
Chloe (127)


Released in Italy 50 years ago!!! The Major Flaw I Can't Ignore In This Movie Criterion Collection Blu Ray View all posts >


You’re 100% right on this. Hollywood has never been so embarrassingly formulaic as today, yet the writers choose to ignore the fact that their hyper-overcompensating political correctness is exactly what should be being lambasted in a modern Scream movie. Woke morons. Humor of color? Thankfully for the most part no, but the producers couldn’t help shoe-horning in ‘PC-wokeness’ by showing how much the show means to people all around the world- all of whom are either black, Asian or gay (we know this because it’s the first thing out of their mouths or they can’t wait to parade their same-sex partner in front of the camera). Major face-palm... Fiumicino harbor (seven years late I know)! It's obviously not happening, but Kathleen Kennedy is unable to admit mistakes (not ideal qualities for a leader) so will shy away from announcing it's cancellation publicly. Rather she'll keep quiet and hope everyone forgets about it in time. Not only is it the worst Star Wars movie, it's the worst movie I've ever paid to see at the cinema. No. According to Daisy Ridley they didn't even know during filming of TROS! They flip-flopped back & forth between no lineage, her being a Kenobi, and eventually Palpatine. It's unbelievable how mismanaged the trilogy was considering it was in the hands of a mega-corporation! This comment literally made me lol, well done Sir! 100% agree. A massive part of the appeal of this movie is the wish-fulfilment factor- just thinking about 'what-would-I-do-in-that-situation' really let's you put yourselves in the main character's shoes. Obviously it's a horrendous situation, but there's something so alluring about securing yourself inside the vast space of a shopping mall while an outside threat is (temporarily) unable to get to you. I agree with this- I was pleasantly surprised how funny and good-natured Danny Steinman was about the film! View all replies >