MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Truth, justice & "the American way"? So ...

Truth, justice & "the American way"? So racism, sexism, exploitation, wars of conquest & slavery?

Those are the words he lives by, and he's supposed to be a hero?


richard pryor was in superman so i wouldn't say he's a racism


I'm talking about how Superman is described as embodying american values.

He should be a villain then, not a hero.


i agree, Amerikkka is now a landscape of racial injustice


And the current Administration made it this way


Biden promised to glue together the racial divide but instead as widened it as if he were spreading the sweet pink butt cheeks of a young girl ready to lick her anus like a chocolate tootsie pop


they have course corrected that though David Coronswet is actually jewish also they altered For A Better Tommorow in the DC Rebirth Continuity.


Hey Haslet:

Then move, dick.


American foreign policy has done tremendous damage on a global scale.

I think it's more important that I stay here, trying to bring about positive change. From within.


Agree. American values are not that valuable as Americans think...


Outside of posting on MovieChat, what are you doing to bring about positive change from within?


I agree.
It is an offensive, nationalistic stance for a guy who is supposed to be a hero.

It really makes the character dated.
I can't believe these movies kept that aspect, but they are tongue in cheek, that justifies it.


Fuck off and die.


I'm really not that far left anymore. I was trying to appease some people who are giving me a very bad time. A nightmarish time. People inside big tech have a lot of power, especially when they ignore the rules and the law. I thought some of them might be targeting me for having some wrongthink in the past, and that by aggressively agreeing with them online they might stop it, oh dear God in heaven please just stop it. But it hasn't, so doesn't seem much point to it anymore.

I'm done with the politics now, anyway. Right and left have both gotten too cultish. And I think we are fucked either way.

Lastly, to thine self be true. Unless you live in a totalitarian security state. You might have to go along to get along to survive. I tried that, though, and it didn't work.


RFK Jr is the President need I am Indepedent party voter i feel both sides have gotten cultish as well we can change vote RFK Jr glad to see someone thinks the same as I do.


What war of slavery has the USA ever faught? What war of conquest, by which I infer you mean imperialism? Show me a culture with no sexism or racism. They are inevitable parts of the human condition and you are not smart enough by half to argue that point, so, prithee, waste your time ‘cause I don’t see you doing anything else with it other than being a yapee little wanna be provocateur.


It was kind if addressed in Superman Returns 'truth..justice..all that stuff' (pre woke world too)


Superman is an Immigrant so you want to build a planentary shield to keep him out like Trumps Dumb Wall Superman is "Woke" by your defenition stay mad.


TDS rent free


I am Independent both parties have become cultish you are part of the problem no different from The Democrats you guys are the Spider-Man pointing meme.


Congrats at assigning a party to me, you should feel real good


You know who else is an interplanetary immigrant? General Zod, and Doomsday. You really want to let them onto Earth unhindered?


my boy Superman protected earth from his rogue Kryptonians so there game check and match. Also Immigrants are beneficial to our work force.


So are you saying that we should use a force of immigrants to fight the "bad" immigrants? Rather than just being picky about the immigrants we take in? Immigrants are only beneficial to the work force when it becomes convenient, it's never about how much we actually care about the people who come into the country, just that they can make us money apparently...


there always good and bad eggs a few bad apples does not equate a whole.


But good eggs don't equate a whole either, it is neccassary to decide who comes into the country and who does not.


Superman is a refugee also refugees from palestine/israelll or russia/ukraine should be welcome to the USA not turned away Superman creators Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster were jewish immigrants gave us comics its first Superhero.


I'm not saying to turn away refugees, I'm saying we really need to pick and choose those who come into the country because obviously not every person out there is looking to do good. We have enough crime as it is, why would we make it even worse by not screening the people who want to build a life here?


its has been updated for a Better Tommorow yes Superman represents immigrats The Creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were Immigrants , Superman is an Allegory for that.


Only in 2023 heading into 2024 would someone on social media find a way to punch holes in the 1978 SUPERMAN Movie and it's Theme of Truth Justice & the American Way, which in 2023 heading into 2024 basically means you can charge someone with Rape from 30 Years ago with no shred of physical credible evidence other than heresy and have the black community demand Reparations that as of late, seems to be in the form of smashing & grabbing, and last but not least, demand to keep someone off a General Election Ballot without being charged nor convicted and all because you simply don't like the individual and of course, I'm talking about Trump.


Superman is neither Democrat or Republican He represents all also Truth ,Justice and The American way is dated like Snow White besides Superman is allegory for Immigrants not American Colonialism ,Republican also Truth ,Justice and A Better Tomorrow works better it encompasses ALL .


He represents all also Truth ,Justice and The American way is dated like Snow White besides Superman is allegory for Immigrants not American Colonialism ,Republican also Truth ,Justice and A Better Tomorrow works better it encompasses ALL ."

Pass it along to James Gunn and maybe he'll include the new modern version you posted??


James Gunn is progressive
