MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > The best Sci-fi movie ever?

The best Sci-fi movie ever?

This has to be the best sci-fi ever.


It is definitely one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever, 2001 is really good but Interstellar is better.


You are wrong. Interstellar is an average Sci-Fi movie at best.


Hard to say one film has the best of everything.

What I think it does do better than other sci-fi I think is put human emotions at the heart of the story.


Exactly and Kip Thorne was a part of the movie too, watched the making of it on the 4k disc. It was pretty cool how they did the music.


if you are a retard Interstellar might be the best sci fi movie ever yes. If you've seen more than 2 sci fi movies than no


It was absolutely excellent. Not sure about the best ever, but fantastic and certainly in my top 3 or 5.


I like Interstellar but it is far from my favorite. I can probably name at least 20 SF films I like more. If I had to pick just one, it would likely be 2001 a space odyssey.


It's alright


Not even close. My God, not even close.


It is definitely up there,
