MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > The best Sci-fi movie ever?

The best Sci-fi movie ever?

This has to be the best sci-fi ever.


Definitely up there, and I can't think of anything offhand that trumps it.


Me too. Have you seen Moon?


Haven't even heard of it. It's good?


I like it. Plus Sam Rockwell is in it.


Watched it last night. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though it didn't have the depth or gravitas of Interstellar. Sam Rockwell carried the film, which is quite a feat given the nature of the film. I did kind of see everything coming before it happened, but that isn't always a bad thing. It was still enjoyable to see it play out, and, of course, the ending was up in the air until the end. Thanks for suggesting this movie!


Lol if you think so you have quite low standards.



"This has to be the best sci-fi ever. "

I disagree. Interstellar is very good sci-fi, but I think Donkey Kong is the best sci-fi ever.


Kong Skull Island was a masterpiece. We should watch it sometime soon.


Kong Skull Island IS a masterpiece!


As several comments here illustrate, although Interstellar is a good and interesting movie it falls apart too easy if just lightly scrutinized.

I can read from your replies that you are no fan of such scrutiny and fair enough, but when earning a title as the “best ever” anything, Interstellar is just not overall executed well enough to have such a label... most of its flaws in my view is the story telling and so simply holds no candle to the greats... such as 2001, Bladerunner, Alien and Aliens, Matrix, The Thing, Metropolis, 12 Monkeys, Minority Report etc. etc.

Interstellar is nowhere near those masterpieces imo. It is good, no doubt. But not much more....


Interstellar isn't a great film or a terrible film. It's just a lonnnnggggg film. Ninety minutes is PLENTY of time for a film to get its point across. Especially the point that this film seemed to accomplish.


I think its a great film but thats just me. Lord of the Rings is over 3 hours and most people consider it to be a masterpiece.


It's not just you. It has a pretty high rating and always pops up in the discussion threads. I thought the Lord of the Rings was too long too. Could only sit through it once.


People used to have patience to let a story play out. Now they want out in 88 minutes.



Minority Report
Planet of the Apes
Blade Runner
Ex Machina
The Martian
Short Circuit


This has to be the best sci-fi ever.



IMO There were 2 better Sci-Fi Movies just in 2014 alone in Predestination and Edge Of tomorrow

and maybe even Guardians of The Galaxy

I'm a huge Nolan fan....IMO He's made some of the greatest movies of all time in The Dark Knight, Inception,The Prestige and Memento....

But Interstellar is not on that level...

It wouldnt even be close to my top 10 Sci-Fi movies and I do not believe it would make very many "Top 10 Sci-Fi" movies lists from the Majority as Well
