Still the best Star Wars movie?

In my opinion this one as well as "The revenge of the Sith".


Always. OTOH, now that you mentioned Revenge of the S*th, its the worst of the lot. Primarily because it failed all expectations.


Revenge of the Sith the worst?
What do you think about "The last Jedi"?


All the Disney movies (including Rogue One and Solo) left me cold, but TLJ wasn't as bad as they say... but then again, I had zero expectations for it because I heard so much bad about it before I finally saw it. Watched them on blu-ray, haven't seen a Star Wars movie in theater since Force Awakens.


There's no point trying to discuss what Disney SW is the best or worst, especially not compared to the original trilogy.


I rank 'em:

1. A New Hope
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of the Jedi

And I don't recognize other films as "Star Wars".

(If others do, that's cool, I just don't really like any of the other ones).


Even ROTJ is questionable. The other 2 are the list.


To each his own, but for me I like ROTJ. It's not as good as the other two, certainly, and I do wish they'd handled the Ewoks a little less cutesy. But, overall, it's a solid movie, and has a great climax/denouement with Vader v. Luke. Plus, it brings the story to a satisfactory close. Without it, the Saga ends on a cliffhanger, and that's just no fun.


True. The original plan was to have the Ewoks be Wookies. That would’ve been awesome.


Yes. Plus, it would've made more sense. They'd have had at least some tech (laser crossbows, I'm assuming) and powerful physical advantages. The first time I rewatched ROTJ post-internet, I found myself wondering how I'd feel about the Ewoks. It had been awhile, and I thought I might be remembering it nostalgically. I was worried that reading untold levels of internet-era snark had soured me on the little guys. As I watched, I found that if I pretended they were unnaturally strong compared with their height, the Ewoks mostly make sense. Watch the film and pretend they have crazy-strength, it kinda works. They're still a little too cutesy, but hey, that's the way it goes.

I still love the OT, and I'm not keen on what followed (or, proceeded, if you're going by in-series timeline).


This one is the best. A New Hope then Return of the Jedi.


As I get older, I enjoy this one more and more purely for the love story.


I'd still probably give the edge to A New Hope.


No it's not. It's in the middle of the pack. The Force Awakens is the best Star Wars movie and The Revenge of the Sith is the worst.


OK, is in your opinion the last Jedi better than TROTS?


TROTS ? I guess you mean TRoS. No, but there's not a lot in it. I liked the Rey, Luke and Kylo Ren parts of TLJ a lot but the rest of it was dull. I liked TRoS because it brought Rey's story to a satisfying conclusion with the reveal of who she was and the final showdown with Palpatine. But as with TLJ there were parts of TRoS I didn't like as well.


What a low bar.


Not even close for me. Its the 4th best Star Wars for me after

1) Star Wars (1977)
2) Revenge of the Sith (2005)
3) Return of the Jedi (1983)

In that order of course.


There is only one Star Wars movie. It came out in 1977. It needed nothing added or subtracted.



Empire is good, but it’s no Star Wars.

The rest could disappear.
