MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Do you wish you were back at highschool?...

Do you wish you were back at highschool? Or glad that it is over?

I just watched The Breakfast Club, and it obviously reminded me a lot of highschool (with its "highschool hierarchy", bullies, teachers with no sense of humor etc.) which was in the 1990s for me. It gave me the feeling that I am glad that I don't have to go to highschool anymore.

Did you also get this feeling from watching The Breakfast Club? Or did you get the opposite feeling, that you would love to go back in time to the years of highschool?


Ally Sheedy looks great but I had Robin Glazener in High school hotter.


High School sucked. Basically came to class, and left: didn’t make too many relationships.

Middle School and Elementary were the more meaningful years for me. During these years, you spent all day with the same students (unlike high school and college, where each class had different kids). It was therefore easier to befriend people.


I would like to relive the good without going through the bad.


Depends. I would definitely want to relive the parties, the good times with friends, the girls (like french kissing 20 girls during the same party lol, never happened again 😅). Oh yeah, and not having much responsibilities beside, well, passing my classes (I have very strict parents when it comes to grades).

However, I would like to have the knowledge and experience I have now. Also, I would skip the school work.


A short answer is, "Good grief, NO!"

I never went to parties, but I did have some good friends and we had a lot of caring, supportive teachers.

But I was terribly insecure and fretted about everything. I wouldn't want to be back there unless...I could go in a time machine and relive it with the knowledge I have now. I wouldn't make the same mistakes. But owing to human nature, I'd make all NEW mistakes!


I was in high school from 1968 to 1971. The reason I wasn't there for four years, until 1972, was that I dropped out at the end of my junior year. I hated every second of it. It was teenage prison. I would never want to be back in high school, and if the god damned place ever burns down or sinks into a giant hole in the earth, I'll do a happy dance. People who think high school was the high point of their life are mentally ill and pathetic. F high school.


No. See, tv has never really portrayed school accurately, whether it was in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, or 2010s. I did get a sense of "times past" when seeing the film, but all it shows is 4 kids in detention on a saturday, having fun with no adult supervision. High school was nothing like that for me in the 90s and early 2000s; not even when I got ISS for skipping class.

And no, I don't ever wish I was back in that over-sized daycare center/torture chamber of emotional horrors. My life improved 190% after I graduated and went to college.


From about the second day of kindergarten, I hated school. High school was the culmination of hell. What could be better than being trapped in a minimum-security prison all day, five days a week, with incompetent, overbearing teachers, stuck-up girls, and bullies, and having to beg for permission to go to the restroom every time you need to pee? I couldn't wait to get out, and nothing could induce me to go back, not for one minute.


I wish I could go back in time knowing what I know now. But aside from that too many cons. I actually live about 2 miles from the school where they filmed Breakfast Club. It was the music and the cast that made it good. The script was poor: most of it nothing, but cheap one liners.
