MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > Impossible to watch now due to the homop...

Impossible to watch now due to the homophobia

Gosh, I've got to say I was shocked! Having tired of the MCU Iron-Spider-Man I thought I'd introduce this (remembering it as a timeless classic) to the kids in order to cleanse their memories of that awful Iron-Spider-Man...

Anyway, it started off ok (a beautifully done non-convoluted comic book origin) but then it got to the cage wrestling scene and it happened:-
"Nice outfit, did your HUSBAND make it for you?!"

You could hear a pin drop in our house before the crying began... "I don't understand papa" said young Poppy, "why couldn't that man have a husband? Why are they making a joke of it? Papa are you making us watch a homophobic movie? Why is Spider-Man homophobic? Isn't he... a... Hero?". And then the tears began with Poppy consoling her little brother Otis. I turned it off there and then.

I implore any right thinking parents to seriously consider ever showing this filth to their precious offspring. Just stick with Iron-Spider-Man. It isn't worth the trouble.


Actually I will implore my kids to watch these movies. Not because they're "homophobic" but because it means my children will grow up watching quality movies and not be raised to be sensitive snowflakes

Also MCU SpiderMan is for sheep (oh and brain dead morons who dont see through the racially pandering, pervertedness of HollyWood.)

In a nutshell, you prefer your children to grow up brainwashed by Modern HollyWood films watching disgusting Modern SpiderMan films where Aunt May looks like a porn star and flirts with Stark, despite being a grieving widow and watching HollyWood racial pander to the snowflakes of the world. Or on the other hand, you could watch Maguire's films and next time your children ask you "Why cant that man have a husband?" Simply say: "He can in todays world honey but being called gay is just banter between men - it aint anything to take offense by unless you are a closet insecure homosexual. Men? Men are... you know, the breed thats dying rapidly because there's too many snowflakes in the world condemning men for being men."
Off course you could ignore that option and instead come onto and bitch about it while drinking your latte and fulfilling your role: The Snowflake.




pretty sure OP is joking.... otherwise he should jump of a high building. Like they throw gays of rooftops in muslim countries.


Wrong drink mon ami. I'm actually enjoying a Rhubarb Sling in my local park's summer gin pop-up bar waiting for my bff Casper to arrive (the wife said I should probably give the children some space today after their trauma).

Anyway, whilst I may agree with some of your sentiment, you must remember that your children aren't growing up in your world of 20/30 years ago. They're growing up in this world of today. Just be careful not to shape them too far out of sync with their society otherwise they may never fit in. e.g. if one of them decided to be transgender or whatever it doesn't necessarily mean that they actually want to be transgender. It just means that is how society has shaped up to allow kids to think they're "different" or "special" in some way. If you try to cut off their life experience in some way I'm not sure they'll thank you for it in the long term.

Anyway... Cheers!


The Great Straight White Holocaust of 2031 will be terrifying. Blacks, transgenders, and women will round up all straight white men. Trump supporters will typically be executed on site, while average straight white men will be hearded like cattle and sent to concentration camps. Here, the straight white men will be given three choices: cut their peepees off and become transgender, be execute via gullitine (since guns are banned), or endure 90 days of gay sex. In the world following 2031, minorities will be automatically granted $1,000,000 just for being minorities. White men who took the gay sex option but are still technically straight men are the lowest class citizen and live in squallar and disease with the rats. All movies must star a black or female actor or it wont be made. Who else thinks this will happen? Thanks, Disney, for starting the SJW wars.


You've perfectly described the wet dream of so many on this site.


endure 90 days of gay sex.

Do I get to choose if I'm the giver or receiver?


Nice work of sheer fiction, troll boy. Meet the Ignore button.


Considering the wrestler was a sadist who enjoyed hurting people, I am not that hurt by that comment. It was just Spidey trying to get a rise out of his enemy. Though it's too bad he doesn't do it the rest of the series.


One joke doesn’t make an entire movie. My daughter loves this version.


Those poor kids, brainwashed before they even knew just how wrong gay civil unions are. I'd happily let my teenagers watch this over the dogshit that came out years after the 3rd one.


brainwashed before they even knew just how wrong gay civil unions are.

Okay, now I don't have any doubts, you are obviously an intolerant christian.


And you're an intolerant Christophobe, so there. The truth is your kryptonite.



To each his own. I don't know what it's like to raise kids in this modern age, but attitudes are changing really fast.
Superhero movies are action movies and most action movies are macho baloney. But they are still fun for people to watch and even kind of instructive in some ways. Unless it's a Zack Snyder film, most superhero characters will try to live up to the responsibility of their powers and not break anyone's necks.
You could use the opportunity to educate your kids about the fact that movies are made by people who sometimes don't have the best judgement. Tell them that Spider-man "wouldn't really say that but that the guy who wrote the movie put those words in his mouth." Maybe they are too young to make those distinctions but maybe in a few years you can show it to them and they'll get it.
Also mention to them that attitudes were different as recently as 17 years ago. It will educate them on where our society was and where it is going. Consider also that some of the classic Walt Disney movies have some sexist tropes. And Peter Pan depicts Native Americans as "Red" men who became red because they blushed.
All movies are products of their time. I've never seen The Jazz Singer with Al Jolson and honestly, I probably never will. Seeing a guy in blackface singing "Mammy" is just too weird. In a hundred years, maybe this joke will be that offensive to other people too. We'll probably have about a hundred Spider-man movies by then.


Get out of your cocoon. Young men insult each other in various ways, none of them PC. If a show is realistic that doesn't mean you can't watch it. They were showing Parker being a bit of a jerk. His character develops over the course of this movie and the next.
