MovieChat Forums > Halloween Kills (2021) Discussion > Theres no way Hawkins could've survived

Theres no way Hawkins could've survived

Not only was he stabbed multiple times in the neck, Sartain also ran over his body with the cop car. I think the writers forgot about him being ran over and just make it as if he was just stabbed in the throat once, no he was also ran the fuck over.

They make no mention of him being ran over, he comes in the hospital as if he's just got a neck wound.


Well Michael Myers survived after all he went thru. In this movie universe, certain characters appear invincible


Michael's almost unkillable but none of the regular human characters are.


He certainly could have survived. Some people die from stubbing their toe, some people are like Rasputin, most people are in the middle. People get run over all the time and survive. Look at deer for example, tons of them are shot every year and survive without any medical intervention.

Loomis sets the record for characters who can take some sh*t. They should bring him back and have Anthony Hopkins play him. No explanation for his return would even be needed, we've had enough with Jamie Lee Curtis' take on Loomis.


Sure find me an old man that can withstand having his throat stabbed multiple times then ran over by a car, pretty sure you can't. I have no doubt there is someone that could live from it, but certainly not some old guy like Hawkins who was also laying the road for a long time bleeding out before he was found.


First of all we don't know how old he is, I know in real life he is old. He could clot up quick or be in a position where his wounds are compressed, we also don't know if anything major was hit with the knife.

The vehicle does run him over but when people calculate the weight of individuals in the car plus the car they always lump that weight all onto one tire. It is distributed and the shocks come into play as well. I've seen stories about people taking on way more damage and surviving without much longterm disabilities. Just went to google and typed in "old man survives", plenty of crazy stories come up.


People have survived worse. It's unlikely, but far from impossible. If it's not impossible then your point is moot


lol you're right! I had forgotten and checked it out on Youtube. He accelerated right over Hawkins who was lying prone on the ground. And he was in a larger utility type police vehicle too. Looks like Myers has competition in the invincibility stakes.


Exactly, dude was ran over by a big ass police car, with 3 people inside it after he was already stabbed multiple times. Then he just shows up at the hospital with his neck stitched up and he seems fine.


What's really frightening is you had two replies trying to justify it. They might as well have that escaped prisoner who jumped to his death turn up in part three with a sprained ankle.


Lol yeah no idea why some think the guy could survive it, just blindly defending the movie is all i can come up with. They probably also think Sartain could still be alive after having head squashed.


I guess all these people died, too...
“The truck tires caused all of his internal organs — colon, stomach, intestines, everything — to be pushed up into the diaphragm causing it to split in half,” Clint Risenmay, Keeton’s uncle said.
The miraculous moment a biker survives after his head is run over by the back wheels of a truck has been caught on camera.
"There is nothing that was amputated or anything that was heavily bleeding so they began to worry at that point about internal injuries"
"The Virgin Media cable technician was on a night out in Lough-borough on June 2 when he was allegedly punched and pushed into the road, where he was dragged under the wheels of the lorry."
"But astonishingly, five months after the crash, Lewis has made a full recovery."

... Oh, no... none of them did, according to the reports! I guess either you are wrong thinking everyone who is run over by the tyres of large vehicles dies, or you should contact the news outlets spreading these lies to tell them that *they* are wrong, and that all these people died.

Let us know how it works out, yeah??


He was run over vertically meaning he had his head run over too by that huge police car with 3 people inside, stabbed in the throat in the jugular vein and stabbed more times in unespecified places then was also laying on the road for a long time bleeding out before he was found, then through surgery with general anesthesia and 2 hours later he's awake lying on that hospital bed without life support, not even oxygen being supplied, talking and making jokes with Laurie (another superhuman) as if they just got the flu lol wtf


"He was run over vertically meaning he had his head run over too by that huge police car with 3 people inside"

The first link gives this exact scenario except with a truck weighing about the same as a car with 3 people.

Granted he wasn't stabbed and left for dead, but this film carries over from the first starting the same time the first ended. Hawkins was there for about an hour, at the most. People frequently survive stab wounds for that long before being given medical attention.


He survived because they wanted him to survive.
Nothing in the Halloween universe makes sense and it doesn’t matter.


Wow I'm shocked but not shocked that people are defending this terrible writing

Hawkins is DEAD


I don't think we are defending the writing but people have survived worse and been in his shape. It's not impossible and considering the things in horror movies that we accept, it isn't out of place.

Remember Halloween 4, Loomis shows up with a scar on one side of his face and a burnt hand. He was blown up in 2, this type of thing is expected from horror films. People just like to nag, and almost no one on these sites knows what an actual Plot Hole is, Hawkins didn't moonwalk in and do ten back flips. They gave a plausible explanation and that's good enough.


I like will patton, glad he survived.

The grandaughter and her BF here took a lot punishment that could have killed them


Bro Loomis was dead.

Hawkins was dead. Stabbed in the throat, run over by a car, and stabbed a few more times


He was run over vertically meaning he had his head run over too by that huge police car with 3 people inside, stabbed in the throat in the jugular vein and stabbed more times in unespecified places then was also laying on the road for a long time bleeding out before he was found, then through surgery with general anesthesia and 2 hours later he's awake lying on that hospital bed without life support, not even oxygen being supplied, talking and making jokes with Laurie (another superhuman) as if they just got the flu lol wtf


I don't think it's so farfetched. In real life, people have survived even more catastrophic injuries than he had.


I think his character shield protected him ;)
