the end using Luke to turn Anakin yet again.

Kind of poetic justice.


Actually... you're right. That also makes a lot of sense given that Luke was uncorrupted like Anakin.

And yeah, definitely poetic justice.


Anakin had no father and was conceived through the Force which made the jedi believe he was The Chosen One. Force is like god and put a Jesus in Shmi's vaj to bring balance to the force.


To do what? To destroy Jedi?

Why not create him in the republic? So he could be tested? Why created him as a slave on a remote planet, and cause strong family bonding with his mother?

If it was not because Palpatine sending Jedi his way, he would never become a Jedi.

The narrative that he was created by force to destroy Sith does not make any sense.

If it were the work of the force alone, why not send a vision to the Jedi? At least tell them the existence of Anakin.

I think it was Palpatine created him, play on the prophecy of the Jedi.


It's not Star Wars, it's Kathleen the Karen Kennedy's "SHE Wars."


Now you finally see full-blown "feminism" (or rather, toxic feminazism) at its peak. Something they desperately want and will never have, not even with biotechnology.

As you can see, this is a shining example of why should not be used as a training manual for writing bad, imitation Star Wars shows. Imagine how little attention this story would have gotten if it had been on the above-mentioned website to start with. It would have also saved a megaton of money.

Incidentally, I've actually seen this going on in the Sims community for years among gay players (who make up 40% of that population). Of course, they need mods, and other Sims players happily provide such creepy things. The ultimate dream of the rainbow nutties is to be able to procreate without requiring a man and a woman together in the same bed.


Yeah, I'm old enough to remember when bad fan fiction was laughed at, now all the bad fan fiction writers we laughed at have been hired to write multi million dollar streaming shows.


Don't forget all the loser writers at the CW who needed work after their horrible network finally died. Disney probably hired them immediately.


- from conservatives who *actually* believe a woman conceived a god from a spirit. Yes. LOL!


I’ve been reliably informed that leftists can be Christians too. Thanks for confirming those clinging to that myth are in error.


So does Muslims, they also believe in man + woman, and despises homosexuality......

are you saying Islam is wrong?


I wish Kathleen and Leslye went to Saudi Arabia or another Muslim country to promote this show.
