Seriously baffled

At this movie "bombing"

I honestly had no idea.. I saw it when I was younger with my dad, and we thought it was simply amazing. Everyone I've known that's seen it has loved it. What do people not like about this?! It's literally one of a kind lol and Kevin is an absolute bad ass


The film has since gone on to make a lot of money. It just took twenty years. World just wasn't ready when this dropped.

One problem I think is people love Costner as a cowboy and a baseball star, but apocalyptic hero was a hard sell.

Some films were just made for the rental shelf and this is one of em.


I think this thread’s title describes a lot of posters on the internet—including those of us who try to understand them.

Some of the best advice I’ve ever received: “Don’t try to make sense out of nonsense.”


It bombed because the media had it in for Kevin Costner. At the time, he was Hollywood's Golden Boy, this guy who kept having hit after hit after hit with no end in sight, and could do everything (act, direct, produce). People hated that, so they started finding ways of knocking him off his perch right after Robin Hood. I remember how in the months before Waterworld came out, the media kept trying very hard to make it seem as though this was going to be the movie that would kill his career and end his losing streak. By the time the movie came out, people were over Kevin Costner, it bombed, and now no one talks about him anymore or gives him his due.


I feel like he has had a bit of career resurgence of late.

He had a big role in Hidden Figures and that film was critically and financially successful. The Highwaymen was a popular Netflix movie. And Yellowstone is one of the most-watched shows on cable right now. Plus, he's Superman's dad.

I enjoyed his films growing up and then kind of rediscovered him back around the time the Hatfields & McCoys mini-series came out. He's a great actor and a likable fellow. I'm a fan.


As I remember it Waterworld was seen as a huge vanity project that was doomed from the start - but the end result was better, and did better than predicted and Costner sort of got away with it. Which cannot be said for The Postman. I think the films thereafter are on safer ground.


Postman was better even though also flawed. I'd like more films adapted from David Brin's books.


Interesting. I like his books that I've read but didn't know the film was based on one of his stories. Unfortunately I have to admit the last time I tried to watch The Postman I stopped half way through and have yet to finish it.


A Brin fan! Cool.
I wish they'd make a movie of The Practice Effect and the Uplift series (but I don't think they could do it in current social climate)


This was definitely going on. The production of this film was regularly getting slagged on shows like Entertainment Tonight and what not. "Another disaster strikes Kevin Costner's big budget water movie..." I think there was also Costner fatigue. He had hit movies coming out left and right and people were just sick of looking at him. And back in the day, preposterous as it seems today, making the most expensive movie ever made was frowned upon, seen as an out of control ego problem, and not an achievement to be proud of.


"It bombed because the media had it in for Kevin Costner. At the time, he was Hollywood's Golden Boy,"

Holy fuck... Nothing QAnon has said is more tinfoil hat wearing stupid than that. The media had it out for him becuase he was Hollywood's golden boy.

Who the fuck does your moronic ass think is the media....


It was seen by many as caught up in a no mans land.. too violent (with a bit of nudity) for little kids but too cheesy for adults into grittier Mad Max.


Yeah I enjoyed it a lot too, it was really good. You are defo right it is one of a kind.


"I saw it when I was younger with my dad, and we thought it was simply amazing."

I am sure you have figured out by now that your dad is just like all people and not everything they think or like is correct.

" Everyone I've known that's seen it has loved it."

You need to know more people. This movie is fucking terrible.


This movie's awseome! imma gonna watch it again tonight .. its been a few years

Totally with you on that moron saying the media hated costner though


I'm afraid it's not for everyone. It's essentially "Mad Max" on water. The movie appeals to people who love action, excitement, underdog heroes, feisty kids, guns, stunts, explosions, and a quest to find something everybody wants. I think when this came out, the post-apocalyptic genre was not as popular in the mid-90s as it is now.

Like you, I was a kid when this came out, so I was able to enjoy it more than someone who doesn't like action films or post-apocalyptic stuff. I'd still watch it for the nostalgia factor.
