MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Sansa and Arya and their irrational mist...

Sansa and Arya and their irrational mistrust in Daenarys

After all Daenarys did and lost in the act of saving the north from the undead, they still do not trust her? She lost her dragon and practically the majority of her army and they can't abide with her being their Queen. Sansa's motives do not seem to be about trust as it looks like SHE is the one who wants to rule the North. Sansa comes off more like a bitch than a cunning leader. Daenerys has not done anything to suggest any ill intentions to the North, yet all we see is Sansa cutting her eyes at Daenarys and giving her a catty attitude. I do not even know what to make of Arya and her train of thought. Suddenly she believes Sansa is smart? She acknowledged the need for Daenarys, yet she cant trust her?
At this point I completely understand Daenarys anger as the Starks and the Northerners appear to brush her off despite all the sacrifices she endured to help save them. The writers make them appear stupid and irrational and the motives for the characters do not ring true. They make the Northerners and the stark sister dislike Daenerys because they simply wrote them to without any solid reason for the conflict. I cam understand them being reluctant initially, but what does a person have to give them to gain trust. Daenarys could have said " fuck the north" i am not using my army and dragons to save them. But she does and commits to it before Jon bent the knee.


It appears, and this is just my take on things, is that Sansa took a lot more of Cersei's ways into herself than even she realizes, that is why Sansa is being basically 'Cersei of the North' at this point. Firing up arguments where there shouldn't be arguments, debating allies where no debate should be needed, and putting out an arrogance only comparable to Cersei.


That’s a really good point, well-reasoned and presented. What a refreshing change from the hysterical sea of venom in which this discussion currently floats. Thank you.


You would know all about venom. It represents about 50% of your MovieChat corpus.


This is why I questioned in another thread: Do the writers believe they are setting up Sansa as the "smartest person" by showing that she was right to mistrust Dany? I hope not, because right now it looks a lot more like Sansa's attitude and behavior are causal rather than predictive.


I remember when Sansa's Eyrie forces won Winterfell for Jon a few seasons ago, but failed to tell him about the Eyrie army, and some predictions were that Sansa was going to take power for herself in Winterfell.

It is possible that is still happening, especially if Euron the Great slays Jon.


That's what I think too. Sansa had a very peculiar political education.
She basically sees power as a way of accumulating security. She'd be quite happy as an absolute ruler in the North as long as there is no one who can potentially threaten her power.


Completely agree.

"But she does and commits to it before Jon bent the knee."

I think this was another writing mistake. I don't believe that the honest-to-a-fault Jon would not have disclosed this important bit of information. He didn't bend the knee to secure her help; he did it because she was willing to give it anyway and thereby proved herself worthy of ruling.


Basically, everyone is scared of Daenerys because:

a) she’s a foreign stranger who suddenly appears with the most powerful army in Westeros

b) the land has basically been undergoing civil war since Season 1. How many Wardens of the North have there been? 5?

c) Daenerys’ father was a psychopathic tyrant

d) nobody has sat down and discussed the terms of her rulership (this is the fault of the show’s writers)

e) Sansa and Arya have been betrayed by everyone for years

f) Sansa and Arya haven’t followed Daenerys’ journey from Season 1, like the audience has, so they have no idea what kind of person she is.


A big part they experience is her sacrificial choice to help them fight the dead. She lost a dragon in an attempt to rescue their brother. They were dead without her. They know she wiped out slavery in Essos. Those are very big actions that give them a look into her character. They are being ungrateful to her. But the starks are not known for being wise. The people that betrayed them never did what Daenarys had done.


Danerys fought alongside them and without her forces they'd have been quickly and completely overwhelmed, the Starks owe her their lives and everything they have. And Danerys is doing her damndest to take out Sansa's implacable enemy Cersei, and is putting her forces between Cersei and the Starks, so any future they have depends on Danerys's victory! Plus, Danerys is likely to take Jon away south and either make him her consort or get him killed, which would leave Sansa in sole control of the North. So it is in Sansa's interests to give Danerys all the support she can, whether she likes her or not!

Gawd, this season sucks, everyone is suddenly being written as a totally different person, or an idiot who can't see where their interests lie. I've never seen a final season go so badly off the rails. At this point, I'm watching because I can't look away from a trainwreck.


Couldn't have said it better. It's just ridiculous, bad writing and frankly the showrunners have been exposed more and more as they could no longer depend on the source material and have largely been coasting by on reputation since the first few seasons.

Still I"m pretty shocked at just how bad the writing has been this last season.


No ill intentions? She shows up from nowhere and expects them to kneel, because the doe-eyed bastard Jon Snow thinks she's hot?


That’s my thought too. I actually enjoy Sansa having a strong personality after all she’s been through and feel like Dragon Queen’s ego is going to be the death of her. She’s dangerous.


Just like sansa, you fail to see the the bigger picture. She is losing her grip because in a short span of time she lost two dragons two people she loved and the northerners are being ungrateful little shits. She sacrificed alot to help the Northerners and she never even demanded that they bend the knee. She has no family and those that were closest to it are now dead.


That big picture melted awful quick didn’t it


Hahahahaha!!!! Damn right! What the hell was in that cup of coffee???


What? Seems like that big picture solidified itself to me. She's lost everyone, feels isolated and alone...realizes she only has fear in the North...seems like Lance was spot on here.


He bent the knee because she decided to help even if he did not bend the knee and that showed that she was a good leader and a decent person. Stupid, just like Sansa.
