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What do expect will happen with littlefinger

What is his angle? What do you think he is planning?


He's not doing much, is he? Personally, I expected him to haul south and take over the Riverlands, put Edmure back in charge and use him as a puppet lord, like he's using Robyn and is trying to use Sansa and Jon. But he's not, he's just sitting around Winterfell, and maybe the guy on another forum who said that he's waiting to see whether Dany or Cersei wins is correct.

if that's his plan, he should do his waiting in the Vale, away from Arya and Bran. Bran can tell Arya that he was behind Ned's arrest and execution, and Arya can take him out any time. And Sansa, the woman he loves and whom he's taught everything, will probably react to that by telling Arya they still need the Vale knights and please let her know about any assassination plans next time.


nothing, the show follows most of his plans from the books which now have diverge too much that nothing he does feels like hes ahead of the game ever since he made Sansa marry Ramsey.


He's gonna try to pit the Stark kids against each other. He won't be very pleased that neither Bran nor Arya want the lordship of the Winterfell like Sansa does.
He'll even plant the old letter from Sansa (dictated by Cersei) to Robb for Arya to find.
Arya will think that Sansa is a traitor for a little while but Sansa isn't that stupid anymore.
She'll quickly figure it out and let Arya know who the real traitor is.
Then Arya will execute him on Sansa's order.
The End.
I hope you don't miss him but his days are numbered.


He's suffered a good number of insults this season it would be surprising if he did not kill at least one of the three Stark's around him. Arya fighting infront of her enemy was a big mistake. Maybe she doesn't know LF is her enemy but LF knows Arya is lethal now.


He doesn't know that she can easily wear anyone's face and surprise him with a dagger up his butt


I think this is right. He's going to try to turn the 3 Stark's against each other and at this point...especially with Bran's visions...he's going to fail miserably and probably...FINALLY get what is coming to him.


Exactly. Bran reciting Littlefinger's own "Chaos is a ladder" sentence caught him completely off guard. I'm not completely sure if Littlefinger viewed it as an amazing coincidence, or if he would suspect that Bran knows more than he should (because he has powers), but I would find it too difficult for LF to try to (successfully) pit the Stark family against each other with what Bran is capable of knowing.

Personally, it wouldn't surprise me if Littlefinger catches on to Bran's powers, and attempts to either kill him, or kidnap him -From LF's POV, Bran would know too much. A smart decision would be to simply leave before Bran could share any of his exploits with his family. An attempt to do anything to Bran could get him killed since Bran might be able to see it coming.

If Littlefinger is to survive until the next season, I think he needs to leave Winterfell ASAP, and probably align the Vale with Cersei. I think staying in Winterfell much longer will get him killed this season.


The only thing that could save Littlefinger is if Bran doesn't mention his betrayal of Ned to anyone. Bran entered a phase where he obviously doesn't feel connected with anyone anymore, and that includes his own father. I don't think that Bran wants revenge, he just doesn't care.


I don't think he doesn't care, rather, he doesn't want to disturb the sequence of events i.e. change the future that he's already seen.


I get that he doesn't want to disturb the sequence of events, but would it kill him to smile once in a while about stuff that doesn't have potential historical importance, like when he is reunited with his long lost siblings, or when he's saying good bye to Meera? He's behaving like a robot in personal contacts. He didn't give us any reason to believe that he still cares about them.


Well, he does seem to want to talk to Jon Snow about...something. I'm not really sure what Bran is feeling, or what kind of information he feels comfortable divulging, but he does seem like the easiest path towards Jon finding out who his natural parents are. We've gotta figure that it's going to happen eventually, and Bran's the guy that knows.


I was playing devil's advocate in previous posts, trying to think of a way Littlefinger won't get busted for betraying Ned. But in the end, I also think that Bran will reveal both information: about Jon's origin and about Littlefinger's betrayal of Ned.


I think he thinks he has two new weapons to manipulate. He tried to win over the boy by giving him a gift so he can use his powers. And he was grinning when he saw Arya fighting thinking he now has a weapon he can manipulate to into doing what he wants.

I think his goal changes as power shifts. I think when it suites him and if Daenerys Targaryen is about to take control he will declare his support in exchange for being declared the Warden of the West and getting Sansa hand in marriage.

I think he will try to use Arya and Bran as a way to undermine John Snow in the North.


That plan is pure fail. Bran sees all, and knows the truth about Littlefinger's role in the decimation of House Stark.

It's only a matter of time before he makes it onto Arya's list, and the Valerian steel dagger is returned to him.


But as has been pointed out very frequently, Littlefinger doesn't want the North, he wants all of Westeros. The north is only of use to him as a stepping stone, and pitting the Starks against each other wouldn't really gain him much, and would lose him a his influence if they catch on. He actually has Jon in a very awkward position, bearing a huge debt of honor and without sufficient men to resist the Knights of the Vale, who may still be hanging around Winterfell doing nothing. And now Sansa's fed up with him and is getting used to running things her own way, he doesn't have much to gain by putting her in charge, still less by getting rid of her and letting Arya or Bran run things. He'd be doing the hemp fandango in a New York minute if either of them got their way.

Of course he should be riding for the Riverlands right now and doing something about the power vacuum left in the wake of Arya's party for the Frey's.


Seeing that the scripts have been's quite obvious what's going to happen to him. If I were him I would leg it as fast as possible before the end of Episode 7.


Arya will gut him.


littlefinger will become king. all of this is because of him. its all his big plan.
