MovieChat Forums > Shazam! (2019) Discussion > Marvel's success may eventually led to i...

Marvel's success may eventually led to it's down fall.

Think about it, whenever a company has success after success and then get over confident in their success and make that faithful mistake and hires a new up and coming director, one the could rival Zack Snyder in being a creative failure or cast a new up and coming actor or they cast an actor who has a lot of Fame behind their name...the X-Men franchie kind of went down that road after Bryan Singer left and a new director took the reigns and made some questionable casting choices, particularly with Jennifer Lawrence and Sophie Turner, oh and let's not forget how Disney is practically butchering it's classic original movie with these laughable live action remakes with only a small handful being decent.... Jungle Book was pretty good but for the most part these remakes are just a desperate and lazy attempt to milk their classics for all it's worth instead of taking time and care to create new and original movies.

DC on the other hand is following the opposite track in making mistakes and learning from them, and that's how you get better by learning from your don't be surprised if Marvel wines up making that one little mistake in hiring the wrong director or cast the wrong actor that plunges the franchie into a downward spiral especially with the Avengers saga wrapping up.


Wow are you deluded.

Even if Marvel flubs immediately after Endgame...they still made more than 20 successful films. AND built a brand that supersedes the comics. AND built a beloved universe. AND made it possible to not only allow DC to make an attempt to build a similar shared universe but to survive the horrible, idiotic, puerile attempts they had that ruined Superman, Batman, the Suicide Squad and the Justice League. Hell, the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern looks like the Dark Knight compared to those first four idiotic DCEU efforts. The Shaq Steel movie looks like a work of art compared to those disasters.

Marvel is surviving despite DC being so bad. Hell, Marvel is helping DC survive despite DC being so bad.

so, every one of the DC movies that isn't a train wreck? Thank Marvel. Without them, the DCEU would've died after BvS.


"these remakes are just desperate and lazy attempt to milk their classics for all it's worth"

The irony is that they aren't "milking" anything...they are actually losing hundreds of millions of dollars...Dumbo...Mary Poppins Returns...Christopher Robin...Pete's Dragon...Alice Through the Looking Glass.

They had three hits in a row a couple of years ago with Cinderella/The Jungle book/Beauty and the Beast but since then it's been flop city. Some of the results have been downright catastrophic.

Aladdin is very likely to also be another expensive wipeout as is Maleficent 2 in October.


I do have to agree here that theres like no way Aladdin can pull in big money.


I tried to watch the animated Aladdin years ago, and I got bored fast. Not even Robin Williams could save it for me.


Good god you are absolutely deluded, 20 films and counting and still at the top, what is it with you DCEU dick riders, DCEU pretty much getting rebooted and copying the Marvel formula , and lets not forget after Avengers ends we have X Men to bring into the franchise.


Well considering the third phase is arguably better than the first two, I think they've grown to understand what people care about and what they want to see. A lot of people complained about Larson being cast as Captain Marvel and then all that controversy around her started which you'd think would've tanked the film, but I believe it was the fastest standalone Marvel film to reach $1billion at the box office and the critical reception I relatively good for the most part. Not only that, but with the X-Men and Fantastic Four properties obtained through Fox, I'd say they definitely still have enough there to keep fans interested for a long time.


"We're gonna join the anti-SJW campaign against Brie Larson so that Captain Marvel fails to make a profit." - DC fanboys

"We're gonna line up to see Shazam! so it breaks the bank." - Also DC fanboys

Whoops and whoops again.

"But but but but Dumbo!" - DC fanboys who have given up on life


Frankly the last couple of Solo movies haven't been as good as they could be. Captain Marvel was boring. Black Panther was mah. The only good thing about either one of those movies were bad guys. Spider-man Homecoming was fun. But compare to Sam Raimi Spider-man 2 it was pretty forgettable. Far from Home seems like more Super Safe Spider-man Stories were he dosen't have think about his Uncle or feel sad or have actually conflict in his personal life. Doctor Strange wasn't all that great either. Even tho i do love the ending. And now that Disney own X-men. I know im not going see Wolverine movie like Logan again. And i cant wait for Disney Family Friendly Deadpool movie where makes Fart Jokes for 3 hours. Sorry But Disney dose not take Risks.


What are you talking about, "Solo movies"?


Considering Marvel just got the X-Men and Fantastic Four back, they have plenty to offer audiences even after Endgame. There probably will come a day when MCU movies fail but it won't be anytime soon. I'd say they have at least one more decade before things go south.


To tell the truth. Im not interested in Disney water down X-men movies. Spider-man has been water down so much he doesn't even remember that he had a uncle and hangs out with super annoying fat kid. And the new Flash Thompson so pathetic that the real Thompson would probably dunk his head in a toilet bowl with a floater inside.


Spider-Man is not entirely Disney-owned yet.


Interesting take.

My view was that Marvel started out with a blueprint for where they wanted to go with their franchise. They made minor course corrections with a few later movies after Phase 1, yet they stuck to the blueprint and it's paid off handsomely. With the conclusion of Phase 3 however, I believe that the MCU will begin to drop off in popularity. Captain Marvel created unwanted controversy that Kevin Feige had avoided up till then. It was a bad move and created unnecessary division within the fan base. That wasn't smart and neither was treating those fans with disdain and disrespect. That will come back to haunt them, long term. It also appears that going forward into Phase 4, they don't really have an extended blueprint. That's not a good thing. The Infinity Stones gave them a unifying story arch from Phase 1-3 but without something new, fans might lose interest, especially in stand alone movies for characters that most fans aren't interested in. Marvel/Disney won't always be able to use "charities" to prop up their box office numbers.

Now to DC. Warner Bro's had NO blueprint when they started this journey. It well known that they tried to shortcut the Marvel formula for a shared universe, by throwing a few movies at the screen and viola, have the kind of financial success the MCU was enjoying. Of course, that was a bad decision and with their studio interference in the rush jobs that were BVS and Suicide Squad, they nearly wrecked all future DC movies and tarnished the mystiques of both Batman and Superman in the process. Then they finally got it, only after losing badly in both the financial realm and being summarily humiliated by Marvel Studios publicly. Now they seem to be taking it one movie at a time, letting those golden age comic heros stand on their individual movies and build up to something. They might not even know yet what they are building towards but at least they are finally on a path and making fun, fan supported and GOOD movies.


DarthRoger...nice post with lots of salient posts and insights.

The only thing I would add is that DC has a reputation that most of their films were box-office failures from the Snyder era but only one lost money(Justice League) and all the rest were profitable...some handsomely so.


You are correct, BVS and Suicide Squad both made money but their bad fan reception ultimately hurt Justice League. That movie should have been their crown jewel. At least they seem to have their footing now.


Suicide Squad actually had good legs during it's box office run and wasn't super-frontloaded like BvS was. The fan reception looks like it was pretty good on that one...hence it's getting a sequel.


Suicide Squad was definitely front loaded. It dropped 65.1% week 1 to week 2, with it losing 53.3% of that in week 3 and 43% of THAT by week 4 where it grossed 16,644,689 for the week.


Ok I guess you didn't understand what "it wasn't super-frontloaded like BvS was" means. Most CBM's are frontloaded to one degree or another.

It ended it's domestic run with 325 million from a 133 million opening weekend. That's a good multiplier for a CBM.

My point was that Suicide Squad was not "poorly received" when it basically made the same amount as BvS and it was the first DC Film to immediately follow that poorly received film.

And...they immediately greenlit a sequel.


I'm conflicted over Suicide Squad. Unlike BVS, I didn't hate it. However that doesn't mean it was a good movie. It wasn't.

In the end, I'll at least give them credit for trying to do something different. The things that hurt SS were twofold - casting and script.

On the first one, you have Will Smith basically playing Will Smith. They should have picked someone more intimidating and frankly believable for that role. And then there's Harley Quinn. I love Margot Robbie and she's nice to look at but WHY would Harley Quinn even be in this movie, accept in a very minor role? Harley Quinn with a baseball bat is about as powerful a villain as any psycho/meth head/rabid human with a baseball bat. In other words, not powerful at all! She's not a metahuman. You only send HQ into a situation against godlike beings if you want someone to be cannon fodder.

On the second one, the story here is just garbage. They had the elements to make a much better plot than Enchantress and her magical brother doing whatever the hell it was they were trying to do. It was just silly. They could have found a better use for Joker, made him the main antagonist and had the team go up against him. Then they would have had a reason to include HQ, to use her as a bait to catch Joker. These are my thoughts at least.

So overall, Suicide Squad was a misfire but not in a horrible way like BVS.


I'm not conflicted. Neither were good movies at all. The difference is, Suicide Squad was not as offensive because it did not take cherished childhood heroes and take a big old dump on them. If they screw up Slipknot and Katana and Killer Croc....who really cares?

I'm sure this same logic will help Shazam. While beloved by old-school readers like the general audience, he's an unknown. He's....Ant-Man. I mean, Aquaman is better known than Shazam to 95% of the movie going audience.

And Aquaman's an asshat.


Maybe YOU don't understand Google....

"‘Suicide Squad’ breaks a Fandango ticket pre-sale record"

And remember, that means it broke the pre-sale record of BvS, which you use as an example.

And that story was circulated by numerous news sources.



The fact is it opened 34 million under BvS and pulled virtually even with it domestically which means it was pretty leggy.

Btw...I think the movie was garbage but there is no denying it was a box office hit.


The And? is very WAS heavily front-loaded (hence, the pre-sales breaking records) and I'll as far as greenlit sequels, maybe they can put it as a double feature with Green Lantern 2 starring Ryan Reynolds?

Before you deny THATone...
