MovieChat Forums > The Marvels (2023) Discussion > Women are NEVER going to like male brand...

Women are NEVER going to like male brands like Marvel

...and Star Wars, just give it up Disney. Women like Disney princess movies and Barbie. No amount of obnoxious pandering can ever change female biology and psychological traits.


It's part of the culture Marxists plan to destroy the west wanting Women and Men to go against their biology.


"It's part of the culture Marxists plan to destroy the west wanting Women and Men to go against their biology."

^This exactly!


So there's something wrong if a woman is not into "princess movies" or "barbie"?


I have a friend from college who was obsessed with Star Wars. She still runs the Star Wars fan Club in the next town over. Plenty of ladies enjoy marvel flicks. The issue they have is the same most have: after a a blowout ending like Endgame, it's hard to muster interest for the marvel reboot. The fans put in 11 years and 21 movies. They probably need a real break. Disney is just too busy running content because they overextended their purchase of media (37%?) And now need to maintain a cash flow in a dwindling market with higher costs.


I have not noticed that to be the case. Fanbases for things like Star Wars or superhero films are made up of more men than women, but not in the stark numbers you seem to think they are. I've seen a number of polls that tend to show the same result: about 55% of men say they are fans of the MCU, and about 40% of women say they are. That tracks with what I notice in my day-to-day life, too. I know plenty of women who are into MCU films, Star Wars, sci-fi, and so forth. I know even more men who are, but I definitely know a LOT of female fans of the genres.


That's like saying men don't like Indiana Jones nor DC because the last Jones and Flash film bombed. People want to see good films with some originality. Both men and women are tiring of the rehashed Marvel superhero movies. The Marvels is just a bad movie.

Furthermore, women will watch sci-fi and action movies when the movies don't insult them and have well-written female characters. I credited Arnold Swartzenegger for understanding this decades ago when his movies had strong female characters and had a high percentage of women moviegoers unlike other action films which still showed female bimbos.

Star Wars female fanbase is 40%, Marvel is 47%, Star Trek is 57%.

Great article about women and superhero comics and movie statistics:


As far as I know Captain Marvel opening outsold the Spiderman movie that came out the same year.


Yes, Captain Marvel was such a high quality movie it made a billion and everybody who saw it loves it so much they are skipping this sequel.


Are they?


Yes they are.


Yeah but the opening weekend hadn't barely begun when that was written.


Actually, women do like them, but they like them for the cute guys with a little romance sprinkled in. You think The Fast and Furious movies were driven solely by male audience? LOL! You can bet Paul Walker and Vin Diesle were a big draw.


What are you talking about? There are plenty of women who like Marvel and Star Wars. They just don't like shitty story-telling and political soapbox stories wrapped up in a cheap superhero label.

Not all women are stupid and shallow like you make us out to be. You're thinking of stupid, liberal women who live in the LA basin.

We do like having female leads, but they have to be well-written and likeable with a good story to follow that keeps the political shit out. Current Marvel and Disney have done none of these things, and it shuts us women off as much as it does men. And no, I do not like seeing the men put down just so the women can "look good." I like my male heroes to be fun, awesome, masculine, and yeah, not perfect. I hate them being turned into a joke, made to look stupid, downgraded to second fiddle, and turned into guests in their own stories. And I want the hetero romances back, dammit!

I don't want to see perfect Mary Sues hogging the spotlight alone, or stupid gay romances shoved in my face. You turn off your audience particularly fast with those two tropes.


"MALES made up the MAJORITY of ticket buyers..."


Yeah, and the statistics say that despite 61% of Marvel movie ticket-buyers being men, that means 39% of them were women, or do those women not count because they're not in the majority?


"...Not all women are stupid and shallow like you make us out to be."

Those are the nicer things he says about women.


Or, maybe you just don't know very many women?


"MALES made up the MAJORITY of ticket buyers..."


No no! Stop! Facts burn my tiny brain!!!



The article says "Males made up the majority of ticket buyers, or 61 percent,"

If 61% are males, that still leaves 39%, which is hardly zero.

If you really think that women do not like Marvel or Star Wars, you must live in a cave!
