MovieChat Forums > House of the Dragon (2022) Discussion > Sure. Let's glamorize incest.

Sure. Let's glamorize incest.

I know it went on, but I really don't care to see passionate love scenes with Daemon and Rhaenyra. Gimme a break with that. It was enough seeing young Rhaenyra get it on with Ser Criston. That almost looked like kiddie-porn. Now this?

But I still like this show. These fools are crazy.


Dragons need love too


dragon pron?


Different era, different morals.
It's not like we didn't have similar cultures in our history. Google the Ptolemy dynasty.


That I get. Many cultures used to ignorantly do it. I just don't care to see it.


So ... don't watch it?

NOT EVERYTHING has to cater to YOU!!!

But you have the right to complain about it, lol


Are you serious. wow.......


Yeah, I am.

Are you reacting the same to crime movies??? Violent movies? Porn movies?

A lot of movies show a lot of despicable acts, should I understand that you only see only like 1% of the movies produced in the world?


And do you react like such a fucking dick to someone's opinion?


Yup, always :D

And you should expect it on the internet ...


Okay, then.


Does incest between an uncle and niece cater to you?


It doesn't bother me seeing it on screen.

And it's pretty much spelled out the reasons for that incest.

I guess you wanted to cut your wrists at every episode of GoT ...


Oh not at all, I'm just really into that sort of thing and thought I found a kindred spirit. Seems like I did afterall :)



Are you my niece? ;)


no, this is your nephew... is that a deal breaker?


Pretty sure the ones doing it on screen are not actually related, they are just pretending to be.




Literally don't watch it!?
Fucking entitled GenZ bastards who think the world evolves around them...


How fucking stupid of you to assume I'm GenZ.


Considering your childish behavior, I'd say it is quite a safe bet.
In case you are actually older - one more reason to take a step back and reflect a little.


You may want to reflect on your rudeness. I think you're the childish one, here. Tough guy behind the screen.


Tyler, this thread is starting to remind me of that scene from Game Of Thrones when Tyrion Lannister confesses to his crimes in the Vale.

I'm not sure if you've seen Game of Thrones, I assume you have since you're watching HotD. But as the story goes, Tyrion discusses all the terrible things he's done and the truth is, everyone wants to hear it. Sure, they may act like it's horrible stuff to listen to but you know they don't want him to stop confessing. lol...

Here's a link to that scene...

GoT was based on the first volume of books this show is based on. If you've seen it or read it, you would know that incest is just a part of the story as it was in real ancient times and medieval times. No one watching this show should be surprised by it.


Bruh, I know it's part of this show, and that it goes on. I'm talking about the scene, and the manner in which it was shown.


Make the bald man cry


It was such a great scene. So far we haven't seen anything as good as Tyrion's confession in HotD.


Yes. The way Game of Thrones and this one normalize it and make it cool is disgusting.
Hollywood normalizes is for people. And they should be called more often on it.


It was actually quite common among royals back in the middle-ages and also in ancient times, especially in Egypt, it's widely known that Tutankhamen and Cleopatra were both products of incest.

While I don't think the show "glamorizes" incest, in no way does it make the ones involved in the incestuous affair look like upstanding members of their society, quite the opposite really. But it definitely leaves the viewer no doubt about what's going on between Rhaenrya Targaryen and Daemon Targaryen.

Either way, the story is based on a book written by George Martin and if you want to start telling people what they can and can't write about, I will have to stand against you.

Bottom line, if you don't like the subject matter, don't watch it. Simple as that....


Not a very clever response. You could say that about ANY criticism of ANY show. Duh.


No, no, no.. you did not just use "duh"... what are you, some kind of valley girl? I bet your next reply will be "gag me with a spoon, like totally".

Get back to me when you get older.


"If you don't like the subject matter, don't watch it" has to be the dumbest response I've ever seen on a message board. Do you use that clever response to everyone who says they don't like something?


It is actually a very valid response.

Do you know how many shows/movies that I don't like I watch? You guessed right: exactly ZERO.

If your morals are so easily offended just watch cartoons ffs. (But stay away from Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, 2 Stupid dogs and few others)


I'm not offended. I just don't think they should play "romantic music" and glamorize a dude sticking it to his niece. And I fucking like Johnny Bravo.


It's just true, no one is forcing you to watch it.

I get it, opinions vary, some people are just not going to like shows that have incestuous relations as part of the theme.

I didn't care for the sex scene either, but I understand it's not real, they're actors. No one is actually having sex. Again, it's based on a book with a story that takes place in an imaginary world. The characters are not real, the place is not real, dragons are not real.

It's a work of fiction, you should probably stick to documentaries. You would get more pleasure out of them.


Wouldn't recommend OP to watch any historical documentaries about European or mediterranean monarchies though.


well, it looks like its cousins fucking from here on out, so I'm guessing it's not the show for you.


This show has no moral compass.


Am I right that Alicent/Viserys daughter (Helaena) and son (Aegon) are married? Seemingly for no reason at all.


It came out of nowhere for me. But yeah, that was his sister. Seems kinda funny when you consider that Viserys was upset at Daemon for getting it on with Rhaenyra early on, but isn't put out that his son and daughter got married. WTH.


He was not upset because of the incest but because he knows his brother is super depraved and wicked and doesn't want that for his daughter.


It was enough seeing young Rhaenyra get it on with Ser Criston. That almost looked like kiddie-porn.

In that regard, this series is closer to the books, than the original series. In the books, all the characters are much younger. For instance, Ned Stark was 34-35 when he died, if I remember correctly, not Sean Bean's 52.
