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alycat32 (133)


Stacy’s sax solo Bella Swan Nick looks like Sean Astin Book readers, a question 17 years dead Love Actually Was watching on Disney + and I swear there’s a scene missing Wedding Shower Pictures Caitlin How long would it take for beginners to actually fight like that? View all posts >


Not that he was a “child” actor, but like quite a few that were in their 20s and still considered a child actor and in the video, Eddie Mekka from Laverne and Shirley is now dead as well. This post is super old, and I doubt anyone will come back to see my reply, but I’m surprised to hear all schools aren’t like they were in What’s Happening. This is how mine was: Math is not listed by grade, it’s Algebra, Algebra 2, geometry, etc. Most people take Algebra their freshmen year, and then move on to whatever math they want or would help them with college. Normally 3 or 4 years of some sort of math is required. Any grade student could be in any math class. English is the only class that goes by specific grade level. If you fail a years English, you need to retake that plus the next years English so you would in that situation would end up in the same class as younger kids. US History, Geography, World History..anyone can take those at anytime. Some schools might have specific classes that are required to be taken during freshmen year but other than those and English, all other classes you could have any grade level with you. Right?? Damn time goes by fast. Funny, I was just rewatching this movie yesterday and adding them up in my head as well. Also noting how it was filmed right before a bunch of them did seasons of The Surreal Life. I know that Ken Berry who played Rerun has since passed. Dustin Diamond who played Screech recently passed. Erin Moran of Happy Days passed a few years ago. Ron Palillo from Welcome Back Kotter. There might be more but I can’t find a list of the entire cast of the video and the video moves to fast for me to see every single person. That being said, how depressing. I realize it’s been like 18 years or something but a lot of these deaths were tragic and they were young. That song they chose was horrible too. It seemed like something an older person would sing about what it was like when they were 15. Yep, Billy had mentioned he caught Dylan talking to another girl, and Dylan told him it was just a girl at his school. Then he explains to Liz that he and Ashley had a fight but it will be ok, it has to be. I don’t know if they didn’t know it was going to be cancelled or what but it was clearly not made to be the last episode, because Jennifer had some idea for revenge she kept to herself, sauntering out the door sideways in her old fashioned dress. We never got to see what it was. Wow I love how old this thread is. My son is 17, and I started watching this movie back in March or April I believe. Being familiar with the Etan Patz case, I didn’t think it would have a happy ending. So shortly after she had the argument with Stockard Channing’s character I stopped watching, unsure I’d be able to handle it. I just picked it back up today, months later in August. It took me a minute to realize why Judd’s character started tearing up when he saw the car, since it had been so long that I’d started the movie. Then I remembered and was like oh my god! Such a good ending, but sadly not one that truly happens very often. As happy as it was I wanted Judd’s character to apologize for them dropping the ball so badly. Though I’m sure the guilt ate at him. I keep watching, but I really liked the first first seasons so much better. It was a different feel for me than The Walking Dead was, but has no basically turned into what that one has. Same storylines, different villains. The same old stuff. This season started out depressing as hell, took an annoying probably covid caused hiatus and came back finally with an episode to piss of the masses. It’s felt like the season flew from there. I will say, Dakota’s final scene I was like “oh...uhh..oh..creepy” I agree. It’s super cheesy, but as an adult watching just for nostalgic reasons it’s not too bad for what it is. I try and remind myself the 90s definitely had its fair share of cheesy/cornball stuff. Oh my god same with the actress that played the step mother and Marilu Henner as the bitchy head of the school. So botoxed and plastic. Marilu isn’t even listed on IMDb in the film but she’s in it.(Pearl in the mist that is) View all replies >