MovieChat Forums > Tremors (1990) Discussion > Why did this movie acheive cult status?

Why did this movie acheive cult status?

Why did this movie acheive cult status?


You know why


You keep answering your own questions.


Kevin Bacon was never more edible. He was so darn cute. I think it's a pretty good low-budget campy sci-fi movie, but if it weren't for the delicious young Kevin Bacon, it wouldn't be anything other than a dopey nothing movie. (it's like The Matrix, the beautiful Keanu Reeves in black leather is why we watch. Anyone else, and it would be a curiosity, it wouldn't be special at all.)


"(it's like The Matrix, the beautiful Keanu Reeves in black leather is why we watch. Anyone else, and it would be a curiosity, it wouldn't be special at all.)"

That's got to be one of the dumbest and most innacurate statement ever. You are litteraly the first person I've ever encounter that said this. The Matrix (the first one of course) is a great, clever and imaginative movie with outstanding visual effects.


It's a race to the bottom of dumb *ucks laughing at dumb *uck doing what macho idiots do. Enough people can relate so it's an instant 'cult classic'. You want proof? Look at U.S. politics, like for President. It's an American movie that's not made for quality by the quantity of money, kind of like food is for profits & not for you, your life, your nutrition. America, you don't know it, yet, but you are set up to be done to & sucked dry, little by little and all with a happy face, suit & tie, etc. You've been served...your warning. Too late, the crazies have breached the tower wall, so now things will appear OK or even good...for a while.


An ensemble of colorful characters are trapped in a space together. When the actors can actually act and their's a genuine on-screen chemistry, it's always fun to watch. "12 Angry Men" for example. "Tremors" is almost lampooning this trope by becoming a desert version of "Jaws 2". This time, there's a heavy dose of wit and humor, where "Jaws 2" and many of its' copycat films took themselves way too seriously. I can't believe nobody mentioned this yet, but the special effects are AWESOME! They are much better than they should've been. You really believe there are worms underneath the surface of the desert by the end of the movie. Actually, it's a cross between "Jaws" and the spice worms from "Dune". What a strange combo! And it works!



It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Why did this movie acheive cult status?

It didn't. It was a mainstream movie with a mainstream star that had minor mainstream success in theaters and major mainstream success on home video. Pretty much everyone who rented movies on a regular basis in the early 1990s saw it at least once.



>It’s a movie that had limited success on initial release

Cult movies don't have any success by mainstream standards at all. Minor mainstream success like Tremors had is light years ahead of the success that a cult movie has.

>but then became very popular to a niche audience.

No, it had mainstream popularity on home video. As I said, "Pretty much everyone who rented movies on a regular basis in the early 1990s saw it at least once."



It's charming for starters. Funny dialog. Great effects. Crazy premise. Chew the scenery and spit it out acting. Sexy. Strong character arcs. Didn't take itself too seriously.


Everything you just said Tandy👍
This is a fun, silly classic and worth multiple rewatches



Anything with Kevin Bacon is Bacon-worthy.
Mmm - love Bacon.


I'm not sure, it's really nothing special.


Neither are you.


Forgot to take your meds again, huh? Don't worry, I'm sure the nurse will soon be there to put you back in a straightjacket.


Every dominatrix knows it’s a straitjacket, O Goddess.

Ten lashes for you. Not for me.

And why would you want wood? You know, the tiny splinters?


I love this movie! It's a fun adventure with a lot of laugh and some genuine suspense, and a lot of surprises. Best monster movie of the 90s!

And I adore the way it defies so many of the clichés of the monster movie genre, like it lets some of the annoying people live instead of having them get their comeuppance in the jaws of the monster! It even lets some get heroic. I like that.
