Who do you find most unlikeable?

Cast your vote here. It could be anyone: villain, crew, member of the admiralty, etc.

I have to say that Berlinghoff Rasmussen is possibly (IMHO) the most obnoxious character in any episode of any ST franchise series. I especially hate the way he addresses the Captain as 'Picard'. So disrespectful in a smug, smartass sort of way. Just once, JLP should have assumed his vengeful god persona and said, "It's Captain if you please."


TOS: no one. Everyone is great.
TNG: Troi (Wesley was lame due to the idea that put him in rather than the character himself so he is tied with others in a distant 2nd)
DS9: Sisko
Voy: Neelix (wish his holographic lungs would have failed)
Ent: ?
STD: Why would I watch any more of this?


Geordi was an absolute ass in "Relics."


Geordi is among those tied with Wesley for me. Like Wesley, Geordi was most often neutral with occasional blips on the irritating radar. Neither ever rising to likeable.


Geordi did have his moments -- "I Borg" being one of them -- as did Wesley -- "The Game."


Those are fair exceptions. I'll sign it.


I have a soft spot for Geordi because he's kind of a neutral character who the writers seemed to do whatever the hell they wanted with, so I felt bad for him as a character. Originally he's meant to be the ship's pilot. Then he's chief engineer (which was a good change). He's also the token disability character. Other times his identity is being Data's best friend. Other times his identity is being pitiful with women. And he's also the go-to character for whenever the writers need someone to "explain some science stuff". Other times he's condescending, almost to Troi's level. Other times he's sympathetic and supportive. He's literally all over the place, but I can only blame the writers for this. :(

Having said that, I loved his ridiculous over-expressiveness. He has his signature whistle, his signature "slap someone in the back", his signature "Mmm.." response, and of course his signature over-the-top giggle.

I Borg, The Next Phase, The Enemy, The Mind's Eye, Identity Crisis are some good Geordi episodes that come to mind. And although apparently a lot of people dislike this episode, I love the episode Aquiel. Finally, Geordi wasn't a clueless loser with women in this episode, and the guest actors Aquiel/Morag/Torak were great too.


DS9: Ezri, hands down.


Barclay, and that bad-tempered Betazoid from the episode "Tin Man." Oh yeah, and Deanna Troi's 1/4 Betazoid boyfriend.


Lwaxana Troi! Like the actress would have been cast if she wasn't Mrs. Gene Roddenberry. Ha!

She was over the top and SO pushy. sort of an Auntie Mame character without the class. She embarrassed her daughter and chased after Captain Picard. If I were him, I would never allow her to beam aboard MY ship. What a pest!

However, the episodes with Lwaxana were some of the funniest. Can't stand the character, but I thought she was amusing. Go figure!


I liked Barclay when he was half spider.


Tam Elbrun (sp) was written to be overly obnoxious in his first couple scenes, because they really ham-fisted the whole, "Everyone hates him due to his social ineptitude." I get what their intent was, it was just over-done. That whole premise also kind of shoots itself in the foot, because, if Tam is supposed to be extraordinarily telepathic and able to sense others' emotions whether he wants to or not, then surely he would be aware of every moment that someone finds him to be rude. (such as when he arrogantly flips the thumb-drive to Picard, and Picard just glares at him like "... :| ...dude..." I find it hard to believe that Tam wouldn't immediately sense others' dislike for him in moments like those.

HOWEVER, Tam and Data have a GREAT exchange in Data's quarters, in the middle of the episode. In that scene, they make him out to be surprisingly compassionate, even if it's only because he can actually relate to Data.


I sometimes think Geordi LaForge is the only respectable one in the whole crew. Picard is a wimp. Riker is... well, Riker. Doctor Crusher is responsible for raising Wesley, so that's her problem right there. Troi is obnoxious and her mother is 10 times more so. Worf is a violent psychopath. And I seem to remember something bad about Data, but I can't recall what it was.


I could never stand Lwaxana Troy.


"Devonani Ral" from The Price. I couldn't stand this guy's face and voice, I have no idea why. I think it started with his introduction, which immediately felt unnatural. "And I'mmm...Devonani Raaaal...!" said off-screen... camera immediately shifts to him, giving this awkward, unblinking glare. Even worse that Deanna was instantaneously attracted to him. Just so bad. Crusher got a romance episode as well in The Host, but the Trill guy Odan didn't completely weird me out like "Devonani" did.

"Acost Jared" from Devil's Due. This guy was the most limp, unconvincing guest star of any TNG episode. He's supposed to be like a terrorist leader, but he doesn't look like he could be any kind of strong leader, let alone a leader of some militant, radical group. All of his lines are delivered in such a flat manner. I feel like the original guy for this role got sick, so they got the delivery guy who brought their gyros to do the part. It's a bummer since this episode is otherwise pretty cool.

"Dr. Leah Brahms" from Booby Trap and Galaxy's Child. The actress did fine with her lines, but the existence of this character tainted poor Geordi, and her hologram's lines were just ridiculous. "Every time you touch these engines... it's me..." Gotta be kidding me. :|


TOS: None
TNG: Wesley Crusher
DS9: Jake Sisko
Voy: Neelix
Ent: None
STD: All


1st place is Wesley Crusher with Troi in a very distant 2nd place.


Dr. Pulaski. How DARE she call Data an "it".
