MovieChat Forums > Friends: The Reunion (2021) Discussion > Will this be ultra political?

Will this be ultra political?

...and ruin the memory of this show like all recent sequels and reboots?


I hope not


Its not a sequel or a reboot so how could it ruin the show?


I'm guessing they'll probably feel bad about themselves because the cast was all white. People seem to forget a lot of the time friends often relate to one another by things they have in common. Also no one cared in the 90s and most black people that did just watched Living Single instead.


I hope it's political. People today are getting too soft! Talking about politics is fun and gets your brain going. I don't know why people hate talking about it so much. FREE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS!!!! I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM!!!!


Well, then I hope the cast is all wearing MAGA hats since you want them to get political.


They could all wear MAGA hats for all I care. I don't care if they come out praising the free market or praising Karl Marx.


I'm not sure you are cognizant of how disruptive all this free association of radical anti-Democratic ideas has been for Democracy.

In theory, it sounds good, but take a bunch of JOs who think Free Speech equates to Hate Speech, now we have a problem on our hands.

And it's a Real, Legitimate Problem, one that threatens our Homes and Lives.
These JOs want to quell Progress and Understanding, legitimize Torture and Segregation.
It's Awful and they seem perfectly Happy with it.


It's crazy that the 1st Amendment is under siege. The writing was already on the wall years ago, but seeing play out is insane.


This is sarcasm, right?


No. Freedom and democracy are 2 things I love.


It wasn't, at all.


Thankfully for the most part no, but the producers couldn’t help shoe-horning in ‘PC-wokeness’ by showing how much the show means to people all around the world- all of whom are either black, Asian or gay (we know this because it’s the first thing out of their mouths or they can’t wait to parade their same-sex partner in front of the camera). Major face-palm...


You sound like a white supremacist.
